What's that website that shows a game's historical low sale price?
What's that website that shows a game's historical low sale price?
What's that website that shows a game's historical low sale price?
I have never opted to not buy the whole thing in a BaB, but I'm really not trying to have yet another text-driven WW2 strategy game on my account... So do I have to pass some money threshold to be eligible for bonuses?
bought Lili and Isomer from groupees along w/ an OJ to raffle but they are still processing my amazon payment (amazon took the money, but it will take a while on groupees end or something)
oh interesting, august 14 is when I find out the date I will disapear from Steamgaf... oh well, I had a good run
oh interesting, august 14 is when I find out the date I will disapear from Steamgaf... oh well, I had a good run
Deadfall Adventures 75% off.
Still 10.
Be careful, they're not all steam keys.Thanks! There's a really nice deal on GamersGate for The Walking Dead games right now. I don't have the 400 Days DLC and it's on sale seperately; looks like it's the lowest it's ever been!
u wot m8?
Cool, thanks. Guess I'm getting Lili and Isomer!No, every purchase gets all the bonuses, so you can make a bunch of minimum purchases if you want and each one will get copies of the bonuses. Can be worthwhile if the bonuses are really good, which they sometimes are.
Are you setting a wedding date so you can finally get started on your beatiful future with Laharlot?oh interesting, august 14 is when I find out the date I will disapear from Steamgaf... oh well, I had a good run
This is easily the most convenient way of doing it.Every Steam store page when you have Enhanced Steam installed. Which gets its info from isthereanydeal.com.
I'm not even mentioning Deadfall any more until they drop the base price, because from all I've heard, it's definitely not worth the current base price =p
its when they announce the Warlords of Draenor release date![]()
I got my key, you need to be more polite next time and not email "GIVE ME MY KEY MOTHERFUCKERS"
The true pandemonium will start, uh, "sometime before the end of 2014"Lol, oh!
SteamGAF is going to be a barren wasteland come February.DAT WITCHER 3 HYPE
Daily Killer is dead 40% off
Weeklong deals are up, not discounted yet.
Daily Killer is dead 40% off
Weeklong deals are up, not discounted yet.
Lol, oh!
SteamGAF is going to be a barren wasteland come February.DAT WITCHER 3 HYPE
I bought Isomer from an Indie Royal bundle in the past, had to email the dev for a Steam key, and they never responded. So fuck that price.
Daily Killer is dead 40% off
Weeklong deals are up.
Mostly the usual suspects.
isn't it 40% off on GMG too?
A story of my uncle - 50% off
lifeless planet - 50% off
worth it? or wwait til winter
Is it weird if I buy Crazy Plant Shop?
Is it weird if I buy Crazy Plant Shop?
I encountered a strange bug when trying to delete games from my wishlist. As soon as I reload the page, they are back. Anyone here having the same problem?
I bought that bundle as well and was looking for how to get my key and came across this thread. It sounds like the Desura key will give you a Steam key for it.
Uncle is okay, Lifeless Planet isn't.
Yes but we won't judge you.
Is it weird if I buy Crazy Plant Shop?
Trailer is live https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I43SUmCXRwA
Lili: Child of Geos
Fall Weiss
100% Orange Juice
Little Big Adventure
99 Spirits
Book of Legends
EDIT: Damn your editing skills
If you use Enhanced Steam, it's a bug that was patched with the latest version. You could update ES or remove the game from your wishlist in the client.
Ooh, thanks for the heads up.
but witcher is on steam, youll at least see people there. You havent seen me when there is a wow xpac yet, I honest to god disapear from the face of the earth
lets just say Im missing one of the sale badges because I skipped one of the xmas sales because...there was a new xpac out. I literally did nothing else on the computer, I didnt even check deals lol
Dark Matter is the one that abruptely ends and they give you a .jpg for an ending because they ran out of money during development correct?
Dark Matter is the one that abruptely ends and they give you a .jpg for an ending because they ran out of money during development correct?