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PoliGAF Thread of THE END and FIST POUNDS (NYT: Hillary drop out/endorse Saturday)

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human5892 said:
As someone who donated to Obama's campaign, I am not okay with my money being used in this fashion. kthxbye
It's also not legal -- they are talking about doing joint fund raisers. All Obama could give to Hillary is $4600, same as anyone else
Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton today disavowed a campaign by some of her supporters to pressure Senator Barack Obama into choosing her as a running-mate, saying they were acting on their own and the decision on who to pick was “Senator Obama’s and his alone.”

“While Senator Clinton has made clear throughout this process that she will do whatever she can to elect a Democrat to the White House, she is not seeking the vice presidency, and no one speaks for her but her,” Howard Wolfson, one of the campaign’s chief strategists, said in a statement provided to The New York Times. “The choice here is Senator Obama’s and his alone.”

well, thats a good start, wolfson especially is sounding a lot more...normal...now
Smiles and Cries said:
They can't use the money you donated. What they would be allowed to do is say "Please, Smiles and Cries, donate to Clinton." which you would then of course ignore.

Seriously, it's kinda tacky to blow through millions of dollars attacking someone past the point of obvious pointlessness, and then ask them to help pay for it. Even worse when paying back the people owed money includes... the Clintons.


Tamanon said:

All he can do is ask people to donate to her.

And LOL at Ferraro not being asked to join the Obama campaign, that's a shocker.
Yeah, it's literally illegal for that kind of transfer to take place.

And someone - can't remember where - pointed out today one key difference between suspending and ending a campaign. In the former, you can still raise funds to pay off your debts.
Charlie Wrangel seemed to be extremely disappointed in Hilary's non-concession speech and I'm happy to see that the media found it as bizarre as I did.

After switching back and forth quite a few times I realize why I like CNN more than any other station out there when it comes to news.

MSNBC often has far superior discussions and they go as far to say the things that I expect to be said on CNN, but aren't always said because they are usually holding back.

CNN's coverage just feels so all encompassing and there are people on the network whose opinions I've really come to value, even if I don't always agree with them. Whenever I don't watch CNN I'm always left with a feeling that I'm totally missing out on some interesting perspective that other stations don't seem to explore in a way that leaves me satisfied.

CNN's take on things can sometimes piss me off, but when it's a story I like, they really do hit all the right notes.

More than anything, I'm always interested in the opinions of people like Jack Cafferty, Anderson Cooper, Larry King and, yes, even Lou Dobbs and Wolf Blitzer. More than anything, the CNN contributors always seem to be on exactly the same page as I am. If it's from McCain's terrible statement on the day that Obama clenched the nomination about people just now starting to know Obama and the fear-mongering tone of it all to the reaction to Hilary's speech in New York or the suggestion that she's open to being VP and the very obvious attempt to pressure Obama to meet her demands or else that it was.

They just do an all around fantastic job and I love the presentation on CNN. I was a bit worried that she was going to hang Obama out to dry during the speech at AIPAC, but it's good that she didn't and I'm now happy to hear that she plans to concede soon.

I'm beyond happy that Ferraro was not asked to join Obama's campaign and she has some real nerve asking for Obama to pay Clinton's debt. I can't believe the hutzpah of this woman after what she said about Obama and how she reacted afterwards on the news.

It's also pretty funny that Bob Johnson of all people is trying to rally people to endorse Hilary as Obama's VP. Isn't that the same guy that made insinuations to Obama's drug use and tried to suggest that he was a drug dealer in South Carolina?


listen to the mad man
Smiles and Cries said:

Your money cannot by law be used to pay Clinton's debt. Ferraro is suggesting (rudely, I might add) that Obama hold fundraisers where he encourages larger donors to help pay Clinton's bills.
Hillary Clinton ran a destructive campaign that used money to air ads that said negative, and sometimes false things about Barack Obama. He should NOT use money donated to his campaign to pay for the way she destructively used money, and money she didn't have. I don't think the Clintons would even ask for that.


listen to the mad man
CowboyAstronaut said:
More than anything, I'm always interested in the opinions of people like Jack Cafferty, Anderson Cooper, Larry King and, yes, even Lou Dobbs and Wolf Blitzer.

