Brehs, tell me why a white female classmate of mine who is engaged to a black Army dude invited me out to drink last night after class and then got into a crazy discussion about how long it's been since she had sex and different stuff. Everytime I said something was different then her fiance, she would go, "Not to say anything would happen between you and I, but I wouldn't mind."
The clencher was after I came home and went to sleep, she sent me a text saying, "I'm sorry, I feel bad I kinda ditched you at the bar to talk to my friends." I responded that I was in bed. She then goes "Well I wish I was there."
My eyes went O_O.
I text, "Wait what are you trying to say?" She goes, "Well not saying anything would happen, but there ain't nothing wrong with some cuddling haha

Now, we done already had too many incidences of this caliber in the BCT before so I'm not going to say ol' girl is trying to ask me to give her the business while her man is in Texas (I'm in Virginia), but shhhiiiiieeeeet. Wynnebeck getting in some trouble again.