That, and non-black people that just felt like fucking with the survey. It's why no survey is ever 100%artredis1980 said:4% is the percentage of black republicans like Condolica Rice and the crazy dude who wrote Crazy Black Man
Smiles and Cries said:Holy shit McCaine has 4% of the black vote at this historic moment is huge rite? Who are those people?
Justin Bailey said:That, and non-black people that just felt like fucking with the survey. It's why no survey is ever 100%
okay I remember Bush has Rice and the Jamaican Army dude but he loves Obamaartredis1980 said:4% is the percentage of black republicans like Condolica Rice and the crazy dude who wrote Crazy Black Man
Something like 20-25% of gay people voted for Bush in 2004. It boggles the mind.Smiles and Cries said:Holy shit McCaine has 4% of the black vote at this historic moment is huge rite? Who are those people?
Mercury Fred said:Something like 20-25% of gay people voted for Bush in 2004. It boggles the mind.
Not if you look at the psychology of gays and realize that the majority want to somehow appear straight. Being conservative is nearly akin to appear straight.Mercury Fred said:Something like 20-25% of gay people voted for Bush in 2004. It boggles the mind.
TheKingsCrown said:Not if you look at the psychology of gays and realize that the majority want to somehow appear straight. Being conservative is nearly akin to appear straight.
True story: I was sleeping with this guy who was a hardcore Clinton supporter/ organizer. When he told me that if Obama gets the nod, he'd vote McCain, I told him, no more sex for him :lol He sends me emails and I send him a quick political quiz back.Tamanon said:Hey the brown shirt guy behind Hillary said he is voting for McCain!
:lol :lol :lol Larry CraigTamanon said:But being Republican isn't anymore!
that is pretty much voting against who you are, same as the 4% there might not be another black nom for another 50 years but somehow these saints are above the color race issue thing so they vote McCaineMercury Fred said:Something like 20-25% of gay people voted for Bush in 2004. It boggles the mind.
Smiles and Cries said:that is pretty much voting against who you are, same as the 4% there might not be another black nom for another 50 years but somehow these saints are above the color race issue thing so they vote McCaine
McCaine will get gay votes too
remember Tuesday night? yeah that was great.this is the happiest day of the last five months
The ENTIRE New York congressional delegation endorsed Obama so I think at this point every super delegate is for Obama now more or less.Sharp said:Is Strickland endorsing Obama old? 'Cause he just did I think.
Subject: STATEMENT: Governor Strickland Endorses Barack ObamaSharp said:Is Strickland endorsing Obama old? 'Cause he just did I think.
artredis1980 said:HOly shit!! :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol
The McCain campaign has no fucking clue how to use the internet, do they? :lolartredis1980 said:HOly shit!! :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol
Dahellisdat said::lol :lol :lol Larry Craig
Yeah, judging by past evidence I think 20-25% of republican congressmen probably are secretly gay.
Well, that really isn't an issue anymore. The "Hillary was robbed" crowd knows now that it isn't going to make a difference, and probably wasn't going to make a difference anyway regardless of how the RBC committee decided Saturday. So, him seating the full delegations now isn't going to suddenly make that bitterness go away. As silly as it seems right now, I think the conspiracy theories behind how important Michigan and Florida were to Hillary supporters stem from their belief that silencing those votes was just one of many moves amongst the powers that be to ensure her defeat. They should have been counted when they occurred -- not doing so really hurt her momentum.Stumpokapow said:Also, the feminist thing is not likely even to matter--Obama could very easily arrange to have the entire Florida and Michigan delegations seated if he so chose to. Even ignoring Hillary's upcoming concession, he has enough delegates to more than win even with them given full voting strength.
HylianTom said:If I were closeted and wanted to hide, the Republican Party would be my first place of refuge..
