Charlie Wrangel seemed to be extremely disappointed in Hilary's non-concession speech and I'm happy to see that the media found it as bizarre as I did.
After switching back and forth quite a few times I realize why I like CNN more than any other station out there when it comes to news.
MSNBC often has far superior discussions and they go as far to say the things that I expect to be said on CNN, but aren't always said because they are usually holding back.
CNN's coverage just feels so all encompassing and there are people on the network whose opinions I've really come to value, even if I don't always agree with them. Whenever I don't watch CNN I'm always left with a feeling that I'm totally missing out on some interesting perspective that other stations don't seem to explore in a way that leaves me satisfied.
CNN's take on things can sometimes piss me off, but when it's a story I like, they really do hit all the right notes.
More than anything, I'm always interested in the opinions of people like Jack Cafferty, Anderson Cooper, Larry King and, yes, even Lou Dobbs and Wolf Blitzer. More than anything, the CNN contributors always seem to be on exactly the same page as I am. If it's from McCain's terrible statement on the day that Obama clenched the nomination about people just now starting to know Obama and the fear-mongering tone of it all to the reaction to Hilary's speech in New York or the suggestion that she's open to being VP and the very obvious attempt to pressure Obama to meet her demands or else that it was.
They just do an all around fantastic job and I love the presentation on CNN. I was a bit worried that she was going to hang Obama out to dry during the speech at AIPAC, but it's good that she didn't and I'm now happy to hear that she plans to concede soon.
I'm beyond happy that Ferraro was not asked to join Obama's campaign and she has some real nerve asking for Obama to pay Clinton's debt. I can't believe the hutzpah of this woman after what she said about Obama and how she reacted afterwards on the news.
It's also pretty funny that Bob Johnson of all people is trying to rally people to endorse Hilary as Obama's VP. Isn't that the same guy that made insinuations to Obama's drug use and tried to suggest that he was a drug dealer in South Carolina?