Tamanon said::lol Republican strategist saying that Clinton is already the VP slot and she's negotiating to be co-president.:lol :lol :lol
Tamanon said::lol Republican strategist saying that Clinton is already the VP slot and she's negotiating to be co-president.:lol :lol :lol
Tamanon said::lol Republican strategist saying that Clinton is already the VP slot and she's negotiating to be co-president.:lol :lol :lol
:lol :lolbelvedere said:This Obama town hall is great.
A 95 year old man just gave him a stick he made for Mr. Obama.
Obama said he's going to "whoop em" those in congress who disagree with him.
I fucking hate feminists.Deus Ex Machina said:Feminist leader says no to Obama
RubxQub said:I fucking hate feminists.
RubxQub said:I fucking hate feminists.
So McCaine who called his wife a four letter C word is better then Hope?Deus Ex Machina said:Feminist leader says no to Obama
Revealed: Secret plan to keep Iraq under US control
Bush wants 50 military bases, control of Iraqi airspace and legal immunity for all American soldiers and contractors
A secret deal being negotiated in Baghdad would perpetuate the American military occupation of Iraq indefinitely, regardless of the outcome of the US presidential election in November.
The terms of the impending deal, details of which have been leaked to The Independent, are likely to have an explosive political effect in Iraq. Iraqi officials fear that the accord, under which US troops would occupy permanent bases, conduct military operations, arrest Iraqis and enjoy immunity from Iraqi law, will destabilise Iraq's position in the Middle East and lay the basis for unending conflict in their country.
But the accord also threatens to provoke a political crisis in the US. President Bush wants to push it through by the end of next month so he can declare a military victory and claim his 2003 invasion has been vindicated. But by perpetuating the US presence in Iraq, the long-term settlement would undercut pledges by the Democratic presidential nominee, Barack Obama, to withdraw US troops if he is elected president in November.
RubxQub said:I fucking hate feminists.
E-phonk said:This made the frontpage of some newspapers over here - didn't see it discussed:
More of the article here:
worldrunover said:
I don't know, but the independent isn't a tabloid, it's a newspaper comparable to the Washington Post / New York Times afaik.Apharmd said:How credible is this? This legal immunity shit sounds very unreal.
Sometimes I really wonder how much these people understand about politics. I know some people on here have supported the conspiracy theories that Hillary ultimately would love to run again in 2012, but these claims seem to be poorly conceived. The fact of the matter is that, even if that's ultimately her dream, she has to know that typically that doesn't play well in the Democratic party. The dream that McCain will beat Obama and everyone is going to learn the error of their ways and succumb to the rationale of "See? That's why we should have nominated Hillary. Next time you'll know better." is hopelessly naive. Even if Barack does lose, there's a very slim chance that she can swoop in and be the savior of the party in 2012, especially if there's a feeling out there that a bitter Hillary and/or her bitter supporters lampooned Obama.Deus Ex Machina said:Feminist leader says no to Obama
I just don't understand how you can be for the rights of one group while at the same time hoping another group never gets the same rights you feel you deserveRubxQub said:Ok ok ok.... I shouldn't generalize femanists...
But fuck the ones are that are super feministy!
Is this some slang I'm not aware of...or are you referencing some word that rhymes with slang?domokunrox said:My wife and I were watching this live, and when it did that my wife and I blurted out at the same time "Did they just fist pound?" Might as well pull out the 3 footer. :lol
Bush winning the election isn't a problem. Everyone will see in four years time they should have picked Gore and everything will be fine when the democrats win!Steve Youngblood said:Sometimes I really wonder how much these people understand about politics. I know some people on here have supported the conspiracy theories that Hillary ultimately would love to run again in 2012, but these claims seem to be poorly conceived. The fact of the matter is that, even if that's ultimately her dream, she has to know that typically that doesn't play well in the Democratic party. The dream that McCain will beat Obama and everyone is going to learn the error of their ways and succumb to the rationale of "See? That's why we should have nominated Hillary. Next time you'll know better." is hopelessly naive. Even if Barack does lose, there's a very slim chance that she can swoop in and be the savior of the party in 2012, especially if there's a feeling out there that a bitter Hillary and/or her bitter supporters lampooned Obama.
Either way, that's kind of a moot point as I expect most of these disillusioned individuals to realize that they are just succumbing to knee-jerk reactions right now and vote Democratic in the fall.
E-phonk said:I don't know, but the independent isn't a tabloid, it's a newspaper comparable to the Washinton Post / New York Times afaik.
What is a particularly strange statement I see brought up is something to the effect of:Smiles and Cries said:I just don't understand how you can be for the rights of one group while at the same time hoping another group never gets the same rights you feel you deserve
strange lines are being crossed here I don't see the good in these angry people
Blue-Haired Mertle DroopyBags said:Women got the right to vote before blacks! IT IS OUR TURN! They can wait until a woman gets into office first.
worldrunover said:Kind of crude:
Tamanon said:Yeah, should be photoshopped in the second frame, not the third.
This story is dated May 30th.Deus Ex Machina said:Feminist leader says no to Obama
If feminists didn't scare me enough...time traveling feminists are far far scarier.Hitokage said:This story is dated May 30th.
Deus Ex Machina said:Gallup: Obama leads McCain 62% to 29% among Hispanic voters.
Obama did not fare well against Hillary Clinton among Hispanics in the 2008 primaries, but the early indications are that he will do well among this increasingly Democratic group in the general election. The May data show Obama with a 62% to 29% advantage over McCain among Hispanics.
You're confused. This person is racist, not feminist.RubxQub said:I fucking hate feminists.
I said I was sorry, sorta!terrene said:You're confused. This person is racist, not feminist.
Rule of thumb: Old, normally Democrat, former Hillary supporter, thinks Obama "isn't qualified," and caught up in identity politics (he's black, she's a woman) = not voting for Obama because she's racist. Pretty obvious.
Not as well. remember Bush was helped by the hispanic vote.Francois the Great said:any data on how kerry did with hispanics?
E-phonk said:This made the frontpage of some newspapers over here - didn't see it discussed:
More of the article here:
Sharp said:62 - 29? I didn't realize McCain was polling that badly among Hispanics.
Francois the Great said:any data on how kerry did with hispanics?
And keep in mind this data was culled from Gallup polls over the course of May (they cite 25,000 polls, so it may have come from their daily tracking polls). It's an interesting data point, but at this point I'm more interested in the first round of polling after Obama clears the nomination. I think any data from the tail-end of the contested primary may actually understate Obama's support.Francois the Great said:Just found it. Kerry won the hispanic vote 53% to 44% in 2004.
Obama seems to be doing MUCH better. We'll see.
Smiles and Cries said:Holy shit McCaine has 4% of the black vote at this historic moment is huge rite? Who are those people?
I can hardly stand a zoom of her face so please no...polyh3dron said:![]()
Somebody needs to do the Gutgina-style zoom-in on Tubbs' chompers, or just her face in general..
Fuck I couldn't stand her.. Her and Lanny.
Francois the Great said:any data on how kerry did with hispanics?
Deus Ex Machina said:Feminist leader says no to Obama
talk about cutting your nose off to spite your face.RubxQub said:I fucking hate feminists.
I backed it down a bit later!Imm0rt4l said:talk about cutting your nose off to spite your face.
Smiles and Cries said:Holy shit McCaine has 4% of the black vote at this historic moment is huge rite? Who are those people?