Smiles and Cries said:now I'll never know the final delegate count before all these clinton turncoats why must they switch over? to me they still belong to the other party
how boring are these dudes I really wish Obama was going agaisnt someone exciting... I hate to say it I'll miss Hillary at least she can motivate you to hate her evil ways... but McCain is just old.artredis1980 said:HOly shit!! :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol
Smiles and Cries said:that is pretty much voting against who you are, same as the 4% there might not be another black nom for another 50 years but somehow these saints are above the color race issue thing so they vote McCaine
McCaine will get gay votes too
Its not like they suddenly hate Clinton just because she lost why can't they Unify the party without stripping her of her delegates show some honor in the support you gave... the party can come together without this cheesy fake way of showing unityFLEABttn said:They're switching over to unify the party and because additional delegates for Clinton does nothing at best, and divides the party at worst.
How do they belong to the other party?
TheKingsCrown said:Not if you look at the psychology of gays and realize that the majority want to somehow appear straight. Being conservative is nearly akin to appear straight.
sangreal said:Change I can believe in Thursday, the DNC will no longer accept checks from federal lobbyists or political action committees, mirroring the strict standard Obama adopted for his presidential campaign.
This is an important step that shows Sen. Obama is willing to take tough steps to change the way Washington works, said Dan Pfeiffer, the campaigns deputy communications director.
It's like a scene from a zombie movie.artredis1980 said:
GhaleonEB said:It's like a scene from a zombie movie.
just because I understand it does not mean I have to stay 100% quiet about my questioning it... see just 6% of me is questioning this... the rest of me understand the stats but I just can't get that 100% agree rategrandjedi6 said:Do you understand statistics? You'll never have 100% of anything
Smiles and Cries said:Its not like they suddenly hate Clinton just because she lost why can't they Unify the party without stripping her of her delegates show some honor in the support you gave... the party can come together without this cheesy fake way of showing unity
Fucking fantastic.Deus Ex Machina said:
It's obvious to everyone he does. Kerry's likely to be offered a prominent role in his administration.sangreal said:So would it be wrong to think that Obama owes a huge debt to Kerry for choosing him to speak at the 2004 convention?
(Not to mention his endorsement, of course)
Geraldine Ferraro has a plan for Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton (D-N.Y.) to recoup her sizable campaign debt: Have Sen. Barack Obamas (D-Ill.) fundraisers pick up the tab.
After a long primary season, the Clinton campaigns expenditures have far exceeded the amount of donations it has received so far, and the campaign has accumulated debt of more than $19 million, according to campaign finance reports. Much of that debt consists of unpaid salaries and bills to vendors.
When questioned about Clinton fundraisers being asked to join the Obama campaign, Ferraro told The Hill, These are the people raising hundreds of thousands of dollars. I would hope that would do the same thing with his fundraisers to pay off Hillarys debt.
Ferraro, a former Democratic congresswoman from New York and the Democrats 1984 vice presidential candidate, strongly supported Clinton and raised funds for her.
This election, losing candidates have asked for contributions to retire their campaigns debt. Sen. Chris Dodd (D-Conn.), Gov. Bill Richardson (D-N.M.), and former New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani (R) are engaged in such campaigns and have found help from other candidates.
Ferraro resigned from her position on Clintons national finance committee in March after making comments suggesting Obamas success is due to his being black.
Ferraro said she has not been asked to raise funds for the Obama campaign.
VP?sangreal said:So would it be wrong to think that Obama owes a huge debt to Kerry for choosing him to speak at the 2004 convention?
(Not to mention his endorsement, of course)
Not that I know where one would get decent stats on how many gays want to appear straight, but he didn't say being Republican was the only way to accomplish such a goal.Love To Love You Baby said:LOL. So 20% constitutes as the "majority"?
Smiles and Cries said:just because I understand it does not mean I have to stay 100% quiet about my questioning it... see just 6% of me is questioning this... the rest of me understand the stats but I just can't get that 100% agree rate
Hearing him call it "my democratic party" is so awesome.Deus Ex Machina said:
Deus Ex Machina said:Geraldine Ferraro wants Obama to pay Clintons debt
FUCK NO THATS MY MONEY I DONATEDDeus Ex Machina said:Geraldine Ferraro wants Obama to pay Clinton’s debt
artredis1980 said:HOly shit!! :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol
As someone who donated to Obama's campaign, I am not okay with my money being used in this fashion. kthxbyeDeus Ex Machina said:Geraldine Ferraro wants Obama to pay Clintons debt