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Kill la Kill |OT|

PK Gaming


Here's the source.


Just got around to listening to the second volume of the ost. What's the name of the song that plays when
Ryuoko comes to her senses and rips off Junketsu?


I may loathe (to an extent) the product that Kill la Kill became, but I can at least take comfort in the fact that I really love the fandom that has rallied around it. So much good art!
Ambiguous is definitely my favorite opening of the two. So much hype, just love Ryuko and Satsuki slicing through all the filler as the chorus picks up. :D
So there's a big KLK event going on at Anime Expo, and this caught my eye...

Plus, for one night only, all of the guests will be part of a special Kill la Kill event on Friday, July 4th. This star-studded event will feature a variety of programming including a special talk session with all the Kill la Kill guests, an exclusive screening of the English Dub Premiere of Kill la Kill, and a special concert featuring Eir Aoi, singer of the opening theme song. This is a once in a lifetime opportunity to be a part of one of the biggest Kill la Kill events in history!

It's coming


I've finished watching last weekend, and I really enjoyed how the show didn't kick comedic or breather segments out as the plot escalated (<3 Mako). I also never felt that grossed out by the (often blatant) fanservice, and felt like the show itself slowly but surely moved it out of the more serious parts (ie: combat) and began handling it in segments that were either purely comedic or actually felt like anti-fanservice (ie: anything and everything

Regarding the plot, I was kind of let down at two times. The first time was (mid-series spoilers)
when Senketsu came up with new abilities to beat the Elite Four's uniforms, which made me think they'd keep coming up with new abilities as the plot required, but luckily that wasn't the case, and two of its forms were used up to the conclussion of the series
. The second time was when Ryuko was revealed to be (spoilers around 2/3 into the series)
Ragyo's long-lost superpower-imbued daughter
, since it took the show towards the cliched "protagonist is the chosen one" road, but the thing that made that up for me was that all the supporting characters (except for poor, poor Tsumugu) were kept relevant and at all times, even if the protagonists ended up doing all the heavy lifting.

All in all, it was a very enjoyable ride in spite having a few shortcomings. I agree that the plot could've gone into other, more interesting directions, but I still found it good enough the way it was, with decent to well-defined characters that didn't lose relevance and pacing that didn't make me feel like skipping anything except for the sped-up recap; on the other hand, and for some reason I can't explain, I didn't even feel like skipping the scene where Mako woke up and went back to sleep over and over.


Sketching some Ryuko, Yoh's work has inspired me to draw animation cel style.

This is awesome! It also made me realize I met you at Fanime 2012 (I recognized the signature), and I got a sweet Selvaria commission from you!

I've finished watching last weekend, and I really enjoyed how the show didn't kick comedic or breather segments out as the plot escalated (<3 Mako). I also never felt that grossed out by the (often blatant) fanservice, and felt like the show itself slowly but surely moved it out of the more serious parts (ie: combat) and began handling it in segments that were either purely comedic or actually felt like anti-fanservice (ie: anything and everything

Regarding the plot, I was kind of let down at two times. The first time was (mid-series spoilers)
when Senketsu came up with new abilities to beat the Elite Four's uniforms, which made me think they'd keep coming up with new abilities as the plot required, but luckily that wasn't the case, and two of its forms were used up to the conclussion of the series
. The second time was when Ryuko was revealed to be (spoilers around 2/3 into the series)
Ragyo's long-lost superpower-imbued daughter
, since it took the show towards the cliched "protagonist is the chosen one" road, but the thing that made that up for me was that all the supporting characters (except for poor, poor Tsumugu) were kept relevant and at all times, even if the protagonists ended up doing all the heavy lifting.

All in all, it was a very enjoyable ride in spite having a few shortcomings. I agree that the plot could've gone into other, more interesting directions, but I still found it good enough the way it was, with decent to well-defined characters that didn't lose relevance and pacing that didn't make me feel like skipping anything except for the sped-up recap; on the other hand, and for some reason I can't explain, I didn't even feel like skipping the scene where Mako woke up and went back to sleep over and over.