Larry King doesn't have opinions. That's why people like him. He prides himself in doing soft-ball interviews framed to allow his interviewee to present themselves in their own light. Read this skit (John Stewart is playing Hitler; Mike O'Meira is playing Larry King).

ToyMachine228 said:
Hillary Clinton ran a destructive campaign that used money to air ads that said negative, and sometimes false things about Barack Obama. He should NOT use money donated to his campaign to pay for the way she destructively used money, and money she didn't have. I don't think the Clintons would even ask for that.

Like I said, he can't legally do that and that's not what she's asking. It's a very common practice for the winning campaigns to hold joint fundraisers with losing candidates to help cover debts. The only things remarkable about this request are the fact that she (Ferraro) has the audacity to be the one making it, and the tone of entitlement that she uses.
ToyMachine228 said:
Hillary Clinton ran a destructive campaign that used money to air ads that said negative, and sometimes false things about Barack Obama. He should NOT use money donated to his campaign to pay for the way she destructively used money, and money she didn't have. I don't think the Clintons would even ask for that.

He has no obligation whatsoever to help her with any of that debt after the type of race she ran. Hell, he would have no obligation to do so even if she did run a clean campaign and since we know that's not the case, she's already made things bad for herself. Wasn't Ferraro bragging about how incredible she is at raising money and how Obama shouldn't get on her bad side? Well, she should use that unbelievable fund-raising ability to pay for Clinton's debt.

Also what hitokage said.

Stumpo, I don't think Larry King gives soft interviews at all. He may not be rude about how he goes about it, but when he asks questions he doesn't hold anything back and I've seen that on many occasions. At times, I would even classify his way of questioning as brutal. Some good examples are the types of questions he gave to government employees when they were trying to disprove that what people saw weren't UFOs. Now, I'm not saying King believes in UFOs, but when their answers were clearly bull, he totally went after them.

Also, King may not be quite as forceful in letting his opinion known like someone like Lou Dobbs would, but he does have opinions. He was also very open in giving his opinion about Michelle Obama when he thought people were overreacting to Michelle Obama's "first time really proud of my Country" statement.
JoshuaJSlone said:
Not that I know where one would get decent stats on how many gays want to appear straight, but he didn't say being Republican was the only way to accomplish such a goal.

Well, maybe he can provide us with some more detail about the "psychology" of gay people as being majority self-loathing.


Setec Astronomer
Note to self: When reiterating an existing point, make sure you are in a real position to confirm said point rather than just taking their word for it. :(
thanks guys for clearing that up...

Clinton: SmilesC please sell your Wii and donate some funds.

SmilesC: I voted for Bill to get a daily blowjob, I've helped enough/


listen to the mad man
Hitokage said:
Note to self: When reiterating an existing point, make sure you are in a real position to confirm said point rather than just taking their word for it. :(

You are in a position to confirm said point. The situation is explained here and here amongst other places.

Bottom line: Campaign contributions from Obama to Clinton are limited by campaign finance restrictions in the same way that campaign contributions from any political organization to any political organization are. Obama could refund his donors and ask them to donate to Hillary, Hillary could keep fundraising, Obama could fundraise for Hillary, Hillary could juggle her books a little bit--but Obama can't turn over his campaign's cash to her.
mrmyth said:
Whoa whoa whoa - I thought it was sexist for a man to pick up the check? Feminists pay their own way!

You got a point there. If Obama paid her debt, then maybe females would be even more pissed at Obama. Like they were when he pulled out Hilary's chair for her :lol
she could have dropped out while she still had some money, why so stupid?

