is it reasonable to finish it in 4hrs? if so it's next on my list. I've heard a lot of gaf praise for the message in the game (and a little for the actual game) so I'm interested in checking it out but not if it's one of those 'we got over 10 hours of gameplay for you' games that just extends gameplay by whatever means the devs could think of.
Does Enhanced Steam sometimes list GMG vouchers that don't work?
Says XD6388-B5KRS0-FGCNMC will take off on Watch Dogs, doesn't.
Don't Watch Dogs shame me, I've had a few drinks and need to see this trainwreck for myself.
The pull.. Is strong. I'll try to dont
If I was enco I'd totally be like Tweak.[/ img][/QUOTE]
Oh yea. Kinda feels bad having so much choice. Not gonna complain though.
[quote="MrTeachwell, post: 120570055"]is it reasonable to finish it in 4hrs? if so it's next on my list. I've heard a lot of gaf praise for the message in the game (and a little for the actual game) so I'm interested in checking it out but not if it's one of those 'we got over 10 hours of gameplay for you' games that just extends gameplay by whatever means the devs could think of.[/QUOTE]
I just checked Steam and I have 4.7 hours logged. I was rushing through it for the story and to get it out the way.
It's times like these that I'm glad that I have some spare card money left over.
It gets mentioned from time to time. It does look great.I am surprised GAF never talked about ASERBREED. It has to be one of the best shmup games I have played since Sine Mora. The game is really fun, even though it is a bit on the easy side.
I am surprised GAF never talked about ASERBREED. It has to be one of the best shmup games I have played since Sine Mora. The game is really fun, even though it is a bit on the easy side.
Unless you absolutely need it on steam.
Uplay codes are easy to get for around 20.
I am surprised GAF never talked about ASERBREED. It has to be one of the best shmup games I have played since Sine Mora. The game is really fun, even though it is a bit on the easy side.
I am surprised GAF never talked about ASERBREED. It has to be one of the best shmup games I have played since Sine Mora. The game is really fun, even though it is a bit on the easy side.
Is that Speed Runners? I like the style!
I am surprised GAF never talked about ASERBREED. It has to be one of the best shmup games I have played since Sine Mora. The game is really fun, even though it is a bit on the easy side.
Aww yea, Dark Souls 2 Season Pass on GMG. Finally got something to spend credit on.
edit: codes and credit don't mix right?
edit: codes and credit don't mix right?
Does Enhanced Steam sometimes list GMG vouchers that don't work?
Says XD6388-B5KRS0-FGCNMC will take off on Watch Dogs, doesn't.
Don't Watch Dogs shame me, I've had a few drinks and need to see this trainwreck for myself.
EDIT or maybe it's just IsThereAnyDeals mistake.
Yep One or the other.
Not anymore they don't...
Yet one more reason Playfire/GMG is starting to suck.
Not trying to shift the blame, but yeah it's on IsThereAnyDeal. Basically sometimes they have a "universal" coupon code on sites like GMG that should apply to everything but in practice actually doesn't (like you're experiencing).
Unfortunately ITAD doesn't have the manpower or server power to check each and every one. Though I'd say in my own experience it's always been at least 95% correct.
so after hearing a lot of people saying how great spec ops: the line is, i tried it out since it was in the 2k humble bundle.. and i gotta say, i am falling asleep playing it. i can sorta see why people say the story is good, i guess, but after 2 hours of literally just shooting, i can't play it anymore. does the story really get that great? i feel like it would be better as a movie, not a game
It's overrated.
Finished it in 4 hours and it was really frustrating and not very fun. Some cool bits here and there but it's nothing mind blowing. It forces you to do things and then tells you to feel bad. Didn't work for me. I agree with the overall message but the game is too annoying to be worth it.
Not anymore they don't...
Yet one more reason Playfire/GMG is starting to suck.
If you play it on easy it's reasonable. If you don't like the gunplay (which I didn't) just might as well play it on easy for the experience. I finished it and thought it was meh from a gameplay stand point but the story is pretty interesting but not that great like some people said it was.
I am surprised GAF never talked about ASERBREED. It has to be one of the best shmup games I have played since Sine Mora. The game is really fun, even though it is a bit on the easy side.
I'm about to go to work, but before I go, the first person to post a video of someone playing a 2D platformer with amazing skill (no tool-assisted stuff) gets Speedrunners.
They just majorly cut the amount of credit the rewards five you as well.
RIP Playfire and GMG!
Gotta 100% dem Bat Rats achievements now!
free tales of adventure 2 keys:
Not to mention that credit still isn't given out reliably, and support is total garbage in the event that you need manual credit added (i.e. they tell you it "looks fine on their end" and you get nothing).
Why would you do that to yourself.
Surely anyone who manages that transends humanityor has way too much tolerance and free time
You mean like posting on gaf?Surely anyone who manages that transends humanityor has way too much tolerance and free time
What notable games games have been released this year?
Struggling to remember.
What notable games games have been released this year?
Struggling to remember.
What notable games games have been released this year?
Struggling to remember.
What notable games games have been released this year?
Struggling to remember.
What notable games games have been released this year?
Struggling to remember.
What notable games games have been released this year?
Struggling to remember.
so after hearing a lot of people saying how great spec ops: the line is, i tried it out since it was in the 2k humble bundle.. and i gotta say, i am falling asleep playing it. i can sorta see why people say the story is good, i guess, but after 2 hours of literally just shooting, i can't play it anymore. does the story really get that great? i feel like it would be better as a movie, not a game
Oh yeah, i removed like 65 people to clear up my friends list. If it was one of you guys i apologize and just readd me.
Anyone know what is happening with Darkout? I think it was the game that ended abruptly because they ran out of money or something, and the developer expressed no intention of finishing properly.