pictures of cousin?
They are all 14-16.....
'pulls up a chair for JC to sit on'
pictures of cousin?
No offense, but I thought the harem thing was for saudi princes and crazy warlords nowadays
Urban models = instagram, until they land an actual modeling gig. That's if they do.
They are all 14-16.....
'pulls up a chair for JC to sit on'
I have a question. Where I live people think that the mere thought of different human races is pretty offensive and well, racist. Personally I think categorizing people in different races is highly problematic cause it leads to racism. When I hear the word race I have immediately a picture of Hitler in my head.
Would you guys prefer it that way or are you happy with how race is defined in the US?
Why you ain't hollaWas just walking to lunch as I saw this black woman talking on the phone rubbing her thick thighs. And her dress was about 10" from the hips. She was a tall woman yet not skinny tall. So there was a lot of thigh to observe. I felt like Malcom X on the spike Lee conveyor belt camera but through his point of view walking towards her. All while listening to Mayer Hawthorne. It was the perfect 15 seconds of my life. Had to share my moment of happiness.
Why you ain't holla
Ethnic groups sounds much better.I try to use the term "ethnic groups" when ever I can for the same reasons. It would be nice if the US/different countries could stop using "race" as a term, but at this point it's too ingrained in our society.
Every time I try to watch Dota matches I have no idea what's going on.
Change religions mate. I can be your witness during the ceremony.
My uncle just married his fourth wife in Afghanistan. Legit.
You can then have a black women, a freckled woman, and lastly a beautiful urban instagram model.
.My uncle lliterally told me on the phone that I should come back and fulfill my duty to God and marry two or three of my cousins..
About to see transformers.
Dear White People movie. Ha. Y'all will like the preview.
What are everyone's thoughts on black women?
I dont know anything about Portland or Omaha, but everythig I've seen about omaha makes it seem like the armpit of the world.
when i was 16 i wasn't even talking to chicks under 18. i mean, there was a legit reason for that, i graduated from HS at 16... but just sayin'
A resounding No echoes through West Ga right now. The echo is heard far and wide throughout the south.
Naw. That's an extreme... when I got diagnosed, the LAST thing I wanted to do was talk about my 'issues' with a therapist (mil or civilian).
People want to address it with a blunt object and 'cure' PTSD as fast as possible when its really more or less a part of who you are. Experiences of all kinds stick with you for life. The way you move forward from those is where some people need help with. I don't know what I'd do if I couldn't flip a switch and go apeshit on demand. But even getting to that point, I had a lot of help from people who more or less shared similar experiences and similar paths on handling things like that. I honestly don't think the majority of facilities are properly equipped in that many of them offer only a very narrow spectrum of treatment options.
just my opinion
Large corporations are also a good landing pad for folks who are coming back. You still need to come up to speed on the educational requirements, but once you're over that hump, both matrixed and hierarchical organizations appreciate having people who are squared away and understand things like command structures and need for procedure, even when it comes to learning things like chain of custody for assets and documents.Currently I work in the public sector for the state- they have a much better grasp of how that sort of thing is applicable, and preferential hiring for veterans.
Is it just me or do all these girls look really young?
They are all 14-16.....
'pulls up a chair for JC to sit on'
I started dating my first bf at 16/17, he was 20. Met on the internet. That being said those relationships can still be rather "off", it's about circumstances. My parents didn't make a fuss because I basically had great communication lines with them. Wouldn't recommend it though even if you could technically be in highschool together when they were a freshman.
What urban model ever "made it?" Melyssa Ford was the baddest chick in the game during the early 00s and landed an extras role in a low budget movie or two. I think she's a real estate agent now. Vanessa Veasley is a showmag editor or some shit.
Jenna Shea is fucking ballers for ten stacks a night. Is that the ceiling? Marrying a rapper like Amber Rose did? These women are great to look at but their industry doesn't exactly offer a lot of upward mobility. Especially in the age of social media, when any old pretty girl with a camera can dip her toes in and get some attention for a bit.