We can't be sexist yet she goes at her campaign like a walk through the mall with someone else's credit card

selfcontrol Hillary selfcontrol





Setec Astronomer
Yeah, I'm sorry, I had made a bolded post reiterating the "the money transfer is illegal" point, but then realized that I didn't know anything about the relevant finance laws and deleted it. Given how fast this thread moves I assumed people had already seen it.
Diablos said:
Geraldine Ferraro needs to shut her fucking mouth and go away.

Also, this whole thing about Bush wanting 50 bases in Iraq -- how is he going to do that without congressional approval?
is this 50 bases thing on MSM?


The Clintons have enough of their own money, Obama doesn't owe them a fucking dime.

Man, if Obama wins in the fall, not only will he have beat the Clinton machine, but the GOP as well, which is pretty remarkable.


artredis1980 said:
HOly shit!! :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol

Ah, so that's the guy who does McCain's teleprompter coaching.
Deus Ex Machina said:
I actually got a chill when he said "they will not fund my party" instead of "my campaign".

36 hours into the nomination and he's not only taken the mantle, he's reshaping it in his vision.
It's probably illegal regardless, but fuck that notion. I paid to make Barack President, not to recoup Hillary's loss.

Stop trying to hijack the election, and stop trying to hijack my cash, damn it.


listen to the mad man
maynerd said:
That's f'd up. The reason she's in debt is because she freaking prolonged this thing. So I gave money for Obama to fight her off when she should have conceded a long time ago and now she wants to take my money that I gave to Obama to pay off her debt. That's real nice.

1. Hillary isn't asking for this, Ferraro is.

2. He can't use your money for this, read the thread.

3. This is common practice by virtually all winners to virtually all losers who have campaign-related debts.

4. The target would be large long-time dem donors who would max out donating to fix her debt, not small time one-off dem donors like you. The fundraisers would likely be $1k+ per plate dinner affairs.


I find it so funny that Rush Limbaugh and Sean Hannity are sounding so sympathetic towards Hillary Clinton now that she's essentially out of the race... This after the last three years of constant anti-Clinton sentiments and an emphasis on her power hungry, stop at nothing ways. If Barak Obama scares Rush Limbaugh and Sean Hannity enough to change their stances on Hillary Clinton, he's definitely the candidate for me.
RyanDG said:
I find it so funny that Rush Limbaugh and Sean Hannity are sounding so sympathetic towards Hillary Clinton now that she's essentially out of the race... This after the last three years of constant anti-Clinton sentiments and an emphasis on her power hungry, stop at nothing ways. If Barak Obama scares Rush Limbaugh and Sean Hannity enough to change their stances on Hillary Clinton, he's definitely the candidate for me.
I don't think Obama scares them. It's just the same thing that McCain attempted to do as part of his speech the other night. It's transparent pandering to try and split the Democratic base by feeding into their disillusionment over Hillary "being robbed" of the election.


Deus Ex Machina said:
Geraldine Ferraro wants Obama to pay Clinton’s debt

If we just let them worry about how to pay their own debt, that should keep them both well-behaved and occupied, leaving everyone else to focus on the real work of winning the election free from lunatic distractions.
I would certainly not help pay the debt of a campaign that was funded to politically smear Obama.

The Clintons are wealthy as fuck. They should be adults and let them pay for it by themselves.


NintendosBooger said:
Had Clinton won the nomination, I wonder if there would have been an equally deafening outcry for her to put Obama on the ticket.

Post-Super Tuesday, yes

If she had won in Iowa or did better on Super Tuesday and the 11 following contests then no.

Likewise, there would be slightly less outcry if he knocked her out on March 4 like he should have


when is my burrito
Also remember that Clinton has to RETURN every dime of the general election money that she has raised but hasn't ever been able to use or wasn't supposed to use if she did.

That's 23 million she has to give back that's probably going right to Barack Obama, hopefully.


RyanDG said:
I find it so funny that Rush Limbaugh and Sean Hannity are sounding so sympathetic towards Hillary Clinton now that she's essentially out of the race... This after the last three years of constant anti-Clinton sentiments and an emphasis on her power hungry, stop at nothing ways. If Barak Obama scares Rush Limbaugh and Sean Hannity enough to change their stances on Hillary Clinton, he's definitely the candidate for me.

