I remember doing that for the fall
I only finished 2 shows (Kill La Kill & Log Horizon) and am currently working on catching up on 2 more (Phi Brain S3 and Gundam Build Fighters) the others I'll watch... eventually
Speaking of
Phi Brain S3 E9
I feel like I'd enjoy this more if the twist wasn't so damn obvious
Jin told Raestel to give up on puzzles becauseunlike Kaito she doesn't really love puzzles, she just did them because her parents gave them to her, she did them for others and not for herself. He told her to give up on puzzles because she was attempting puzzles of fools for Jin just made things to dangerous for her and she wasn't trying to free them the way Jin/Kaito are
Enigma islying about working for Jin and is just using his name to manipulate the master brains and Raestel, though the fact he doesn't give a shit about Jin was bascially revealed this episode
Still I think the writing is good and the puzzles and characters still work really well.
kayos posted Kurumi (Date a Live) art with her clitoris fully visible, and people had to explain to him what it was.
Was really fucking funny.
Do you know if anyone is planning to sub this show? I don't have much hope for this, but overall how was the first episode?Disk Wars: The Avengers 01
They got Tony so on point it was amazing. I'm not entirely sure how the DISKs work juuuuust yet, but apparently the next episode will cover it (I mean, with a title like.)ALL HEROES EXTERMINATED?!
Blood-C: The Last Dark
Well that had to be one of the least cathartic movies I've ever seen :/ First of all, Saya had the personality of a brick. Like I don't think I could take much more of moe Saya but this version of Saya had no flair or energy to speak of. Like she was just going through the motions. Badass =/= no words & emotions. I LOLed at all the hacking nuthugging what between the loli who hacked with her hands AND feet at the same time and of course Saya's yuri "love interest/fangirl" who took a while to contribute anything to the movie. Most of the characters didn't really contribute much to the narrative at all I felt. What was the deal with the bad guy ninja dude who. What was the point of that? Plus Saya can'taccidentally (?) turns himself into an Elder Bairn ?? That seems new, random, and a stupid moral code/hanidcap. When it was revealed that thekill humans, I had to laugh; she just has a penchantcripple guy she had been working for also betrayed her. The finale battle looked pretty enough but it made NO SENSE, was SUPER SHORT, and was totally unsatisfying. The wayfor getting manipulatedis pretty pathetic. "Herp derpFumihito finally bites the dust" - said WAY too many male antagonists to female protagonists for me to give a shit unless I feel it is at all genuine and logical. Finally, LOL at YukaI've always been in love with you for reasons that are never explained and don't make much sense.only having two scenes in the movie and getting her wish
As to be expected for a movie with a respectable budget and talent behind it, the production values (animations, art, etc.) were all excellent though I can't say the music left much of an impression on me.
Final Rating: That's it?/10 or My Balls are Blue/10
Learning about this incident now and going back to that thread, the funny part isn't so much he wasn't aware of the euphemism "bean" but rather how he was oblivious to how the picture was objectionable for what seemed like an eternity![]()
Learning about this incident now and going back to that thread, the funny part isn't so much he wasn't aware of the euphemism "bean" but rather how he was oblivious to how the picture was objectionable for what seemed like an eternity![]()
RIP ponpo.Along with animator, story boarder, va and theme tune singer.
Since I'm with a friend saying let's meet some random person off the internet wasn't likely to go through.
I'll leave a note in Akiba that says "ponpo is a silly sausage :emojiface"
Blood-C: The Last Dark
Well that had to be one of the least cathartic movies I've ever seen :/ First of all, Saya had the personality of a brick. Like I don't think I could take much more of moe Saya but this version of Saya had no flair or energy to speak of. Like she was just going through the motions. Badass =/= no words & emotions. I LOLed at all the hacking nuthugging what between the loli who hacked with her hands AND feet at the same time and of course Saya's yuri "love interest/fangirl" who took a while to contribute anything to the movie. Most of the characters didn't really contribute much to the narrative at all I felt. What was the deal with the bad guy ninja dude who. What was the point of that? Plus Saya can'taccidentally (?) turns himself into an Elder Bairn ?? That seems new, random, and a stupid moral code/hanidcap. When it was revealed that thekill humans, I had to laugh; she just has a penchantcripple guy she had been working for also betrayed her. The finale battle looked pretty enough but it made NO SENSE, was SUPER SHORT, and was totally unsatisfying. The wayfor getting manipulatedis pretty pathetic. "Herp derpFumihito finally bites the dust" - said WAY too many male antagonists to female protagonists for me to give a shit unless I feel it is at all genuine and logical. Finally, LOL at YukaI've always been in love with you for reasons that are never explained and don't make much sense.only having two scenes in the movie and getting her wish
As to be expected for a movie with a respectable budget and talent behind it, the production values (animations, art, etc.) were all excellent though I can't say the music left much of an impression on me.
