Odds of Worldstar putting those numbers into an online betslip: 1/1
Odds of him actually placing the bet: 250/1
Odds of him actually placing the bet: 250/1
Odds of Worldstar putting those numbers into an online betslip: 1/1
Odds of him actually placing the bet: 250/1
Odds of Worldstar putting those numbers into an online betslip: 1/1
Odds of him actually placing the bet: 250/1
Odds of Worldstar putting those numbers into an online betslip: 1/1
Odds of him actually placing the bet: 250/1
your lack of posts/questions about Bloodborne is disturbing
Darklurker changed you
your lack of posts/questions about Bloodborne is disturbing
Darklurker changed you
It sure sounds like the greatest game ever so far!I have a question for you about it. Is it going to be the greatest game ever or the second greatest game ever?
Whaa! Sorry it wasn't on purpose of courseBro, I was asking about whether there'd be loot just yesterday, but you spurned me. I'll pay more attention when it gets closer.
It sure sounds like the greatest game ever so far!
Whaa! Sorry it wasn't on purpose of course
Apparently there IS loot and character customistation, but it's not as varied as DS, and you can't dual wield weapons I think? The left hand will be for guns/crowd control.
And no shields in case you missed it!
Luckily noYurt did you kill anyone the other day when you drunk drove.
Cos I heard on the news that something happenend and and and and
Just got a code for the Battlefield Hardline beta. Destiny Alpha later on today also. WORLD CUP TOO.
oh bliss
I just checked my email and I'm downloading the Hardline beta now! I hope to get into the Destiny Alpha later today too!!
One of the worst fights in video games history. Ending his digital existence did give me a chubby however.Well that's me fucked
I ended up beating Darklurker btw, Ancient Dragon is my new Moby Dick![]()
EXACTLY! I hate turtling behind a shield, I'm aggressive as fuck in PVP.I'm glad that Bloodborne will be more aggression-based. That suits me perfectly. Fuckers will get revengeance'd. Ima be blaring Rules of Nature whilst doing so.
According to a dev on some Destiny stream (going off of what others said in the Destiny Alpha thread) everyone who applied for the Alpha will get in. Registration's closed too so they must have reached their limit of allocations.
If this is true then that's darn tootin' great.
I applied from my normal account and my US account just in case :lolAccording to a dev on some Destiny stream (going off of what others said in the Destiny Alpha thread) everyone who applied for the Alpha will get in. Registration's closed too so they must have reached their limit of allocations.
If this is true then that's darn tootin' great.
If the player wants to make it easy that's his problem. It doesn't affect the game for everyone else.
Keep in mind I have no idea what this game is so I could be really wrong.
The screens are 1080p and Nintendo normally release direct feed screens. It just seems really unlikely to me that the Wii U could pull it off. Even at 30fps. Would be amazing if true though. And the downsampling you'd get from pushing a 1080p to the gamepad would give you borderline insane iq.
serious question (honestly)
is Link still looking for his master sword and triforce pieces? Are they still sticking to the elemental dungeons formula? It was really fun back in the 90s but it almost ruined WW for me. Like, that volcano is clearly the temple of fire, isn't it?
I think that's prob why MM is my favourite Zelda, it was so out there and different!
I don't mind games that make it easy for you, or let you make it easy for yourself, but keep that shit out of my Souls. Honestly I like a good game that holds my hand and let's me mash buttons or just be a badass without pumping in hours of trial and error failed attempts.
But almost every other large-scale game has difficulty settings, mechanics that can save your ass in a blink, light death penalties, and forgiving combat. People that like Souls games like them because they don't make these concessions, and the extra challenge makes them more rewarding.
Let us masochists keep our challenging game.
The Order looks like it's gonna be awesome, and I'm sure it'll have a pause button.
Hello, fellow soccer nerds. Are you dorks doing a McDonald's fantasy league and can I be a part of it?
Hello, fellow soccer nerds. Are you dorks doing a McDonald's fantasy league and can I be a part of it?
why are people worried that wellback will not play? he's a piece of bread. use the liverpool offense + rooney schmooney
Is this a multiplayer game or a single player game? If it's single player I don't see how a pause affects what you just said. Players like yourself can always not push pause and play the game the way it was designed to be played.
If it's a multiplayer game, then obviously a pause would be absurd.
It's a single player game with multiplayer interspersed throughout in different areas (there are "safe" zones where other players cannot invade your game and kill you, for example). Essentially the game is always active as things are coming in and out of the world around you through the online component. If they said "okay you now can pause the game in safe zones since you can't be invaded, it wouldn't be blocking the multiplayer" it wouldn't change anything at all because there's no reason to pause the game in safe zones - you aren't in danger anyway.
If Sky ever let Jamie Redknapp commentate on test cricket again I'm cancelling my subscription
odd . this is for u
You should cancel it for showing cricket.
Sounds like Bumble has just accidentally revealed that Zamora has been sold/released :lol
Haha, I love your avatar. That game is gonna be crazy.
Also when the fuck did his name change from Punished Snake to Venom Snake?