Destiny Beta Thread: Moon wizards make Pet Sounds with space magic in a bottle

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This is what I'm worried about. I wish they could give us the option of having a PvP dedicated character which is really high level and has good weapons negating any level advantage people would have.

Most crucible modes have normalized damage and level doers matter.

The PVP event today is diffrent of course.


Blah I can't sleep :(.

I've played for a few hours now and I'm not sure I see what everyone likes so far. It's just a Borderlands clone with very predictable and repetitive missions from what I've played. All I've done is go to an area, get generic missions and just kill dudes until my percentage meter says 100% and essentially repeat that with the next mission. The game looks fine though and I like the controls, but this isn't what the game is gonna be like for all of it right? It feels very mechanical in its progression: "here go to this new area that's 1 level tougher (so are you btw) and find 10 more missions that are exactly the same as the last area" This is what the game boils down to for me right now.

But again, this is based on a few (boring) hours, does it get different at all or is it basically this? Because if it is I'm just gonna skip it.

I take it you don't like MMOs or action rpgs like Diablo? That's what the design of this game is centered around; loot collecting, playing with others, and character progression. Not story, and not radically different quests/missions.

Despite not being able to be defined well even by Bungie themselves, this game is the same type of game Borderlands is. It's just broken down into more instances and activities to group players up by what they want to do specifically, and probably to help circumvent complexities of creating an entire cohesive world like WoW on consoles (which of course still has instances). The thing is, a lot of people liked Borderlands 1 & 2, and I imagine a lot of them would enjoy this as well.

If you don't like those types of games then I honestly don't think you'll like this. If you do like those games, then maybe rent the full game when it comes out.


Let me show you through these halls, my friend, where treasures of indie gaming await...
I thought the Titan was the go to PVP class. In fact I just leveled to 8 for the sole purpose of 1 shotting with his super. I definitely do not like his jump as much as the Hunter. There's no way to decrease your altitude on the fly so you go to high sometimes when you just wanted to jump a little bit higher than normal.

I heard that the multiplayer modes with the exception of the one being previewed today for 2 hours have normalized weapons and gear?

How long to go until that mode is live?


Fallen Xbot (cannot continue gaining levels in this class)
This is what I'm worried about. I wish they could give us the option of having a PvP dedicated character which is really high level and has good weapons negating any level advantage people would have.

Only pvp mode where gear and level matters is Iron banner, so not sure why people are worried? Don't want level and gear to matter then don't play Iron banner and just play normal crucible.

i'm holding out hope their is some sort of "competitive" playlist where everyone has the same loadouts, or loadout options. i don't like the idea that some people have a fairly large advantage based on how much they have played pve or luck. maybe even disabling supers (less likely).
Here I was trying to get the highest 'attack' for my gun, but once you're level 8, it doesn't matter anymore, right (or at least that much)? From then on it's more about the 'impact' that the guns have, correct?
My god, the cinematics are so damn pretty. Can't keep my finger off the Share button.

It's a lot harder to get green gear this time around, imo. I think because the NPC vendors sell less gear (one line instead of two) and there's a lower chance of greens in their inventory. Hoping they move the retail release closer towards to Alpha in this regard!



Is there anything to do after level 6? I'm currently level 7 and didn't see anything new on Earth to do. No interest in PvP. How do you unlock the Moon? Is the Moon just a game type for co-op like Crucible is for PvP?


Why exactly don't bosses drop loot? Seems totally backwards to me that you don't get any substantial reward for killing their overly health-padded bosses.

They also need to telegraph better where and when loot drops on the ground. How about pillars of light shining up Diablo style instead of these big blobs that you can totally miss if you aren't paying attention.
i'm holding out hope their is some sort of "competitive" playlist where everyone has the same loadouts, or loadout options. i don't like the idea that some people have a fairly large advantage based on how much they have played pve or luck. maybe even disabling supers (less likely).

This isn't how it works. Your level 2 auto rifle does the same damage as a level 8 in most crucible modea


Wow that fucking blows. I had my primary weapon inventory full and I got a really nice upgraded scout rifle from the end of the strike and it didn't give it to me.

Why exactly don't bosses drop loot? Seems totally backwards to me that you don't get any substantial reward for killing their overly health-padded bosses.

They also need to telegraph better where and when loot drops on the ground. How about pillars of light shining up Diablo style instead of these big blobs that you can totally miss if you aren't paying attention.

Someone said earlier any loot you don't pick up from a mission gets send to the postmaster.

Can anyone confirm this?


Only pvp mode where gear and level matters is Iron banner, so not sure why people are worried? Don't want level and gear to matter then don't play Iron banner and just play normal crucible.
Wow that fucking blows. I had my primary weapon inventory full and I got a really nice upgraded scout rifle from the end of the strike and it didn't give it to me.


