what are the other two?Hitsugi no Chaika-1
This is the 3rd show I've seen this season with white liquids sprayed over a girl.
what are the other two?Hitsugi no Chaika-1
This is the 3rd show I've seen this season with white liquids sprayed over a girl.
what are the other two?
I can't get mad at her. But she is legitimately dumb... I mean, so is everyone else in Smile, but she goes an extra mile.
what are the other two?
Well, After Story haswhile Aira happy ending, so I can see why ABF would say that.has a more melancholic ending
Yes, sadder because of the differences in how they end.Sadder then Clannad After Story. Bro come on.
Other than that you're right about everything else.
What works have purely sad endings? Some do... it may not be the most common way to end things, but there definitely are some shows that are like that. Air is among them.I'll definitely give it that's definitely not a happy ending, but I'm more dissatisfied without how it feels unresolved. I guess I tend to like happier endings too (though I mean what work really has a purely sad ending? There's not a lot of them.) and I could've accepted Air's end if it was handled better. I guess, if anything, I'm not a fan of murky ends.
I agree on that last point, it probably is often that. Either that, or a dodge to make it just kind of forbidden and not REALLY bad. The problem is, of course, that it's scientifically proven that if people grew up together they treat eachtoher like siblings regardless of the blood relationship, so when they became siblings is a key point, not that animes ever consider that at all, of course; it doesn't fit with the usual ridiculous "siblings exist for forbidden love stories" stupidity, for sure!... Well as long as she's a Yandere sibling I guess that's okay, and of course them not actually being related it super obvious in hind sight, of course I am truly of the belief that whenever a Japanese series says "they're not REALLY siblings" it's more of a *wink wink* to get past the censors and that in the authors mind they are.
I guess you might be right here, but it's a seriously weird kind of forbidden relationship to focus on; the human disapproval of incest goes way, way back into prehistory, and makes perfect sense. Anime rarely cares much about sense, though, of course...And I guess the easy appeal of incest relationships is the obvious forbidden love angle, it's basically Romen and Juliet in a way a modern otaku can understand. Forbidden love stories have always been popular, you can take 90% of the dialogue from any incest story just cutting out the few "onii chan/we're siblings" and replacing it with some other contrived reason why two characters can't be together and it'd play out virtually the same.
I can't get mad at her. But she is legitimately dumb... I mean, so is everyone else in Smile, but she goes an extra mile.
So Banri managed to grab me with some finally deserved drama, and now I kinda hate Koko.
I guess you could call that a plot twist.
EDIT: Ok I don't hate her anymore, she's sticking to her bullshit, so that's ok.
Finally, another show that I've actually enjoyed. Really good storyboarding in some of the sequences, good character design, fun character interactions, interesting premise, and likable characters.
I know a game that only requires my right hand too...
I agree on that last point, it probably is often that. Either that, or a dodge to make it just kind of forbidden and not REALLY bad. The problem is, of course, that it's scientifically proven that if people grew up together they treat eachtoher like siblings regardless of the blood relationship, so when they became siblings is a key point, not that animes ever consider that at all, of course; it doesn't fit with the usual ridiculous "siblings exist for forbidden love stories" stupidity, for sure!
Also, you like yanderes I guess?(Oh, and the series actually does have some plot behind their relationship. It probably all just exists as an excuse for that kind-of-incest element in the series that you describe, though.)
I guess you might be right here, but it's a seriously weird kind of forbidden relationship to focus on; the human disapproval of incest goes way, way back into prehistory, and makes perfect sense. Anime rarely cares much about sense, though, of course...
That's so Okada!If I could speak again on Selector Infected WIXOSS for a second, I just want everyone to be aware that this is the kind of show that this actually is:
I feel like the atmosphere in this thread has become increasingly toxic to constructive/interesting/positive discussion and more and more filled with angst over the latest ephemeral LN adaptations or whatever. Maybe it's just me, but it seems like there was once a time when the celebration of the good wasn't crowded out by the bad.
i already saw it in black bullet. none of it fills the void i have for sticky white stuff.One was Black Bullet. I can't remember the third.
i already saw it in black bullet. none of it fills the void i have for sticky white stuff.
