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Dragon Age: Veilguard Announced | Full reveal on June 11th


lol, you must be joking.
Come on now, nobody eeally wants a bad dragon age game (or any game). Its just that all the woke shit is so different than ususl, that for us straight ppl, the sentiment is that they deserve to have a bad release for trying to force woke shit in every turn

Ofcourse it COULD be good, but weve seen what happenes in situations like this.


So apparently it will be the first 15 minutes, as in prologue? I wonder how far along the development is and if it actually could come out this year.

All very exciting, but first let's see what we're dealing with here.


So apparently it will be the first 15 minutes, as in prologue? I wonder how far along the development is and if it actually could come out this year.

All very exciting, but first let's see what we're dealing with here.

Its a holiday title for sure.



Lol, these people are incapable of separating themselves from whatever they are doing, so prepare for a healthy dose of moralizing from an unhealthy individual with unstable hormone levels


Wasn't is some of the cuck Bioware dev's complaining about BG3 and how unrealistic it was content wise? If it was it tells you everything you need to know about this becuase they know it will be immediatly compared in very unfavorable light.
Man, that's a brave call - putting a trans person at the head of your multi-million dollar game.

Considering that Dragon Age was already very woke to begin with, my guess is this thing is going to be off the charts. Then again, as long as you can bang everyone, no one will care about the quality of the story or characters and it will probably win GOTY.


some of you are spiraling.... We haven't seen a single thing about this game, yet you are already hating like crazy. And only so because the director is trans. Yet the same people keep parroting: "LeAvE pOliTicS oUt oF gAmEs"
My guess is you won't find a single attractive woman in this game, or outfit for that matter. Or if you do, she'll come packing extra. Inquisition already had straight male romance options of a (let's subvert tropes) tomboy who's into romance novels, or the most minimal vanilla "relationship" with your legal counsel.

I don't mind they changed the name though. Personally I disliked Solas as the antagonist. The less they put emphasis on him, the better. He should've stayed a minor ally character tbh. Corypheus might've been dull as dishwater, but Solas wasn't really an improvement IMO.
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My guess is you won't find a single attractive woman in this game, or outfit for that matter. Or if you do, she'll come packing extra. Inquisition already had straight male romance options of a (let's subvert tropes) tomboy who's into romance novels, or the most minimal vanilla "relationship" with your legal counsel.
I never understood the obsession of gamers that the females need to be as sexy as possible and dressed in minimum clothes.... Im not 12 anymore. If you want to see sexy-dressed sluts, go watch some porn or play a jrpg. Plenty of choice.


Gold Member
  • 7 unique companions with "deep and compelling storylines"

None Binary
Elf supremist
Black supremist
Black elf supremist
Gay none binary trans black elf supremist

Truely the most brave and unique of characters to choose from.

Calling it now, the only reason they changed the name from Dreadwolf is so people couldn't call their reviews Dragon Age : Dreadful.
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I do. I don´t choose my games based on the looks of the characters. But you do you
Look, If it is difficult for you to understand, let me spell it out for you. I don't look for "porn" in my games either, so you suggesting I go watch that is a moronic and ignorant dismissal. Do you also tell that to everyone else who enjoys romances in these games? Tons of people enjoy BG3 for its romances, as well as DA and ME franchises. They're key to the success of these series. And it would be nice, if said romances were appealing to the demographics they're aimed at. But for Bioware, it seems lately they've decided that romances for straight males should be based on what these progressives think men should be attracted to, rather than what they actually are. I don't begrudge other people have theirs. But if there's nothing appealing in it for me, I'll certainly give this one a pass.


I want this to be good and a return to form for not just Dragon Age but Bioware in general, but I just don't see it happening and with Witcher 3 and BG3 out there as games it will be compared to it's doubtful it's a good contrast.


I mean look, if I have to spend 80 plus hours with a character the least they can do is make them appealing.
An appealing character does not have to look sexually attractive to me. I rather care about the story itself. Is the character believable, charismatic, or interestingly written?


Gold Member
An appealing character does not have to look sexually attractive to me. I rather care about the story itself. Is the character believable, charismatic, or interestingly written?

You do realise these are the same people that created this monstrosity


You could certainly call her "interestingly written" in the same way when someone asks me how the cake they baked tastes and you can't say "shit" so you say "it's intresting"

Trust me you don't want "interestingly" written characters, Starwars the Last Jedi has people who are "interestingly" written, just stick to "well" written. I do think they should give a few of them huge tits though, I like that in my well rounded characters.
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You do realise these are the same people that created this monstrosity


You could certainly call her "interestingly written" in the same way when someone asks me how the cake they baked cooks and you can't say "shit" so you say "it's intresting"

Trust me you don't want "interestingly" written characters, Starwars the Last Jedi has people who are "interestingly" written, just stick to "well" written. I do think they should give a few of them huge tits though, I like that in my well rounded characters.
think Im getting to old for this forum...


