lovely ladies
Daniel Bryan is a Hipster among Hipsters
Bryan should really embrace it, start wearing horn rimmed glasses and wrestling in toms. His hipsterishness makes me like him even more, he's a wrestling Bon Iver.
Daniel Bryan is a Hipster among Hipsters
Man, the meetup is going to be a blast!
Firs thing I'm doing when we meet up is give you a big hug before dropping you through a table and eating the rest of your pizza.
Bryan should really embrace it, start wearing horn rimmed glasses and wrestling in toms. His hipsterishness makes me like him even more, he's a wrestling Bon Iver.
Oh man, we live in a golden age. When I was a kid, I had one game for children's day, one game for my birthday, one game for christmas and that was it. 3 games a year. Maybe a 4th one if something wonderful and special happened like me breaking an arm.
Now my steam list has 205 games on it.
Daniel Bryan is a Hipster among Hipsters
The beer experienced a sales revival in the early 2000s after a two decade-long slump, largely due to its increasing popularity among urban hipsters.[5][8] Although the Pabst website features user-submitted photography, much of which features twenty-something Pabst drinkers dressed in alternative fashions,[9] the company has opted not to fully embrace the countercultural label in its marketing, fearing that doing so could jeopardize the very "authenticity" that made the brand popular (as was the case with the poorly received OK Soda).[5][10][11] Pabst instead targets its desired market niche through the sponsorship of indie music, local businesses, facial hair clubs (RVA Beard League), post-collegiate sports teams,[12] dive bars and radio programming like National Public Radio's All Things Considered.[8][13] The beer has also been featured prominently in films such as Blue Velvet,[14] Everything Must Go and Gran Torino,[15] and in television shows such as AMC's Breaking Bad. The company encourages fan art to be submitted online, and is subsequently shown on the beer's official Facebook page
oh boy, oh boy, stro, do i have something for you coming... stay tuned.
This is a completely off topic quote, but god damn were you right about KoA: Reckoning. I started it up over the weekend and it just does so much right. It's like the perfect combination of the things I like about Fable and the Elder Scrolls series. The towns feel kind of lifeless, but the rest of the world is a lot of fun to explore. The combat situations really offer a lot more freedom than I've ever gotten from the other series I mentioned. The caves and dungeons I've been through all feel unique and interesting, too. Skyrim really bummed me out after a few hours because everything felt so samey. I've put in close to 10 hours and I've done maybe three sections of the main quest cause the side quests just keep dragging me from town to town.
I have a question, though. What is the best way to increase my inventory size? The inventory is a little hard to manage without the consumables and items really indicating how many slots they take. The various potions and shards take up a ton of space on me right now.
Please, if that was really Daniel "Hipster" Bryan, it would be a micro brew truck for a brewing company that no one has ever heard of but would receive a spike in sales overnight due to being put over on Monday Night Raw.
Does he even drink? You know who I think drinks a lot. Jericho.
I hope it's Michael Hayes related.
I am making my way through the 99 PPVs still, why was he the manager of the hardy boyz? since I only watch the PPVs I don't get to see debuts and stuff on RAW![]()
I hope it's Michael Hayes related.
I am making my way through the 99 PPVs still, why was he the manager of the hardy boyz? since I only watch the PPVs I don't get to see debuts and stuff on RAW![]()
Ryder's promos on his new show are great he is really trying hopefully they don't group him with Miz
Please, if that was really Daniel "Hipster" Bryan, it would be a micro brew truck for a brewing company that no one has ever heard of but would receive a spike in sales overnight due to being put over on Monday Night Raw.
From Cornettes AMA on Wreddit this morning.
Starrcade '83: A Flair for the Gold - B
Starrcade '84: The Million Dollar Challenge - C
WrestleMania - B-
The Wrestling Classic - D+
Starrcade '85: The Gathering - C
WrestleMania 2 - C+
The Big Event - C-
Starrcade '86: The Sky Walkers - C+
WrestleMania III - B-
Starrcade '87: Chi-Town Heat - C+
Survivor Series '87 - C-
Bunkhouse Stampede '88 - C-
Royal Rumble '88 - C-
WrestleMania IV - C
The Great American Bash '88 - B
not Hayes related but i know you love a good lariato and this is one of the best i've seen in 30 years of following the business:
almost a fuckin beheading.
