Admiral Woofington
Sunrise has been working on that for over a decade!
Please tell me there are Gundam body pillows.
edit: you really don't want to google search Gundam body pillow god damn google images so lewd.
Sunrise has been working on that for over a decade!
I am completely lost what are all these shows even. Where is my handy op?!
Is it me or has this thread seen a lot of new members in the past few months?
But what if there were Mushishi bodypillows??
I will not shut up on what is essentially a part of a horrible character design. Did Tim Burton design her?
Maybe not, since if he did she'd be played by his wife.
Such bad taste.Also giant eyebrows, fucking pluck those.
I carefully decide what I want to watch beforehand. I'm just not very discriminating.
Fucking Black Bullet.
They should've adapted the manga adaptation of the LN. That's just all action and character development, none of this LN crap.
Not to mention the superior as fuck art:
The anime looks like generic shit. Pretty bad.
I think it's just that this thread now features a lot of people who watch a lot more (bad - sorry folks) shows than ever before. As a whole the industry is certainly tilted in that direction, but there's certainly still plenty of good content being produced by the creative talent in Japan.
It just seems like anime is made to sell cards to kids or body pillows to men. Very few shows in between those two extremes.
Two reverse harem shows!There's the bright new frontier of shows made to sell body pillows to women!
I feel like the atmosphere in this thread has become increasingly toxic to constructive/interesting/positive discussion and more and more filled with angst over the latest ephemeral LN adaptations or whatever. Maybe it's just me, but it seems like there was once a time when the celebration of the good wasn't crowded out by the bad.
For you, anime never died!
It's not even a year since I joined GAF and I think I started posting in AnimeGAF a few days ago - well, Kill La Kill OT aside. Is that not new?
(Although I read this thread a lot. You guys are always entertaining)
CR has picked up my soon to be favorite anime of the season - GochiUsa.
Manga Time Kirara, Maaya Uchida, Ayaneru, and cuteness levels that are off the charts. Just what I was looking for.
Yeah, come on AnimeGAF, we gotta raise the walls!.
Such bad taste.
I still think my two threads idea is a good one.
CR has picked up my soon to be favorite anime of the season - GochiUsa.
Manga Time Kirara, Maaya Uchida, Ayaneru, and cuteness levels that are off the charts. Just what I was looking for.
I still think my two threads idea is a good one.
Chaika 01
Now that's what i call eyebrows
I feel like the atmosphere in this thread has become increasingly toxic to constructive/interesting/positive discussion and more and more filled with angst over the latest ephemeral LN adaptations or whatever. Maybe it's just me, but it seems like there was once a time when the celebration of the good wasn't crowded out by the bad.
Can't go wrong with thick eyebrows.[/IG][/QUOTE]I spent all of last season watching this.
pfffffft amateurs
I still think my two threads idea is a good one.
I'd be happy to split things into an "intelligent thread" and a "junk thread" (no offense, but really), if only that didn't seem unenforceable.
It looks alright. Even this artwork doesnt seem too special.
Chaika 1
For all those bread lovers out there.
This was good, not great. Has a lot of potential, though, and as others have said, the monster design is really good.
"This season"Yeah, the same thing happened in Black Bullet. Those white stuff covered lolis this season...
I'd be happy to split things into an "intelligent thread" and a "junk thread" (no offense, but really), if only that didn't seem unenforceable.
and just few pages ago this thread was patting itself on the back for not being insularThat seems incredibly elitist to me if we're just basing it off perceived quality of shows. Who gets to decide what counts as "intelligent" and "junk"? If anything, I'd say wishing for segregation like that is a bigger indication of a toxic environment than watching bad shows.
That's a good point, but I think there are ways to do it. Like limiting it solely to critiques of anime episodes and movies(and replies to the critiques), minimum word counts(so no one-line posts), guidelines, etc.
I feel like the atmosphere in this thread has become increasingly toxic to constructive/interesting/positive discussion and more and more filled with angst over the latest ephemeral LN adaptations or whatever. Maybe it's just me, but it seems like there was once a time when the celebration of the good wasn't crowded out by the bad.
A) Who cares what the anime is made to sell, if it's good? (See Jewelpet Kira Deco.)
B) There are still shows that aren't made for either thing you mention, such as Ping Pong, Mushishi, Jojo, Hozuki no Reitetsu, Silver Spoon, etc.
