Much appreciated.
Hah, I replaced my Ike with Ryuko too![]()
Also, Happy Ragyo's Day.
Happy Mother's Dayno Mother's Day fanart? I am disappoint
no Mother's Day fanart? I am disappoint
Just got around to listening to the second volume of the ost. What's the name of the song that plays whenRyuoko comes to her senses and rips off Junketsu?
That's track 5, think it's called "Naming Sense 0" or something
Da bestest.Short hair Satsuki really is best Satsuki. That's adorable.
Plus, for one night only, all of the guests will be part of a special Kill la Kill event on Friday, July 4th. This star-studded event will feature a variety of programming including a special talk session with all the Kill la Kill guests, an exclusive screening of the English Dub Premiere of Kill la Kill, and a special concert featuring Eir Aoi, singer of the opening theme song. This is a once in a lifetime opportunity to be a part of one of the biggest Kill la Kill events in history!
What? What?? Whatwhatwhatwhatwhatwhatwhat
"I'm Nui, the fiber...transformed"
"I'm Nui, the fiber...transformed"
Sketching some Ryuko, Yoh's work has inspired me to draw animation cel style.
What do we know about this?i want the ova so badly : (
What do we know about this?
Sketching some Ryuko, Yoh's work has inspired me to draw animation cel style.
Sketching some Ryuko, Yoh's work has inspired me to draw animation cel style.
I've finished watching last weekend, and I really enjoyed how the show didn't kick comedic or breather segments out as the plot escalated (<3 Mako). I also never felt that grossed out by the (often blatant) fanservice, and felt like the show itself slowly but surely moved it out of the more serious parts (ie: combat) and began handling it in segments that were either purely comedic or actually felt like anti-fanservice (ie: anything and everything).Ragyo
Regarding the plot, I was kind of let down at two times. The first time was (mid-series spoilers). The second time was when Ryuko was revealed to be (spoilers around 2/3 into the series)when Senketsu came up with new abilities to beat the Elite Four's uniforms, which made me think they'd keep coming up with new abilities as the plot required, but luckily that wasn't the case, and two of its forms were used up to the conclussion of the series, since it took the show towards the cliched "protagonist is the chosen one" road, but the thing that made that up for me was that all the supporting characters (except for poor, poor Tsumugu) were kept relevant and at all times, even if the protagonists ended up doing all the heavy lifting.Ragyo's long-lost superpower-imbued daughter
All in all, it was a very enjoyable ride in spite having a few shortcomings. I agree that the plot could've gone into other, more interesting directions, but I still found it good enough the way it was, with decent to well-defined characters that didn't lose relevance and pacing that didn't make me feel like skipping anything except for the sped-up recap; on the other hand, and for some reason I can't explain, I didn't even feel like skipping the scene where Mako woke up and went back to sleep over and over.
While I still enjoyed it up until the end, I enjoy the earlier sections more with one glaring exception: Ragyo steals ever scene she's in.
Sketching some Ryuko, Yoh's work has inspired me to draw animation cel style.
Sketching some Ryuko, Yoh's work has inspired me to draw animation cel style.
Want to know who's the English Voice Cast of KILL la KILL? Find out plus the English Trailer Premiere on the Aniplex Live Show on May 28th at 7:00PM PST! Don't Miss it!
So who is buying one of's ok you can admit it.
Semi NSFW I suppose?
So who is buying one of's ok you can admit it.
Semi NSFW I suppose?
No wrist supportwhere's nonon
No wrist support