Final Rating: That's it?/10 or My Balls are Blue/10
Blood-C: The Last Dark
Well that had to be one of the least cathartic movies I've ever seen :/ First of all, Saya had the personality of a brick. Like I don't think I could take much more of moe Saya but this version of Saya had no flair or energy to speak of. Like she was just going through the motions. Badass =/= no words & emotions. I LOLed at all the hacking nuthugging what between the loli who hacked with her hands AND feet at the same time and of course Saya's yuri "love interest/fangirl" who took a while to contribute anything to the movie. Most of the characters didn't really contribute much to the narrative at all I felt. What was the deal with the bad guy ninja dude who. What was the point of that? Plus Saya can'taccidentally (?) turns himself into an Elder Bairn ?? That seems new, random, and a stupid moral code/hanidcap. When it was revealed that thekill humans, I had to laugh; she just has a penchantcripple guy she had been working for also betrayed her. The finale battle looked pretty enough but it made NO SENSE, was SUPER SHORT, and was totally unsatisfying. The wayfor getting manipulatedis pretty pathetic. "Herp derpFumihito finally bites the dust" - said WAY too many male antagonists to female protagonists for me to give a shit unless I feel it is at all genuine and logical. Finally, LOL at YukaI've always been in love with you for reasons that are never explained and don't make much sense.only having two scenes in the movie and getting her wish
As to be expected for a movie with a respectable budget and talent behind it, the production values (animations, art, etc.) were all excellent though I can't say the music left much of an impression on me.
Final Rating: That's it?/10 or My Balls are Blue/10
G Gundam - 3
Huh. This episode made me wonder something. How many dragon mecha are there in anime? It's kinda weird, I haven't seen a lot of them. The only three dragon mecha I know are the Dragon Gundam from this episode, and that one Dragon Mecha one of the villains piloted in Fairy Tail, and the Getter Robo Armageddon's Shin Dragon. (The ones in YuGiOH don't count)
Surely there has to be more dragon mecha than these three right? Like, they're freaking robot dragons. How can there not be more of these?
G Gundam - 3
Huh. This episode made me wonder something. How many dragon mecha are there in anime? It's kinda weird, I haven't seen a lot of them. The only three dragon mecha I know are the Dragon Gundam from this episode, and that one Dragon Mecha one of the villains piloted in Fairy Tail, and the Getter Robo Armageddon's Shin Dragon. (The ones in YuGiOH don't count)
Surely there has to be more dragon mecha than these three right? Like, they're freaking robot dragons. How can there not be more of these?
Do you know if anyone is planning to sub this show? I don't have much hope for this, but overall how was the first episode?
Hmmmm. When is this happening again?
Only dragon mecha that matters
This toy was the shit back when I was 8 or around there
The Shenlong/Altlong Gundam from Wing is basically a palette swap of the Dragon Gundam.
Only dragon mecha that matters
This toy was the shit back when I was 8 or around there
Only dragon mecha that matters
This toy was the shit back when I was 8 or around there
dude... you totally gonna buy this.
already preordered :X
Only dragon mecha that matters
This toy was the shit back when I was 8 or around there
Great Mazinger 19
Well I'll be damned. I really never, ever expected an episode like this out of a show like this. People accuse old school mecha of being sexist, racist, rude, low-brow and crude at times. It can certainly be all of those things, no doubt, but today I want to present an episode to you that proves that of all things, Great Mazinger is actually capable of being much more than that.