When you scrub through everything that comes out, I think that tends to obscure the gems in the midst of the dross.
CR has picked up my soon to be favorite anime of the season - GochiUsa.
Manga Time Kirara, Maaya Uchida, Ayaneru, and cuteness levels that are off the charts. Just what I was looking for.
That seems incredibly elitist to me if we're just basing it off perceived quality of shows. Who gets to decide what counts as "intelligent" and "junk"? If anything, I'd say wishing for segregation like that is a bigger indication of a toxic environment than watching bad shows.
That seems incredibly elitist to me if we're just basing it off perceived quality of shows. Who gets to decide what counts as "intelligent" and "junk"? If anything, I'd say wishing for segregation like that is a bigger indication of a toxic environment than watching bad shows.
CR has picked up my soon to be favorite anime of the season - GochiUsa.
Manga Time Kirara, Maaya Uchida, Ayaneru, and cuteness levels that are off the charts. Just what I was looking for.
There are a few good shows this season, but (maybe because it's too early for me to realize how much I'll already be watching) I was considering running another backlog season. I've run through most of the <13 episode shows I want to watch, but there are still some left, like Kino's Journey, Spice and Wolf, Michiko and Hatchin, Kemonozume, and Daily Lives of High School Boys. And I'm sure I'm forgetting some too.
The idea is to watch one episode a week on the same day of every week and post impressions of each episode, to get a kind of book club thing going. It's been fun in the past, so if there's any interest we can start a new one as early as next week.
That seems incredibly elitist to me if we're just basing it off perceived quality of shows. Who gets to decide what counts as "intelligent" and "junk"? If anything, I'd say wishing for segregation like that is a bigger indication of a toxic environment than watching bad shows.
I agree with this. It would just make things worse. It is a terrible idea. The tension would be ridiculous and member tiers would develop and make anime a generally toxic topic on Gaf.
Besides, my two favorite shows are decidedly in the "intelligent" show bracket.
I have a feeling those "bad things" would fall into a few genres that happen to be ones I like, and it would only end up being an execution of what was written in this article.There's absolutely nothing wrong with wanting to be segregated from bad things.
But when your favorite things are bad things, things "surprisingly" get sour.There's absolutely nothing wrong with wanting to be segregated from bad things.
That's a good point, but I think there are ways to do it. Like limiting it solely to critiques of anime episodes and movies(and replies to the critiques), minimum word counts(so no one-line posts), guidelines, etc.
I have a feeling those "bad things" would fall into a few genres that happen to be ones I like, and it would only end up being an execution of what was written in this article.
Don't do it. There's enough infighting in the anime fandom already, GAF doesn't need to make it worse.
My labels of "intelligent" and "junk" were intended to refer to the quality of discussion more than to the quality of the shows themselves, though like I said I don't think that's an enforceable distinction.
There's absolutely nothing wrong with wanting to be segregated from bad things.
I feel like the atmosphere in this thread has become increasingly toxic to constructive/interesting/positive discussion and more and more filled with angst over the latest ephemeral LN adaptations or whatever. Maybe it's just me, but it seems like there was once a time when the celebration of the good wasn't crowded out by the bad.
There's absolutely nothing wrong with wanting to be segregated from bad things.
AnimeGAF is one of the few places where such extremely opposite opinions still live in harmony and everyone get along (aside from the eventual discussion that ends up in people getting banned), so it would be a shame to seggregate it. It's fun to interact with people who have different opinions, it wouldn't be as fun to just come to the thread and say that girl is cute and everyone agrees, while in the other thread someone says girl is shit and everyone agrees.
A) With children's shows, my tolerance has all but gone. madp says that HapCha is a good show, but a second of them hocking Precure cards is enough to just put me off entirely. It just seems so much more blatant than when I was a kid anyway.A) Who cares what the anime is made to sell, if it's good? (See Jewelpet Kira Deco.)
B) There are still shows that aren't made for either thing you mention, such as Ping Pong, Mushishi, Jojo, Hozuki no Reitetsu, Silver Spoon, etc.
When you scrub through everything that comes out, I think that tends to obscure the gems in the midst of the dross.
How the heck do you go from one to the other? At least you got saved from the Basement.You're goddamn right!
I lost my way for a while, but Attack on Titan brought me back. The manga right now is kinda garbage, but if not for it I wouldn't have watched Non Non Biyori, so I'm really glad I decided to give it a shot.