So great to see people still enjoying the series! I've finished it for the second time now, and it was still a great ride. It's definitely clear that things start taking a turn around the Tri-City School Raid in Kansai arc, but it's really at the end of that section where it feels like the tone and direction of the show make a big change. While I still enjoyed it up until the end, I enjoy the earlier sections more with one glaring exception: Ragyo steals ever scene she's in.

As mentioned before in the thread, one disappointing aspect is that the animation quality of the show seemed to peak in Episode 5 and the only time afterwards that it even approached that level was in the climax of the Tri-City battle. The final arc got shafted in the animation department, but it mostly makes up for it in the feels department.

Also, anybody planning on going to the KLK event at Anime Expo?


While I still enjoyed it up until the end, I enjoy the earlier sections more with one glaring exception: Ragyo steals ever scene she's in.

Then there's Nui. I expected her to be just a cutesy but terribly powerful friend/foe as she approached the school during the King of the Hill segment, but she was way, way more twisted than I had expected.

Out of all the characters, I'd say Mako was one of the more interesting ones due to her hallelujah cancel and being a good plot-pacing device, despite being kind of one-dimensional character-wise, and her overpowered uniform making a comeback for the finale was good as well. Then, I'd say Jakuzure gets bonus points for her unique voice and having that extra bit of character background compared to her peers.

Thinking back, I think I might be oblivious to bad animation, since the only times I noticed really weird stuff was when Nui was around or the times when Aikuro's coat would slide off of him as if it were animated in Flash.


Taking about Nonon reminded me that I liked her theme the most out of the elite four's. It was good how every major character had his or her own theme, even if I didn't like some of them that much (mostly Gamagoori's and Aikuro's).

After reading a bit further back on this thread, I guess I did notice the show's plot changing on the fly, but I still ended up enjoying the ride. Nudist Beach turning into a crappy redshirt army, Tsumugu suddently getting nerfed to hell and put in a comedic relief role, Satsuki's father being a scientist, the outside world basically being like ours when the acadamy looked like some post-apocaliptic place, and all that do point out to a fairly radical change in the plot, but I guess my brain managed to avoid thinking about it while I was watching KLK.

Thinking back about it, I feel like Team Satsuki got the most character development, whereas Teams Ryuuko and Ragyo got next to nothing:

Satsuki went from an introverted, cold and ruthless ruler to a well-intentioned extremist, and finally to a more extroverted and friendly girl once the plot no longer required her to keep her dictatorial façade up, even being strong enough to not die right away as a nudist against her brainwashed and superpowered sister. The Elite Four also helped keep Satsuki's façade up and went on to join Nudist Beach to resist the COVERS invasion when she went MIA, showing that they could hold their own even without their uniforms, and even against psycho Ryuuko; their final uniform upgrades even let them fulfill a relevant role during the final battle rather than just being cannon fodder, and it also showed how they began the show having their way more covering and bulkier regalia MK1s, and by the end their kamui-like final regalia revealed way more of them rather than hiding their bodies underneath large armors (or Inumuta's skin-tight bodysuit, I guess).

On the other hand, Ryuuko kept her habit of walking blindly into traps out of anger and thirst for revenge, and she suddenly stopped caring about that in the final episodes thanks to all the friends she had made (Ep20 had her turn her back to everyone who cared about her and walk into Ragyo's trap to seek revenge, then she let Nui live an episode or two later once she got back to her senses). Nudist Beach devolved from what seemed like a powerful secret organization to an absolutely ineffective army, with Tsumugu being the most obvious casualty. The Mankanshokus reached the end of the show without having changed at all, but I can kind of half-heartedly let that slip since they were the comedic relief group all along.

Then there's Team Ragyo, which got even less character development. Out of them all, I felt like Nui was the better character among them due to her crazy and erratic character, rather than simply being a do-nothing character like Rei or a campy antagonist for the evulz like Ragyo.
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