After finishing it once, seek on the internets something called "hearthcore mod" or something like that, it's a cheat engine thing that makes the game hard and i'm telling you, that's some Dark Souls level of unforgiveness, perhaps more, coupled with this game excellent combat system, it is like the perfect game.
Shilling aside, the best and only way to increase inventory is buying backpacks, they are expensive and few places sell them, the first one is on the weapon store in the first town you come across, the second one is at the bar in Ysa. But what will really solve your inventory problems is just learning to use the "add to junk" button on everything you're not using, save yellow gear just in case you come across more of the same set. There are few stashes in the game, too, so using the "sell all junk" button is a lifesaver; also the merchant skill up to... 4 I think, let's you keep 15% of something's value in gold if you destroy it, you'll eventually end up with enough money to buy the universe, so there's no guilt of doing this in Vanilla. With the mod, it is suicide.
Off-topic or not, at this point, I could spend years talking about this precious gem of an awesome game. What destiny tree are you going for?
Daniel Bryan is a Hipster among Hipsters
Is Mr.T really being inducted? I've been out
Plus, if he is, it better be Sylvester Stallone inducting him wearing Apollo Creed's shorts from Rocky 4 or I riot
Really? Damn. There are some specific useability things I want to review, and I don't really see them on any of the walkthroughs I've seen (although admittedly, I haven't looked that hard).
I'll have to see what I can figure out-I really don't want to have to resort to taking pictures of my TV with my camera, but I'll do what I gotta do, I guess.
I know we have a couple people here who stream, I took my setup down unfortunately. Maybe a wrasslegaf streamer (Mr. Luchador?. maybe?) can help with what you need.
Started hot and kinda lost steam as it went along... Still! It's one of the best I've watched so far. Solid B!
Isn't that this thread?
I took my wife with me to Raw once and she fell asleep in her chair halfway through the show. Who falls asleep in an arena full of screaming members of the WWE Universe?! Even Kane's pyro didn't wake her up! :/
I have to thank some unknown poster on this thread, BTW, for posting the following picture:
I think you're right on. This is going to actually happen. The fake rumble is there to be a Cesaro showcase. It fits with the Andre theme and how Hogan had to be strong to get him up at WM3.I hope Cesaro wins the battle royal at Mania. Hogan presents him with the trophy. They have a pose down to Real American. Cesaro becomes a true real American and keeps the the entrance music. CESAROMANIA RUNNING WILD, BROTHER!
Ah yes I remember seeing that first backpack for sale and not having the money for it at the time. I'll have to go back for it. Junking stuff has been a god send, it makes shop interactions so quick and the ease of fast travel and navigating the map makes trips to shops completely unobtrusive.
I've been dumping all my skill points in to Finesse. I love the possibilities that bow/arrow and daggers combination provides. Speed and agility can be used so well with the combat system. I love being able to sneak up on trolls and getting in that beginning critical hit and then completely confusing it using lunge.
Ahh why do I have to be at work, I just want to go play it more.
I guess the tradeoff for this username is that people have about 2 million gifs of Vince getting stunner'd or beat up to respond with![]()
Is Mr.T really being inducted? I've been out
Plus, if he is, it better be Sylvester Stallone inducting him wearing Apollo Creed's shorts from Rocky 4 or I riot
I think you're right on. This is going to actually happen. The fake rumble is there to be a Cesaro showcase. It fits with the Andre theme and how Hogan had to be strong to get him up at WM3.
Jarrett's teasing something on Twitter for April 7th. Probably an announcement of his new wrestling thing.
Amazing Andre gif time!
Yeah I'm still streaming. What's the issue? I'm no expert though, I tend to use the very helpful sites already on the internets.
No issues-I'm in the process of writing a UX study on the Network for my blog, and wanted some high-quality screencaps to pair with it. Got a recommendation for the Elgato Gamecapture box, so I think I'm going to give that a shot.
WWE needs to make up their mind about WM3 lore. Feels like every week they change their mind on which match was the only match people talked about leaving the arena, Steamboat/Savage or Andre/Hogan.