AnimeGAF-R, you mean?I was just thinking about animegaf B.
Well now all you talk about is blinks and carries though!While I don't think that's entirely correct I will agree that there's been a qualitative tonal shift over time as a result of the changes to the participants within this thread and the kind of shows they watch.
Hyouka-GAF and Angel Beats-GAF.But what is "good" and "bad" varies from person to person. It just sounds like an elitist attitude.
I'd be happy to split things into an "intelligent thread" and a "junk thread" (no offense, but really), if only that didn't seem unenforceable.
It's funny that you bring that up because I was just reading the "Television Without Pity" moderation rules and you'd basically need that level of Nazi Moderation to keep things under control. I don't mean to imply that strict moderation is bad, just that you need Moderators who are happy to do all that work!Okay, that makes sense then. I misinterpreted what you said.
But yeah, a thread like that would have to be super strict and the line between limiting legitimate discussion and preventing/deleting "unintelligent" posts would be incredibly thin. Sounds like more trouble than it's worth.
I love typing in all lowercase or all uppercase, ignoring proper grammar and punctuation, and writing my messages like I'm text-messaging on a cell phone with an eight-year-old. That's cool, right? I mean, who cares? This is the internet!
Well, we care...but the sad truth is that other posters might skip over your posts if they're too hard to read. Things like proper spacing, capitalization, and punctuation make your posts much easier on the eye, and they make you look like quite the Captain Smartypants, too.
Look, we're not grading you. You won't get banned for misspelling "definitely" or anything. Just try your best to write neat, coherent posts. Don't type "2" for "to," or "U" for "you," or "l8r" or "LOLOLOL!!!!!!!!!!!" or any of that nonsense. Throw in a carriage return now and then to break up the text, and please use proper capitalization. Your computer comes with two shift keys. Use 'em.
Can I feel free to treat forum threads like chat rooms during episodes?
No. Real-time posts during episodes don't make sense to most other users, either during the show or a couple of days later. Everyone has to read 15 pages or days of content, so don't make people wade through a bunch of chat that's irrelevant.
Yes, that means Other TV Talk threads too. Wait until the entire ep has aired; then discuss. Using threads as chat rooms will get you banned.
I can't possibly read all these messages; I'd just like to post my own thoughts.
Oh, is that so? Well, that's rather rude of you. If you have time to post, you have time to read what others have posted before you.
Before you post, you are expected to read -- and not rehash -- the content in a thread from either the last 15 pages or the last 15 days, whichever makes the most sense. If a moderator mentions the "15/15" rule, this is what they're talking about.
Confused? Okay: Let's say you're in the Scandal episode thread; if the episode aired the night before, the thread will not go back 15 days, so you must read at minimum the last 15 pages. On the Amazing Race forums, some of those threads go back for years; in that case, you read the last 15 days' worth of posts to bring you up to date.
The idea here, basically, is for you to have read enough of the thread to give you a solid feel for what people have already said, so that you don't repeat things people have mentioned twenty times already or derail the discussion by interrupting with a random question. It's a conversational-manners issue.
We know it's a lot to read on some forums. Tough beans. Show your fellow posters the courtesy which you expect, and read what they've written to make sure you aren't repeating what dozens of other people have already said.
Again: 15 pages or 15 days, whichever applies. Please use common sense, and please do not argue the letter of the law with the mods when it is the spirit that counts. Be a good listener.
And if you don't read the other posts before adding your own, for the love of Mike, don't say so. It's obnoxious, the mods hate it, and it'll earn you a boot.
Isn't posting messages like "Me too!" just awesome?
No, not really. We're all here for some quality discussion about TV, so unless you can back up that "me too" with something of substance, don't bother posting it.
I missed an episode of a show I like, can I post asking for a copy?
No, sorry, we do not allow requests to make or share copied programs on the site.
It's nice to want things, but if you think about this thread in the context of it being one of many community threads on a small part of a gaming message board forum, you'd instantly realize how ridiculous the idea of creating two separate anime threads with separate moderation standards would be.
Be the change you wish to see in the thread. It'll make a difference.
Thats what I love about it. But EVERYONE can agree that brown girls are amazing.
Awww, feeling warm and fuzzy now (◎`・ω・´)人(´・ω・`*)Really? I guess you just feel like family >///<
Also giant eyebrows, fucking pluck those.