Same happened to me. Was looking for hours for a good AR rifle and got one at the end of the strike with a full rate of fire rating but NOPE! Inventory was full.
It's pretty ridiculous how I can jump into PVP matches at levels 5 with barebones gear and be put up against teams with far stronger weapons, armor and higher levels than me.


Only pvp mode where gear and level matters is Iron banner, so not sure why people are worried? Don't want level and gear to matter then don't play Iron banner and just play normal crucible.

Weapon types sure matter in PVP. Pulse Rifle sucks in it, and the shotty isn't that good either. Class powers matter too.
It ain't balanced.
AI in Bungie games isn't a Halo thing, it's a Bungie thing.

Marathon: Durandal
Halo 1 - 3: Cortana
Halo 3 ODST: Superintendent
Halo Reach: Dot
Destiny: Ghost

Are you talking about me?!

Uh, maybe? I think we all swore a lot. But thanks for saving me in that one match. And no thank you to you killing me and ending the match.


There's so much I like here, but the missions are so short and repetitive that I don't think this game is for me. The weapons feel and sound great, combat is fun and the graphics are quite nice, but the level and encounter design are so basic that I'm already getting bored.

Unless there's more meat to the campaign in the final game, I think I'm out.


It's pretty ridiculous how I can jump into PVP matches at levels 5 with barebones gear and be put up against teams with far stronger weapons, armor and higher levels than me.
That won't matter until 2pm Pacific when they implement level and Gear advantage

On another note, got my clan tag to show up after leaving my clan and re-entering it (do at your own risk of course)

The only downside is it says

Destinygaf eas
Instead of destinygaf east

I propose we change it to destinygaf e1/w1 ect ect
That won't matter until 2pm Pacific when they implement level and Gear advantage

Say what now? I'd like more info if you've got it handy :)

There's so much I like here, but the missions are so short and repetitive that I don't think this game is for me. The weapons feel and sound great, combat is fun and the graphics are quite nice, but the level and encounter design are so basic that I'm already getting bored.

Unless there's more meat to the campaign in the final game, I think I'm out.

That's how I feel too. Lots of potential but the missions are pretty repetitive and I'm not heavily invested enough in the PvP.


Weapon types sure matter in PVP. Pulse Rifle sucks in it, and the shotty isn't that good either. Class powers matter too.
It ain't balanced.

I've done very well with the pulse rifle but haven't played with the Shotgun so don't have anything to say about that.

My point is that level and gear etc doesn't matter in normal crucible, doesn't matter if you are rocking greens or whites.
Weapon type might matter depending on your playstyle but if you Suck with the pulse rifle then why would you play with it?


Fallen Xbot (cannot continue gaining levels in this class)
This isn't how it works. Your level 2 auto rifle does the same damage as a level 8 in most crucible modea

ehhhh, not from what i've seen. i've watched players go from 4 headshot kill capable rifles to ones that can kill in 3. pea shooter smgs to ones that can kill in half the time. hell, even pulse rifles with huge kick back to ones that focus their burst fire is a HUGE advantage.
Same happened to me. Was looking for hours for a good AR rifle and got one at the end of the strike with a full rate of fire rating but NOPE! Inventory was full.

You can store stuff in your bank at the tower or dismantle the guns you've outgrown. No need to have all slots full.

I think that was a headshot with the sniper rifle.


That'll teach me to be more well mannered when I'm on Venus.
Oh yeah. Guys, the very first weapon you get in the game (auto rifle that looks kinda like an M4) is pretty decent in Crucible if you haven't found a better auto rifle. Don't get rid of it!
i really dont know what to think of the beta

After playing the Alpha and now the Beta and maxing the levels on all 3 classes
it starts to expose the grinding nature of an online RPG and all 3 classes feel the same apart from a few small dont really get a feel to what makes them different

probably my biggest gripe with the beta is the limit of 3 members to a fireteam on the missions hoping the final game allows more than this as pretty much everyone on my freinds list was playing this and it would be great to have some 40 man vs a giant robot skirmish

you need at least 5 for a fireteam ....WoW was doing this since launch


well i'm sure its great for clearing out areas where people are bunched up but it seems Hunters have more versatile abilities. Good for range, close, etc

Also you can decrease the altitude in your jump. just hit the jump button again in air and it'll cancel it

but Warlocks are the best guys
i really dont know what to think of the beta

After playing the Alpha and now the Beta and maxing the levels on all 3 classes
it starts to expose the grinding nature of an online RPG and all 3 classes feel the same apart from a few small dont really get a feel to what makes them different

probably my biggest gripe with the beta is the limit of 3 members to a fireteam on the missions hoping the final game allows more than this as pretty much everyone on my freinds list was playing this and it would be great to have some 40 man vs a giant robot skirmish

you need at least 5 for a fireteam ....WoW was doing this since launch
I'm fairly certain Fireteams will be bigger later on
Also, I've seen 10-man skirmishes in Daily Events
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