I started dating my first bf at 16/17, he was 20. Met on the internet. That being said those relationships can still be rather "off", it's about circumstances. My parents didn't make a fuss because I basically had great communication lines with them. Wouldn't recommend it though even if you could technically be in highschool together when they were a freshman.
Change religions mate. I can be your witness during the ceremony.
My uncle just married his fourth wife in Afghanistan. Legit.
You can then have a black women, a freckled woman, and lastly a beautiful urban instagram model.
.My uncle lliterally told me on the phone that I should come back and fulfill my duty to God and marry two or three of my cousins..
we're talking like "we keep track of our really big family, these chicks great grandfather is your greatgrandfathers cousin" level of cousin right?
I wish.
These cousins I'm talking about are about as close as cousins can get.
They are all 14-16.....
'pulls up a chair for JC to sit on'
Islam.ewww. Are you talking about islam or mormonism? Cause I know the multiple wife thing is allowable in both but the cousin thing is new to me
oh well nvm then pretty gross son
a lot of urban models make money (when they are at their peak) but doing nightclub appearances/hosting, and selling calendars and pictures to simps who subscribe to their website. Some women turn to prostitution and stripping and the urban spread is just advertisement for johns. A select few might make some money doing fashion shoots or by having photographers pay them (note: photographers hate paying because they usually make money from charging).
Honestly there isn't a lot of money in urban modeling because its really just glamour modeling and glamour modeling doesn't make money. The only real reason to get into it as a female is you will likely get into places where you can meet men with money who will look at you as a potential trophy wife. But even that is a crap shoot because most those guys will see them for an easy lay.
As for guys if your willing to be labeled a perv I can't think of a better "hobby" to get into. Its not cheap (and most models flake) but if you stick to it you will be surrounded by physically beautiful women and you will sleep with a few (like 5%-15%) for relatively easy.
Nope. That'd still be Missouri
I don't know how to respond to that other then you will not have a problem out of me.My uncle IS a warlord. Well, he was. Now they call him a 'Commander'
Here is a picture of him leading his men during the Soviet war in Afghanistan;
When I went to see him for the second time in my life, he prepared a gigantic feast for me. It was just me and him, but there was enough food for 50 people. He has like 12 children. All of them were acting as the server. He kept making it awkward by asking me which one of the girls I liked...could barely eat.
I guess I can call him now and say JC wants in.
Pass, that heavy tattoo shit most times is ugly as fuck. Mostly because people just get random ass tattoos from random tattoo parlor books without any real thought on the tattoos or placement. But to chicks who pull it off...I salute. Like I have a small thing for Radeo Sucidie, after I met her said thing increased a bit.
Downside to those heavy tats is...when they age. Oh god.
Legalities and creepiness aside, you're not actually meeting a fully developed person at that age and the possibility they will be a completely different person after highschool and college is through the roof.
I already called him, sorry.
There will be a decrepit soviet helicopter on your roof at 1700 hours today.
Goodspeed JC.
a lot of urban models make money (when they are at their peak) but doing nightclub appearances/hosting, and selling calendars and pictures to simps who subscribe to their website. Some women turn to prostitution and stripping and the urban spread is just advertisement for johns. A select few might make some money doing fashion shoots or by having photographers pay them (note: photographers hate paying because they usually make money from charging).
Honestly there isn't a lot of money in urban modeling because its really just glamour modeling and glamour modeling doesn't make money. The only real reason to get into it as a female is you will likely get into places where you can meet men with money who will look at you as a potential trophy wife. But even that is a crap shoot because most those guys will see them for an easy lay.
As for guys if your willing to be labeled a perv I can't think of a better "hobby" to get into. Its not cheap (and most models flake) but if you stick to it you will be surrounded by physically beautiful women and you will sleep with a few (like 5%-15%) for relatively easy.
Thanks JC now we're all on a watchlist
Those old Hinds were beastsIslam.
The cousin thing isn't religion, it's just the archaic culture.
I already called him, sorry.
There will be a decrepit soviet helicopter on your roof at 1700 hours today.
Goodspeed JC.
Is it perm?they really got Silky before vulgar...its-its far man, its real far /jayz
Is it perm?