Have we finally reached the stage where retardation is now moe? This child can't speak proper sentences like an adult.
When are we getting a Demon's Souls anime adaptation?
ok ...that make sense .....
When does Mekaku City Actors air? It's the last show I'm vaguely interested in, and I want to do my first episodes summary post already!![]()
Dark Souls 2 adaptation. KyoAni is announced as the studio making it and we even get to see episode 1 in an advanced preview but then at the last second they reveal all the other episodes were animated by White Fox.
Yeah, the titular girl in Coffin Princess is a foreigner, so having her NOT be able to speak perfect Japanese is nice and fits her character; it's done for that reason for sure. Another recent character that's like that is Megan in her short appearance in the last episode of Saki S2; she's American and does have halting speech as well. (Aislinn, from earlier in the series, who is from New Zealand, speaks even less, and actually carries around this whiteboard to draw things on because of her poor Japanese.)I thought that was just her being a foreigner, which I thought unusual given how all foreigners in anime normally perfectly understand and speak japanese.
I guess, but it'd be so much better if she really was just his sister... but this is basically harem, so there wasn't much of a chance that would happen. That that kind of a sentence even exists is pretty sad, though certainly accurate these days. (Also I kind of like tsunderes... not incestuous ones of course, but other tsunderes.)Who doesn't love Yandere'shonestly it's just refreshing to have a sibling who's not fucking tsundere or overly moe towards her onii chan that she's super thirsty for.
I like yuri stuff so Soul Eater Not's okay... but sure, if it was a choice between that and a season finishing the original series, sure I'd rather see the latter. The parts of the original manga past the original anime series had some good moments for sure.On another note trying to watch Soul Eater Not is hurting my soul :'( why Bones? Why couldn't you have just made Soul Eater Brotherhood/Resonance and finished the manga story
Ugh... won't be watching this one, for sure. Good to have the warning.If I could speak again on Selector Infected WIXOSS for a second, I just want everyone to be aware that this is the kind of show that this actually is:
I could complain about how it fails as a card battle show on the most fundamental level because it has zero interest in explaining the rules of its own game and establishes its characters' "power levels" solely through bystanders remarking "wow, she's so powerful!" or "I can't believe that there are people this good at WIXOSS!" with the expectation that the viewer will unquestioningly take the onlooker's word for it, but the fact that that most loathsome rot at the heart of the otaku industry has reached even shows with the relatively benign commercial purpose of advertising TCGs is even worthier of scorn. What a terrible show.
When are we getting a Demon's Souls anime adaptation?
Fuck, I swear I've seen more convincing image before but just couldn't find it.
Ping Pong really surprised me in the OST area. There are some picks in the first episode. The train ride back song was really good.
Honestly, I do think some form of Dark Souls anime adaptation could work, a spin-off or something like that. The lore is quite rich, and as this magnificent video proves, Dark Souls is already anime as fuck.
Dark Souls is the kind of anime that never gets made any more, unless the framing story is a normal every-day high schooler in Japan gets trapped inside the Dark Souls world which is explicitly a video game world even in the story and not a legitimate, actual fantasy world.
Dark Souls 2 adaptation. KyoAni is announced as the studio making it and we even get to see episode 1 in an advanced preview but then at the last second they reveal all the other episodes were animated by White Fox.
Dark Souls is the kind of anime that never gets made any more, unless the framing story is a normal every-day high schooler in Japan gets trapped inside the Dark Souls world which is explicitly a video game world even in the story and not a legitimate, actual fantasy world.
Soul Eater Not 1
Also I have to say Japanese Maka is AWFUL compared to the English version. If she was worse in the original SE I can understand why people who watched the sub probably didn't like it as much.
Also I have to say Japanese Maka is AWFUL compared to the English version.
Clannad 7
Is this arc going to end soon? It's hard to be invested in a character's story when it's resolution is dependent on arbitrary magic that isn't explained.