So this episode focuses on Great Mazinger's heroine, Jun. Jun is already an impressive character for being a competent, useful female fighter in a mecha anime. Now, I've seen no shortage of female pilots in my time and they run the gamut, but Jun is impressive specifically because she won't accept that she's second to Tetsuya and Great Mazinger. Jun is always willing to put that extra mile to match Tetsuya, even though she's only somewhat better than Boss at times. Over the last nigh-20 episodes, Jun's been characterized as a fun-loving, competitive, compassionate girl.
This episode decides it's time to really push that limit and explore a facet of her character I really had not expected. Specifically, the episode decides to focus on Jun's race and to a lesser extent her sex.
Our episode begins with Jun at a beauty salon, getting her hair done, and these two Japanese ladies prattling on about their complexions, and it isn't until the hag takes this particular dig that you really get what's happening: they're ragging on Jun for being black. And while Jun is a girl who has helped save the Earth numerous times, she still has feelings, and they're pretty clearly hurt. Specifically, Jun spends her time concerned that as a half-black orphan she's unmarriable and as a girl on top of that she feels pretty darn marginalized (ask yourself how many women you have seen in the Science Fortress Lab not named Jun up to this point. Answer: 0).
Like, you always hear about how racist Japan is, but you don't often see it touched upon in anime, I think, and even more rarely do you really see it touched on in an old anime that was targeted primarily at kids and families. And they play this as far and as hard as they can in this episode. If the last 18 episodes meant anything for the audience's feelings toward Jun (and they certainly did for me!) then that's what Nagai and his team want as they really dig into you here.
Why yes, that's an emotionally damaged teenage girl scrubbing her skin until she bleeds to try to make herself whiter. And mind you, this isn't today where she'd at least have some recourse or something to make herself feel better. A black girl in 1970s Japan is just going to suffer, plain and simple, and nobody is going to give a damn. And it's left her a total wreck. Like, what those ladies have said to her have messed poor Jun up and opened pretty much the floodgates of emotions here.
She's so upset, in fact, that she tears up the only picture she has of her biological father. Kenzo Kabuto, her adoptive father, is seen here, holding it and feeling pretty crappy that there's nothing he can do to help his daughter.
Of course, Jun isn't actually alone, and the episode makes a point of emphasizing that all of the good men in her life actually do care about her and don't look down on her because of her race. In fact, Tetsuya is so pissed off when he hears that that's why she's down in the dumps that he tries to Bright Slap her out of it.
That sort of dated method of snapping people out of funks aside, this here is the main character of an insanely popular 1970s Japanese television program telling people that racism is bad. Like, the romance between Tetsuya and Jun was already probably pushing the limits back then, but you really have to hand it to Nagai and his team for having the stones to come out and say this on TV. Like, this is the equivalent of all the stuff X-Men did back in the day.
Mind you, this isn't nearly over, and Jun's not snapping out of it because slapping someone in the face doesn't actually work all that often. She points out moments later to Shiro that there's more to this than just being a black orphan in Japan:
If Tomino had written this episode, this'd be the part where Jun'd betray the team, join the Emperor of Darkness in the hopes he'd make her a white man, not become a white man, and die needlessly hours later. Since I assume that Nagai, for all his fan-service, is still a better writer than Tomino could ever hope to be, that doesn't happen. What DOES happen is the Mycenae attack and Great Mazinger is sort of tied up by one and its up to Jun to fix it, but as she watches the flames as the city burns, she remembers what incredible douchebags the Japanese were to her, even as a kid, turns her back on their burning city, and leaves.
Like for reals, basically these people have emotionally tormented this girl since she was a kid, and she can't find it in herself to go and save them. Sickened and terrified, Jun runs away to Father O'Mecha's Church to pray to Jesus Yamato, who died for all Mechakind's sins, for strength. Now, I don't know how many of you are familiar with Mecha and Religion as a subject, but I've been around the block enough times to expect the worst any time a mecha show goes to a Church. Surprisingly, however, Father O'Mecha delivers a very powerful sermon to Jun. He points out to her that her actions are selfish, and that everyone needs her now. That God has granted her the strength to do what everyone who is like her cannot: to fight her oppressors, and stand as a symbol of hope for those who live in fear.
