Destiny Beta Thread: Moon wizards make Pet Sounds with space magic in a bottle

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Anyone think that kill 50 guardians with headshot is too hard ?

I finished about 20 crucible games and I got only 26 headshot kill.


could never
Yeah, I've been having some great matches with SRs. Trying out this uncommon AR that I got.

I didn't use them much in Alpha, really testing them out in this Beta. I'm half expecting a nerf come Retail haha. They're that good.

Lovely reload animation too.
Massive apologies if this is inappropriate for the thread, but any idea where I may get hold of the beta code for 360? Does the 360 even have an open beta?


During the alpha, I got all sorts of cloaks for my Hunter, but in the Beta, NOTHING.

What the heck unlocks the cloaks?! Gimme ma hood!


I wish there was a map in-game.


Does anyone know if you can get to the Devil's Lair entrance area from explore mode? I've actually messed around in that area for a bit before Strikes. Even though it's small, random events can actually happen in there.
Anyone think that kill 50 guardians with headshot is too hard ?

I finished about 20 crucible games and I got only 26 headshot kill.

It's not hard but it can take a while to achieve. I think I'm about 30 but maybe not quite as many matches. It's something to work towards in the background while you play for me.
Can't wait for the event. I finally got an uncommon AR with a high firerate and the recoil is fairly easy to control. I was using one that had an attack of 23 all the way to level 8 and it was painful lol

I only need uncommon armour for my legs to have everything green :)
With some help, I opened all of the gold chests to get that
Sparrow bike.

BTW, here's me:

Same cloak and trousers as me. I hate the colour combo :(

I just watched the PlayStation Access video of the lovely sights of the beta. I didn't even notice some of them. Especially on the PvP maps. Don't have time on their to sightsee lol


I am having a blast playing mp. Has been extremely exciting playing with friends tonight. Giving me Halo levels of addiction again. Everything is just wonderful. Really looking forward to that event later today.


Also, the Venus MP map is too tight, quickly shifts one way, and that's it. Never had a fun MP game on Venus.

Not a huge fan of Destiny MP so far, but that is by far the least enjoyable map for me.
During the alpha, I got all sorts of cloaks for my Hunter, but in the Beta, NOTHING.

What the heck unlocks the cloaks?! Gimme ma hood!

I've been looking at the cloaks that people are selling aeound the tower and there are some really awesome level 20 ones. It's such a tease. I agree about the lack of cloaks compared to the alpha though. They halved the amount of items that vendors sell for some reason.
Had a lot of fun playing the beta, but now that I know that the game is good I'm going to hold off on playing it any further until it's actually released.


Really want an uncommon AR or Scout Rifle.

Does anyone regularly use a Pulse Rifle? For me they have too much recoil, too little damage per hit, and the sights really get in the way. You also need to reload way too often with them. Hoping there's better ones in the full game, or maybe the ones I've tried just suck.


Really want an uncommon AR or Scout Rifle.

Does anyone regularly use a Pulse Rifle? For me they have too much recoil, too little damage per hit, and the sights really get in the way. You also need to reload way too often with them. Hoping there's better ones in the full game, or maybe the ones I've tried just suck.

I'm stuck with a pulse rifle for PvP and it's bloody awful, have a weak auto which actually does better. I need to get farming for quality equipment.

Endgame will be evened out a bit, but it's going to be skewed before that. The ground punch ability of the titan (I think) is also way overpowered in PvP, there's no real defense and it can instakill multiple enemies in one hit. Compare that to say the Hunter grenades which do virtually nothing and even direct hits won't kill outright.
I can't even get four shots out of the gun before getting ripped apart by autos and warcocks spamming their supers. :(

Well it's not for CQB, which is where your grenades, super and secondary come in. I often put one shot in and finish off with a knife if somebody has an auto.


I've been looking at the cloaks that people are selling aeound the tower and there are some really awesome level 20 ones. It's such a tease. I agree about the lack of cloaks compared to the alpha though. They halved the amount of items that vendors sell for some reason.

Yeah, don't understand it. Loved the Hunter cloaks in the alpha.

Gotta stop playing alone. Groups will always destroy in this game.

