Divinity: Original Sin |OT| Sandbox RPG. Co-Op friendly. Bread.


Your were missed in the BETA OT Durante. There were crucial decisions to be made for this OT, that OP didn't want to do without your consent.


How's the combat? It seems really difficult to do good turn based combat.
It's good. But seriously, it really is.
It's free movement, with an action point system, attacks of opportunity, flanking, various AoE effects and topped off with a generous dose of environmental interaction. And from what little I have seen in terms of encounters, they were designed well.

Also, it helps that the UI might seriously be the best in any isometric CRPG ever.

Your were missed in the BETA OT Durante. There were crucial decisions to be made for this OT, that OP didn't want to do without your consent.
I can't be on GAF 24/7 :( (though I try).

I'm totally fine with adding [10/10 Durante hype points] to the thread title though, if anyone thinks it would help.


How's the combat? It seems really difficult to do good turn based combat.
Extremely competent from the beta. I want to say it's great but I'll hold judgement until the full release. It's very snappy, open and dynamic. I've ran the same early fights multiple times and had tons of variation in how I approached things, how the enemies react and how I've chosen to adapt to the way the fight was proceeding. There's a lot of replayability here, which makes sense as the fights are far more based in the 'large encounter' style rather than facing piddly groups of enemies in ones and twos.


Oh, bitch bitch bitch.

I haven't seen any except for the first few minutes. Want to go in unspoiled.

But Dragon Commander was their most recent game, and the writing in that is great and hilarious. Larian are rather unique in that they make solid, decently budgeted fantasy games that don't take themselves particularly seriously. I wouldn't trust them to write highly emotional drama, but not every game needs that. And the only game writer I'd trust to do that is MCA anyway :p

Thats a bit unfair. There's more than Avellone. =)


This game looks really good, I'm not usually a fan of the genre. I wrote it off as a diablo clone when I glanced at it on kickstarter a while ago, saw it was turn based and took another look. I'm quite excited to try it, so should I buy into the early access and give it a go, or should I wait for full release?

Is the best place to buy it directly from Steam?



Neo Member
Saw this game on steam sale, and assumed it was a Diablo clone. Wasn't very interested, Diablo III is Diablo good enough for me. Now realised that the game is more like Baldurs Gate, which is much more intriguing to me. Might pick up the game if it's on sale again later (or might not). I really want to read some reviews first.

EDIT: And might I ask who Durante is? :)


Unconfirmed Member
Saw this game on steam sale, and assumed it was a Diablo clone. Wasn't very interested, Diablo III is Diablo good enough for me. Now realised that the game is more like Baldurs Gate, which is much more intriguing to me. Might pick up the game if it's on sale again later (or might not). I really want to read some reviews first.

EDIT: And might I ask who Durante is? :)



That was a fantastic trailer, can't wait for the game. As a Kickstarter backer, how do I get my game code?

From a KS update:


So, how does it work?

-Go to https://www.larianvault.com
-Log in with your existing Larian Vault account or create a new one
-Once logged in, click the Kickstarter logo in the menu
-Fill in the email address that you use to log in on Kickstarter OR that you use to login on Paypal
-Click the "Look up and link" button
-Check your email and click the link
-That's it!


From a KS update:


So, how does it work?

-Go to https://www.larianvault.com
-Log in with your existing Larian Vault account or create a new one
-Once logged in, click the Kickstarter logo in the menu
-Fill in the email address that you use to log in on Kickstarter OR that you use to login on Paypal
-Click the "Look up and link" button
-Check your email and click the link
-That's it!

Thanks, can finally check out the beta now.


Neo Member
Ahh, thanks guys. Thought the name sounded familiar. Hope your work won't be required on this game Durante. You've saved many a masochistic gamer from even more frustation with DS2.


Since Durante suggested it, I'm going to re-post what I just wrote in the beta thread (so we can let the other one dive down, I guess):

Ok, I spent an *unhealthy* amount of hours playing this game during the weekend (hell, I let it running for almost two days in a row, without ever closing it) and at this point I have virtually no doubt this is going to be an instant classic.
Quests are often interesting and non-obvious to solve, combat is challenging and every single fight is essentially an unique puzzle, graphically the game may not be the most impressive thing out there but it's definitely charming enough to be enjoyable and last but not least this really, REALLY feels like a modern Ultima game, with insane amounts of environmental interaction.

There are minor things I'm not too fond about (i.e. I would have preferred fixed, hand-placed loot to the random one and the rock paper scissors minigame becomes boring very soon, I hope they are going to include some for of automation for it) but they are massively overshadowed by the positive sides.
What really matters is that when I was playing it I stopped from time to time thinking: "Goddammit, this actually feels like an old classic with prettier graphics"... And you know what? In many ways it actually surpasses few of them.


That kickstarter physical edition is beautiful. I got this game on day one of Steam early access which seems like an age ago. The Larian backer videos and the gradual build up of hype around D:OS and the fact that I haven't been more than an hour away from the beach in the 20 or so hours I've played, all add up to child-like levels of excitement for release.
Can't bloody wait.

(Of course I'm away with work so it'll have to wait a couple more days eek)

Lord Panda

The Sea is Always Right
Kickstarters, don't forget to fill out the various options in the 'choices and input' section of the Larian Vault.