Gold Member

think Im getting to old for this forum...

Hey I'm just asking for what is quite literally an underpresented body group in modern games. I thought you didn't care what they looked like as long as they where intresting? Might as well get my preferences in there then if you don't care.

Busty and 'intresting"
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This Bioware is just in name, there isn't anything left, they won't make another game like they used to, I shudder just thinking what they're going to do to Mass Effect as well.


This Bioware is just in name, there isn't anything left, they won't make another game like they used to, I shudder just thinking what they're going to do to Mass Effect as well.
I would love to know how many people have worked both on this game and Origins.


Damn. You dudes are miserable. They showed a title and logo and you’re already shitting on the game. At least wait for some gameplay before you start.
Has nothing to do with the logo. Has everything to do with the games BioWare has been releasing for over a decade.

You think this is going to be good? Spend your money on it. Please. Do it.


Bad name change.
I have 0 hope this will be any good, but I'll still check out the reveal. The story is guaranteed to suck but maybe they can salvage it with decent combat/gameplay, music and visuals.

Do people hold any hope of this being remotely good?

From a studio that hasn't released a good game in 10+ years
A game reportedly retooled from a failed multiplayer project
Directed by a politically obsessed trans woman
Lead writer is a politically obsessed non binary individual

It's going to take a miracle for this to be even remotely decent


I enjoyed Inquisition, so I have hopes for this. Will it have varying degrees of inclusiveness? Sure. But as long as it is implemented well, no problem here. I thought whoever wrote Cassandra and Dorian did excellent jobs. They're starkly different strokes for different folks, but they were character driven.

Andromeda didn't blow me away. It was very "safe" and just didn't engage me like the ME series did. So modern day BioWare still has potential, but they just need to keep that focus on what made them great, their characters. Hopefully they don't go too far into any self-inserts by the writers and keep that authenticity and organic narrative arcs.

Here's hoping for a good game!


Exposing the sinister cartel of retailers who allow companies to pay for advertising space.

Here's what I wrote in Dec:

Immediately after announcing her promotion Corinne Busche came with this statement about LGBTQIA+ representation in gaming. Because quality representation is so much more important than a quality game ...

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I have no faith in modern Bioware, their last good game was Mass Effect 2.
It has been a long time since they made anything worthwhile, a lot of veteran devs left the team, they are chasing awful trends like action/adventure games with light rpg elements.
Watch as this game gets revealed and it has the same boring and generic console UI, the generic action combat that is clunky and shallow, the same generic writing.
Since the actual innovative devs left Bioware they have been stuck in the 2000s era but without the writing quality to back it up.
So in short the gameplay is going to be outdated on release, shallow and generic, the presentation and the art style are going to be washed before they release and the writing is going to be bad.

No faith in Bioware, in fact its surprising to hear people are hyped for it, but there is like 0.01% chance they make something that doesn't suck so we'll see.


ChatGPT 0.1
  • “Players will take on the role of an original protagonist, similar to The Warden, Hawke, and The Inquisitor”
His story was about the fade, moving off the inquisitor and the inquisition seems like a bad move, this is big news, the inquisitor was a really good hero, you were basically the king of Skyhold.

Thoughts Neogaf?


  • “Players will take on the role of an original protagonist, similar to The Warden, Hawke, and The Inquisitor”
His story was about the fade, moving off the inquisitor and the inquisition seems like a bad move, this is big news, the inquisitor was a really good hero, you were basically the king of Skyhold.

Thoughts Neogaf?

I think it has been too long since Inquisition.

Imo making it a sort of fresh start that's still directly tied to the larger plot points of the previous game makes more sense.

A direct sequel with the same main character worked in stuff like Mass Effect when the games came out 2-3 years apart from eachother and in the same console gen.

But expecting people to really remember the plot and going back to their character from a 10 years old game probably wouldn't turn out well.



Here's what I wrote in Dec:

Immediately after announcing her promotion Corinne Busche came with this statement about LGBTQIA+ representation in gaming. Because quality representation is so much more important than a quality game ...


Seems more and more that EA/Bioware hired this person solely to be able to say "we are so inclusive" just for the sake of that, instead of someone who truly is very talented. But, I will withhold any further judgement on my part, for all we know this person proves us wrong.

I fucking hope so.
That name is way worse.

Oh well, I am ready for the game though! Excited to see if they can do their franchise some justice or not


Not a bad name if it didn't have the "the". Dragon Age: Veilguard seems fine to me...

No expectations for this game. BioWare hasn't made a game I considered great since the original Mass Effect and Dragon Age: Origins
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