Was playing with 1 other amigo, but I guess we just need more quality teammates, or were outmatched. Any attempt to lock down 1 or 2 of the flags didn't hold for long. The thing is, we won all matches on The Moon. Whatever. MP is not why I'm buying Destiny. If I wanna play "hold the flag", I'll go back to Battlefield.
Also, the Venus MP map is too tight, quickly shifts one way, and that's it. Never had a fun MP game on Venus.

Not a huge fan of Destiny MP so far, but that is by far the least enjoyable map for me.

i've never won a match on Venus playing alone. It's the exact opposite playing with a team.

Need to be able to coordinate and callout, otherwise you will be overwhelmed by guys who are doing that on the other team, or ones who just get lucky. "Random" has a deeper meaning than just describing somebody who searches solo. A player belonging to no team is unpredictable in how they push and what engagements they participate in. It's good to have one player on the team who can hold their own (and you absolutely can in Destiny, which is one reason I enjoy the PvP [especially the Hunter] so much); however, strategic pushes, team pressure and communication is what is going to tilt the odds in your favor. And the same can be said of most multiplayer shooters.
Well it's not for CQB, which is where your grenades, super and secondary come in. I often put one shot in and finish off with a knife if somebody has an auto.

Yeah I found myself meleeing a lot, which is my fps style anyway. Love to jump in and get up close or stay far away and snipe away at unsuspecting players.

I guess I have been playing on the smaller maps, venus mostly with the SR so haven't been able to use it to its full potential.

But seriously, warlocks are way overpowered in pvp. Imo hunters are the weakest class for pvp. Best in Pve though.
When is the event?

"Tomorrow" means "today." I haven't slept yet (=_=)

2pm pacific, 5pm eastern

Was playing with 1 other amigo, but I guess we just need more quality teammates, or were outmatched. Any attempt to lock down 1 or 2 of the flags didn't hold for long. The thing is, we won all matches on The Moon. Whatever. MP is not why I'm buying Destiny. If I wanna play "hold the flag", I'll go back to Battlefield.

It's not necessarily about holding flags, it's about being able to rush positions together. The spawns flipping means that eventually someone from the other side will neutralize and/or take a zone. A solid team will be able to minimize the damage by quickly coordinating a push, and calling out what's happening where.
Yeah I found myself meleeing a lot, which is my fps style anyway. Love to jump in and get up close or stay far away and snipe away at unsuspecting players.

I guess I have been playing on the smaller maps, venus mostly with the SR so haven't been able to use it to its full potential.

But seriously, warlocks are way overpowered in pvp. Imo hunters are the weakest class for pvp. Best in Pve though.

Have found quite the opposite honestly. Hunters have a very significant advantage with the double jump, throwing knife and Golden Gun. The knife almost completely kills enemies and has a really good range. The double jump is quick, agile and you can change directions in mid air. You can also jump at any time before you land on the ground.

People tremendously underestimate the Golden Gun as well. For 10 seconds (longer if you use a certain upgrade with the knife), you are super charged. You can run into a building and clear two people out and then run out of it and snipe a guy across the map. Or you can take out 3 Pikes on your own. Or you can snipe an Interceptor across the map. Or you'll use it too early and run around frantically looking for someone to shoot (lol), and in a lot of cases you do find somebody.

The Titan has the benefit of being able to use his super quickly in CQB or on an approaching vehicle (and he's practically invincible while doing it). Outside of that, it's [currently] useless at range. Nova Bomb is devastating and almost impossible to dodge if you're in its radius, but it has a slow travel time and it's easy to miss from a distance. Both of these things are over in an instant, whereas Golden Gun makes you the BAMF on the map for 10 seconds at any range.

The scavenger skill also allows you to use the grenade and knife much more frequenetly, which further enhances a Hunter's arsenal. The Hunter's only drawback IMO is its lighter armor, but that can also be upgraded.

I'd say they're all well balanced. I think the invincibility on the Titan and Warlock supers should be removed though, and you should be able to survive them if you jump high enough.
Is that the best way to farm loot? Running the strike on hard mode, I usually get 3-4 uncommons (engrams + two reward items) but it can take a while.

I have no idea. I spent the majority of my time crushing or getting crushed in PvP. it sounds like a good idea in my head, but *shrug*

If you're on when I'm on later we can figure this out and farm all the lands for all the hot gear.
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