Neo Member
I should say that for someone coming from the outside, the trailers I saw were kind of misleading. As I pointed out above, I thought it was a simple 4 player action RPG. It wasn't before I read the OP (good job BTW) I realised what the game really was.

Now I'm actually really stoked. Do you think it would run OK on a later 2013 Macbook Air? I'm away from my PC at the moment. And any idea if I could import my save from the mac to the PC when I get back home? Would love cloud save integration, but that might not be possible.


Junior Member
Yea, I'm hoping it pops back up as a flash or community vote, but the last day repeat is possible too.

I'm also hoping this, purely because it'll lower the trade price too. I was going to get it for 8 keys but held off, now I'm thinking what the heck, went to check the price and it's gone up to a value of 10 keys :(


I like how each container has its own grid.

Inventory management in Ultima 7/SI would've been so much better.

Furthermore, the lack of hand holding in this game is such a welcome change. (no quest marker --> 250m etc)

There is a lobby system, but we can invite anyone from Steam contacts using a button near the minimap

Also Durante, is GeDoSaTo ready for this game? (I got v0.7.6)

syko de4d

This will be epic. You will get ALOT of gametime out of your money. One playthrough should be easily 60hours+ long and there are good reasons to play it more than one time. And then there is the really strong looking Modding Tool and steamworks integration. It should rain mods over the years :)
Few random thoughts:

1. This game is the real deal. Played about 90 minutes of the beta and it is absolutely fantastic. Beautiful and charming with challenging combat and great environmental puzzles.

2. You might want to change the image at the top OP. You have the original artwork displayed. When it was first revealed there was a bit of outrage from the community as to how exposed the female lead was so they redid it. As an aside I think it is pretty awesome and refreshing in this day an age that the main artwork for the game has the two main characters holding hands. Signs of affection are a pretty rare focal point for video game boxart. Here is the new image:



But Dragon Commander was their most recent game, and the writing in that is great and hilarious. Larian are rather unique in that they make solid, decently budgeted fantasy games that don't take themselves particularly seriously. I wouldn't trust them to write highly emotional drama, but not every game needs that. And the only game writer I'd trust to do that is MCA anyway :p

3. Just a PSA but Dragon Commander has popped up on GOG for $11.50 during the sale, great strategy RPG / RTS.


I should say that for someone coming from the outside, the trailers I saw were kind of misleading. As I pointed out above, I thought it was a simple 4 player action RPG. It wasn't before I read the OP (good job BTW) I realised what the game really was.

Now I'm actually really stoked. Do you think it would run OK on a later 2013 Macbook Air? I'm away from my PC at the moment. And any idea if I could import my save from the mac to the PC when I get back home? Would love cloud save integration, but that might not be possible.

Misleading? What are you talking about? In every trailer they specifically mention "Tactical Turn Based Combat". How could it be an action rpg?


I should say that for someone coming from the outside, the trailers I saw were kind of misleading. As I pointed out above, I thought it was a simple 4 player action RPG. It wasn't before I read the OP (good job BTW) I realised what the game really was.
Which trailer in particular? The newer ones all have a huge "tactical turn-based combat" banners.

Awesome! Hopefully no fps hits. :p
Well, obviously you'll get an FPS hit when downsampling.


How does this compare to BG2?
They aren't really all that similar as games. Both are isometric, party-based CRPGs, that's true, but there are many differences. This one has turn-based combat (with a lot of modern features like attacks of opportunity, flanking etc.), and it's more of a connected world than BGs individual areas. It also has a far more interactive world, in the Ultima tradition and not the very static (due to technical constraints) layout of the IE game maps.


Has problems recognising girls
Subtly trying to convince my partner that it's okay to spend $70 on the 2-pack for the game w/ pre-release DLC, but both of us are walking unknown into the Divinity landscape despite myself having every Divinity game up to now. She's a huge Western RPG fanatic, yet tends to enjoy the 3rd person view mechanics more than the P&C isometrics of yesteryore.. so we shall see.

The main issue is finding a source of time. I'd love to be there on release date.
So how playable is it so far? Are we just one big patch away (On release), or is it relatively playable now?

I picked it up a few weeks back, but I haven't been following development / notes. I'm tracking too many games at the moment, I occasionally see some updates at random intervals when I boot up Steam.


Played the game for a bit. Fell in love with it.

Now I'm not sure if I should keep playing or just wait till the 30th. UGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH


So how playable is it so far? Are we just one big patch away (On release), or is it relatively playable now?.

It's very "playable" and extremely enjoyable, but that doesn't matter since they are going to wipe your savegames anyway when the final version is released.
If you are going to spend time on this, do it knowing you'll be forced to restart your game in a week.


So how playable is it so far? Are we just one big patch away (On release), or is it relatively playable now?

I picked it up a few weeks back, but I haven't been following development / notes. I'm tracking too many games at the moment, I occasionally see some updates at random intervals when I boot up Steam.

It's got a decent amount of stuff right now. But the saves won't be compatible so you might as well wait before spending a ton of time on it.


So how does this game "launch" since it has been playable for some time now? Is there going to be one final big patch maybe some reviews? You can pretty much play the game already, right?
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