"is that your final Yuri?"What is this yuri jeopardy?
"is that your final Yuri?"What is this yuri jeopardy?
You mean how does he come back from the bread?
Rise from your grains
You guys are so baked.
Guys, we knead to stop.
I loaf the idea of stopping
guys what are you doughing?
If we're not careful, we'll be toast.
You know what they say though: No pan, no gain.
If things keep up like this, they're bound to go aw-rye
You all need to stop using such floury language.
You started something, now you have to live wheat it.
Things are getting pretty grain-y in here.
Don't worry. The bread crumbs will lead AnimeGAF back to the pun buns.
I think puns should at least be wheat-ly. We barley did quarter of a page of them
"is that your final Yuri?"
Non Non Biyori 02
Horatu gets some characterization beyond "gormless moeblob", and is upgraded to "gormless moeblob with an :sdburton and/or :cnet crush". Seeing her freak out and run in a circle was fun.
Koma-chan's stupidity was pushing my suspension of disbelief. It's always really annoying whenever anime characters display an almost total lack of facial and voice recognition. And Hotaru never called her "senpai" or said anything else that would give it away? Come on.
Admit it ! this was the match-up that needed to be made and they delivered.
Shinobi versus has just so much yuri it's UNBELIEVABLE.
I platiniumed this game with no regrets.
it had so much yuri i stopped taking screenshots..
"is that your final Yuri?"
Possible anime of the season*.I was reading the description of Daimidaler
"Kōichi Madanbashi is a high schooler who possesses Hi-ERo particles, which are used as an energy source for the robot Daimidaler."
"He obtains these particles by groping females"
"and uses them to power up the robot in order to fight penguin-shaped robots from the evil Penguin Empire"
Darn it Japan
Possible anime of the season*.
Well now i must watch this. You should expected it when it say "Hi-Ero particles"I was reading the description of Daimidaler
I was reading the description of Daimidaler
"Kōichi Madanbashi is a high schooler who possesses Hi-ERo particles, which are used as an energy source for the robot Daimidaler."
"He obtains these particles by groping females"
"and uses them to power up the robot in order to fight penguin-shaped robots from the evil Penguin Empire"
Darn it Japan
So at an upcoming Non Non Biyori event, one of the items that people can buy is Renge's recorder. That's esoteric.
Same director, same character designer, same shameless fun but now with mechas.They basically took that one guy from Highschool of the Dead and made him a mech pilot fighting penguin robots instead of zombies
Well now i must watch this. You should expected it when it say "Hi-Ero particles"
I was reading the description of Daimidaler
"Kōichi Madanbashi is a high schooler who possesses Hi-ERo particles, which are used as an energy source for the robot Daimidaler."
"He obtains these particles by groping females"
No words needed : here have this gif :I have no words right now. I cannot believe what I'm witnessing right now. I. Cannot. My godddddddddddddddd.
Actually i'm not thrilled i'm seriously expecting something like "so i can't be H" but with mecha , not a Dxd + mecha anime .Possible anime of the season*.
They basically took that one guy from Highschool of the Dead and made him a mech pilot fighting penguin robots instead of zombies
Yeah, the ultra obsessive minority have offered the world countless hours of entertainment. God bless 'em.Shit's funny. People are way too uptight. It's also nerds ordering nerds.
I knew you wouldn't bun-derstand.
No words needed : here have this gif :
Actually i'm not thrilled i'm seriously expecting something like "so i can't be H" but with mecha , not a Dxd + mecha anime .
Not sure what highschool of the dead has to do with this plot
Guys I went to that pancake thing, am on my second plate and I'm, I'm not doing so great you guys. I'm sweating and I think I've broken into some freakish kind of fever. I-if I start thinking about kissing my sisters, I need you to do me a favor and mercy kill me.
I knew you wouldn't bun-derstand.
People incapable of guilt usually do have a good time.
Except that guy's a total lameo and this guy does it for power and looks hot-blooded as fuck.Highschool of the dead has a character who's like a super awesome shot with a rifle but he has super shaky hands and is worthless, unless he's groping a women's breast which lets him calm down and make accurate shots.
Yeha, the ultra obsessive minority have offered the world countless hours of entertainment. God bless 'em.
No words needed : here have this gif :
I rather have conflicted feelings, thanks.
Toradora 25
Well, that felt like manufactured drama, all for nothing more than toying with the emotions of the viewer. I mean, what was the point of all that?
The rest of the show was pretty good, though. But the ending really sours the experience.
Highschool of the dead has a character who's like a super awesome shot with a rifle but he has super shaky hands and is worthless, unless he's groping a women's breast which lets him calm down and make accurate shots.
Highschool of the dead has a character who's like a super awesome shot with a rifle but he has super shaky hands and is worthless, unless he's groping a women's breast which lets him calm down and make accurate shots.
Kirby I need you. If this gets worse, and every last bite I take tells me that it will, I need you to put me down Kirby. What if I watch Oreimo and enjoy it unironically? What if I suddenly think SAO should've ended with Suguha and Kirito hooking up? What if I think that Ayeka is the best girl in Tenchi Muyo!? W-what if I find it better that Sailor Neptune and Sailor Uranus are cousins?
Kirby please I am begging you to do this thing.
Well, now you understand part of why some of us can't stand Hotaru
What are you talking about? Hotaru was super-cute this episode. It was Koma-chan that was unbearably annoying.
FMP: The Second Raid 01
This battlefield feels...familiar. I almost expect to see Old Snake skulking around.
Random observation: Mithril is Celestial Being with less clearly-stated goals.
If the enemy hadn't bothered with that announcement and countdown, Sousuke would be screwed and Tessa's plan would have failed.
The Danaan's CG hasn't held up well. Definitely beneath what would be considered standard in a modern CG animated robot show.
It's a little bit on the nose that Chidori's first appearance has her angrily berating Sousuke. I understand the show needs to quickly re-establish the interpersonal/school dynamic with most of the episode taken up with military scenes, but it could have demonstrated some development instead of inserting a scene that could easily have taken place fairly early in the first season.
First thing's first. You feeling bad about pancakes. That was actually Decade's fault.
You contemplating you might actually enjoy things unironically?
But most importantly, I'll think about it. Just make sure you do it when I'm off of work.
Along with animator, story boarder, va and theme tune singer.I thought you'd be the new director of the third season!
Are you stalking/meeting any GAFfers there?
First thing's first. You feeling bad about pancakes. That was actually Decade's fault.
You contemplating you might actually enjoy things unironically?
But most importantly, I'll think about it. Just make sure you do it when I'm off of work.
It's a Kamen Rider thing.Who is decade?
You never get tired of using that Narutaki picture, do you? :lol
Just gonna leave this here because reasons
I was reading the description of Daimidaler
"Kōichi Madanbashi is a high schooler who possesses Hi-ERo particles, which are used as an energy source for the robot Daimidaler."
"He obtains these particles by groping females"
"and uses them to power up the robot in order to fight penguin-shaped robots from the evil Penguin Empire"
Darn it Japan
Sixteen years after the laws to ban dirty jokes were enacted, Japan has become a perfectly sound yet boring society.
This is a story of two rebels against the status quo, via obscene acts of terrorism.
You have to admit, though, without the, er, groping and the penguins, it would be a super-generic premise.
They are in the PV!The real question is if the penguinbots are CG or not. If they are, no reason to see it. If they aren't, every single reason to see it.
There's still hope that Light Novels can provide decent scenarios.Can't wait for the anime adaptation of Shimoneta toiu Gainen ga Sonzaishinai Taikutsu na Sekai