Boss comes in and pleads with Jun, telling her that no matter what was going on the team needed her, and it's really actually endearing. Like, Boss can be a HUGE creep sometimes, most of the time, really, but this one time he comes into this Church and he gets on his knees and he does everything he can to lift Jun's spirits and displays more heart than you'd expect from the guy who single-handedly invented Bulk and Skull.
Empowered by this revelation, that she can make a difference and help prevent and ease the suffering of others who suffer like she does, Jun mounts up in her robot, gets out there and saves the day. As in Jun, the half-black girl, not Tetsuya, the hot-blooded Japanese kid, goes out there, kicks the asses of the bad guys, and makes them admit that they lost because SHE came and SHE beat them. In a 1970s cartoon show.
The episode concludes with a romantic little sunset that Jun and Tetsuya are gazing out on. As it ignites the snow a fiery red, Professor Kabuto remarks that that burning red is the true color of all mankind, because it's the color of their souls.
So there it is, a positively marvelous and completely unexpected episode that is hard hitting on its message, delivers an incredible amount of character development--not for the protagonist, but the heroine--and sees her struggle with and overcome issues which were and are incredibly relevant to real people, all dressed up and framed around a conflict between giant robots and alien monsters. That's Mecha at its finest, and if the community will permit me to, that's really anime, television, and fiction at its finest right there. An engaging story with relateable, sympathetic characters framing a thought provoking message in the audience.
Sometimes when I'm on anitwitter this is how I feel.
ZZ Gundam why are you so much better than the rest of UC?
Why are people saying "anitwitter"?
G Gundam - 3
Huh. This episode made me wonder something. How many dragon mecha are there in anime? It's kinda weird, I haven't seen a lot of them. The only three dragon mecha I know are the Dragon Gundam from this episode, and that one Dragon Mecha one of the villains piloted in Fairy Tail, and the Getter Robo Armageddon's Shin Dragon. (The ones in YuGiOH don't count)
Surely there has to be more dragon mecha than these three right? Like, they're freaking robot dragons. How can there not be more of these?
Sometimes when I'm on anitwitter this is how I feel.
ZZ Gundam why are you so much better than the rest of UC?
Sometimes when I'm on anitwitter this is how I feel.
I'm just confused as to why there needs to be slang at all. Is it anything beyond people talking about anime on twitter? I think I may just be ill-informed.Because lazy, terrible slang is the only kind of slang that will ever catch on.
The Premise:
The Characters:
The Art:
Over-all Enjoyment:
I had this as a kid true story: http://www.ebay.com/itm/like/251322366483?lpid=82
The Dragon Zord was the shit!
I just wanted to quote this post so others could be sure to see it (or see it again). To see such a realistic, relate-able issue handled with such tact in a show like this by Japan of all places and from a show FORTY years old warms my heart. Thanks for bring this to my attention CorvoSol
I WUT? Context?
I'm just confused as to why there needs to be slang at all. Is it anything beyond people talking about anime on twitter? I think I may just be ill-informed.
Natsume Yuujinchou: Whole Series Review
I'm just confused as to why there needs to be slang at all. Is it anything beyond people talking about anime on twitter? I think I may just be ill-informed.
Judges would have also accepted:
I just wanted to quote this post so others could be sure to see it (or see it again). To see such a realistic, relate-able issue handled with such tact in a show like this by Japan of all places and from a show FORTY years old warms my heart. Thanks for bring this to my attention CorvoSol![]()
Woofington's journey to DTL apprenticeship continues.
Woofington's journey to DTL apprenticeship continues.
How DTL does this get?
Not very. While there are 'effeminate' looking men (as expected in Shojo), Natsume included, there are two that I'm sure DTL and others would pair up with Natsume, but really they'll pair up any males in any show. Natsume blushes every now and then with many characters but that's more to him being awkward around others and not knowing how to react, not to say he doesn't act tough at times. The show has zero romance, though there are characters (female) that do seem to have feelings for Natsume.
I get very awkward/drop shows when it's constant in your face DTL, this has nothing.
I watched guilty crown in the span of a few days. Dear god I think I need an intervention :s
Every fiber of my being was begging me to stop after eps6 but i just didn't listen!