did you accidently delete instead of close the game down ?
No, after I finish playing, I pressed ps button and selected shut down PS4.
did you accidently delete instead of close the game down ?
Something weird happened. Yesterday I was playing Destiny, everything was fine and today I turned on my PS4 to play some more and the game is gone its not there. I have to download it again![]()
My PS4 just deleted Destiny.
This is crazy.
It's a shame once you've chosen your armour colour when you create your character that you pretty much lose that once you find new stuff, or is there a way of painting new armour? Not found any cloacks yet, they will be cool!
Really love this, the co-op will keep this massively popular for me, I just want to see more now! I really hope Old Russia isn't the only location on Earth. There seems to be ALOT of content in this game that will take a while to figure out, such as collecting Light and so on.
Has a Trophy list been released yet? Interested to see what features on it. Hopefully no PvP trophies as I am not into that really (in any game).
whats ur control sensitivity level guys? coming from bf4, im having a hard time getting used to the controls in PvP.
When do we get access to Moon? They wouldn't put that in as a cocktease for nothing would they?
When do we get access to Moon? They wouldn't put that in as a cocktease for nothing would they?
All those people complaining about titans + warlocks being invincible while 'supering' is quite untrue. It's just they move really fast and it's over in pretty much a blink of an eye. This makes them pretty hard to kill while mid super. Unless they've already been damaged before hand. Or if you have a rocket launcher. I've died plenty of times in the middle of fist of havoc
Finally got a green auto rifle drop. It does pretty good in PVP too.
Can you unlock any other Crucible modes other than the zone capture one?
Guys wtf are wizards and why are they called wizards? @_@
Yeah heres the list:
Another question. When you weapon is green when it's equipped, does that mean it's the best weapon in your inventory?
Another question. When you weapon is green when it's equipped, does that mean it's the best weapon in your inventory?
Another question. When you weapon is green when it's equipped, does that mean it's the best weapon in your inventory?
I'm loving this game so much.
Can't wait to try it on the Xbox one controller when the XB1 beta drops next week.
Cheers. There are a few PvP ones in there which might be a pain (earn the maximum weekly score, although this might be simply a number of kills) and then some cumulative ones too.
So you can create a clan within the game for the Strikes? This sounds different from creating a party. Wonder how many players can join it...
Just took down a spider tank on my own, felt like a badass.
Every time I do missions in explore I keep getting (what I think are) vanguard points, but when I check in the menus I can't find anything other than vanguard marks (which has been stuck at 2 for a long while). Is that value supposed to increase? Because I don't know where these things are going every time I finish a mission, lol.
Me too.
The Dualshock, while improved, is still pretty bad for this type of game.
Pause menu or inventory?What's it mean when I see a dialogue box with a "..." in it above people's heads? I've never heard someone say anything in this game. I keep my fire team thing public but no one ever joins. And then sometimes I invite people and they don't say anything. but I have my mic on and I have no idea if they can hear me or not.
Also, it's really annoying when people clear the entire area before Devil's Lair instead of zoning in. Usually it'll be me and another person doing the 0 outta 3 part at the beginning before the other guy will even zone in.
Me too.
The Dualshock, while improved, is still pretty bad for this type of game.
All those people complaining about titans + warlocks being invincible while 'supering' is quite untrue. It's just they move really fast and it's over in pretty much a blink of an eye. This makes them pretty hard to kill while mid super. Unless they've already been damaged before hand. Or if you have a rocket launcher. I've died plenty of times in the middle of fist of havoc
Oh, and thought this gun and description was mildly funny, so sharing:
The classes are not different enough to make this a decent class-based PVP shooter either.
Probably after maintenance.
How do you get a cloak as a hunter?
PVP isn't very good.
Being rather COD-like, it really needs join-in-progress, or the team missing a player or two will start losing very badly (unlike in Halo were good players can compensate numbers).
It is unbalanced, certain weapons are clearly better in PVP (my pulse rifle is pretty bad, with ADS or not).
The game is fast enough ADS doesn't really suit it... but pretty much every weapon outside shotgun need ADS in my experience so far.
Some weapon effects lag behind a lot, such as shotguns (it may take some half a second before my hit registers).
Melee is... random.
The classes are not different enough to make this a decent class-based PVP shooter either.
Basically things are as i expected...
And then there will be "level advantage" PVP... what the fuck is Bungie thinking?
Frankly CODs and Battlefield 3-onward are considerably better ADS PVP games.
I hope Destiny's PVP bombs so that Bungie will have to redo it later on to be something better, either a proper class-based game, or an arena shooter.
Will try that fucking Iron Banner event later on today, and will keep playing PVP otherwise a bit but i know it ain't going to get any better.
So am i the only one rocking a titan? I like it for PVE having a little more oomph and eventually being able to be a tank like defender with the sub class
I'm surprised i liked the titan since its so close to a generic spartan but after rolling all 3 classes in the alpha i digged the jet pack jumping and smash of the titan. Super punch is fun too
I do think i'm at a disadvantage with PVP or i just don't know what i'm doing
This is what I'm worried about. I wish they could give us the option of having a PvP dedicated character which is really high level and has good weapons negating any level advantage people would have.
I thought the Titan was the go to PVP class. In fact I just leveled to 8 for the sole purpose of 1 shotting with his super. I definitely do not like his jump as much as the Hunter. There's no way to decrease your altitude on the fly so you go to high sometimes when you just wanted to jump a little bit higher than normal.