Yeah, it is rather telling. You can almost smell their fear. I'm reminded of how the conservative media constantly tried to downplay and ridicule Al Gore's achievements with Inconvenient Truth, the Nobel, the Oscar and (the highly recommended) The Assault On Reason (aka footnotegate). Didn't take Sherlock Holmes to figure out they were simply scared shitless that he might run again.

Maybe The Daily Show can juxtapose some of their 2006/2007 Hillary coverage with their new, Hilltastic opinions.

Big Gradius/Nemesis fan here btw; is that from the MSX version?


when is my burrito
I wonder if Terry McAuliffe is OK. He was (literally) acting crazy on the Daily Show on Monday. Then, he was taking shots of rum on live TV on Tuesday morning. I'm afraid they're gonna find him dead somewhere. Maybe he has been working with out getting paid lately.

I'd like to see him do some work for Obama.
tanod said:
I wonder if Terry McAuliffe is OK. He was (literally) acting crazy on the Daily Show on Monday. Then, he was taking shots of rum on live TV on Tuesday morning. I'm afraid they're gonna find him dead somewhere. Maybe he has been working with out getting paid lately.

I'd like to see him do some work for Obama.
no, no, no.

He loves his job and he's great at doing it. Can you accept that he's simply just a silly guy?
kkaabboomm said:

well, thats a good start, wolfson especially is sounding a lot more...normal...now

I lot of the things she's been accused of saying weren't said by her. I had thought it was suspicious when reports popped up claiming she or Bill said this or that, but it turned out it was more partisan bs and people speaking for them. I don't know if she knew this was going on, but it sure made her look worse.

Stumpokapow said:
1. Hillary isn't asking for this, Ferraro is.

2. He can't use your money for this, read the thread.

3. This is common practice by virtually all winners to virtually all losers who have campaign-related debts.

4. The target would be large long-time dem donors who would max out donating to fix her debt, not small time one-off dem donors like you. The fundraisers would likely be $1k+ per plate dinner affairs.

Some people need to stop giving Hillaryis44 a run for its money. I mean, really. She lost and is going to concede shortly, but out there people are still bashing her like Obama lost.

The purpose of helping with the debts is also to give some incentive for Hillary to help him get most of her voters. Like it or not, she doesn't owe anyone any favors. Although I find it ironic and lol-worthy if donations for Obama made by repubs helped Hillary in any way. That's karma for you. lol

RyanDG said:
I find it so funny that Rush Limbaugh and Sean Hannity are sounding so sympathetic towards Hillary Clinton now that she's essentially out of the race... This after the last three years of constant anti-Clinton sentiments and an emphasis on her power hungry, stop at nothing ways. If Barak Obama scares Rush Limbaugh and Sean Hannity enough to change their stances on Hillary Clinton, he's definitely the candidate for me.

I never bought their phony support of her. I don't know why any dem would... But damn, I came out of retirement and watched CNN only to see the fanflaming in action. Wtf. No wonder some people are going nuts over this race. Then I remembered that those networks sole purpose is to preach to their choirs and fan flames whenever and wherever possible.

Deus Ex Machina said:
CNN: Report that Clinton wants to give Obama 7 days to select her as VP


See what I mean? *eyeroll*


Yeah, they had Bob Barr on and I actually like him if only because he looks like Andrew Ryan.

I hope one of his speeches begins with "Is a man not entitled to the sweat of his brow?"


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Deus Ex Machina said:
CNN: Report that Clinton wants to give Obama 7 days to select her as VP
Gutgina: Select me as your VP by this date...or else!

Obama: Or else...what?

Gutgina: Or else I'm walking with my 18 million votes!

Obama: When you're walking, don't forget to take that 10 million dollar debt with you!

Gutgina: Oh shi...
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