Remember that time Bobby Heenan spoiled Hogan's heel turn?
Oh GOD I remember people talking about this in here
Heenan immediately not trusting Hogan was fucking awesome, because he NEVER did. Heenan was finally right, there.
Remember that time Bobby Heenan spoiled Hogan's heel turn?
Oh GOD I remember people talking about this in here
Heenan immediately not trusting Hogan was fucking awesome, because he NEVER did. Heenan was finally right, there.
Oh GOD I remember people talking about this in here
Heenan immediately not trusting Hogan was fucking awesome, because he NEVER did. Heenan was finally right, there.
So that five stages of being a WWE fan was some bullshit. Maybe someone who had watched wrestling in the last five years should have written it. Big Show Mayweather was when?
He didn't spoil Planet of the Apes for you, because he didn't tell you if it was the remake or not. I'll spoil that. The original ending is he finds out that the planet he is on has been Earth all along, and that ending was written by the late great Rod Serling, easily the master of the twist ending.
The Marky Mark Planet of the Apes uses an ending much more similar to the novel, where in he thinks he gets back to earth, but is on a parallel version of Earth where the humans were all apes instead, so like, Abraham Lincoln is an ape at the Lincoln memorial.
Now you've had them spoiled.
So that five stages of being a WWE fan was some bullshit. Maybe someone who had watched wrestling in the last five years should have written it. Big Show Mayweather was when?
He didn't spoil Planet of the Apes for you, because he didn't tell you if it was the remake or not. I'll spoil that. The original ending is he finds out that the planet he is on has been Earth all along, and that ending was written by the late great Rod Serling, easily the master of the twist ending.
The Marky Mark Planet of the Apes uses an ending much more similar to the novel, where in he thinks he gets back to earth, but is on a parallel version of Earth where the humans were all apes instead, so like, Abraham Lincoln is an ape at the Lincoln memorial.
Now you've had them spoiled.
It would have been more suspicious if Heenan didn't say something that made Hogan look negative. However I think Heenan should have said something different like "Look at this egomaniac! He has no business out here!"
Sounds like a DC writer's dream. Ape Lincoln!
If Bronson had worked for ECW:
I wish he didn't say but who's side is he on, it ruined it a little. Was he told to say that, or was he shooting?
I actually learned something from that. To this day I didn't know Planet of the Apes was actually based on a novel. Is it still worth reading?
I still don#t appreciate being reminded of the bad Tim Burton version.
I'd like to know what the bigger picture is that prevented AJ from getting fired. Is it the same one Nexus was talking about?
wtf at that bump, fuck you 911 you unsafe bastard
And yo, we only get on Heenan in hindsight because of what transpired after. He literally did that shit every time Hogan popped up on screen. It's basically the crazy guy actually being right, once.
I wonder if Tony Schiavone gave him the stink eye after that line, like Kobe Bryant mad dogging his teammates whenever they do anything other than pass him the ball.
This is a company that employs bullies in positions of power.
JBL soaps up multiple guys asses and harasses someone so badly that he quits the company. Performs a nazi gesture in Germany -- still with the company.
Michael Hayes is a notorious racist who Simon Dean even said he has no idea how he's still alive -- still with the company.
Michael Cole calls someone a fag on twitter -- still with the company
Bill Demott has multiple accusations of harassment of students. Fired for it in the past. Rehired for no reason. Multiple students step out to accuse him -- still with the company
Bob Holly -- known bully. Physically abuses younger wrestlers and takes advantage of him being their 'guide' in the ring -- Employed for YEARS
ADR slaps somebody -- fired.
Remember that time Bobby Heenan spoiled Hogan's heel turn?
Exactly, in hindsight he gave it away.
Nobody in their right mind actually believed him when Heenan said it, because he's said stuff just like that for 10 years.
Friendships also come out of violence as well. Two of my closest pals, my first REAL interaction with them was a fight. Weird as it sounds, it's a bonding thing.
I would dial the numbers
The Gaming Forum is like the IWC if we thought wrestling was real.
Be proud tho, OP is getting SHIT on by the rest of that thread
That made me feel a little better. I was scared we were going to get the typical "YEAH! That guy's idea is great! Let's start an online petition! GET OUT THE VOTE!"
Wouldn't call that a punch. More like an uppercut... around the thigh.Ryno getting punched in the balls
Crotch region caress.Wouldn't call that a punch. More like an uppercut... around the thigh.
I think a lot of people saying ADR was no good are afraid to admit that he did a lot in four years and had a great run for the first half of his brief career.
Some day they'll realise that hashtag campaigns never work. Like anyone at Sony really gives a crap about them.
The Gaming Forum is like the IWC if we thought wrestling was real.
Former WWE star Matt Sydal, f.k.a. Evan Bourne, recently did a YouShoot interview. In the clip above, Sydal was asked if he ever saw a backstage fight during his time with WWE. Sydal mentioned the Big Show - Great Khali fight in 2009 in Puerto Rico. Sydal noted that both men basically tumbled on the ground and fell on a bunch of bags. It was reported at the time that Big Show approached Khali and threw the first punch, which Khali blocked. After they fell to the ground, Khali was able to mount Show and slap him several times before the fight was broken up.
The Gaming Forum is like the IWC if we thought wrestling was real.
Thinking that what we say here on gaf has any actual power in Hollywood is hilarious. We barely made a dent in the lead up to the release of the consolesBe proud tho, OP is getting SHIT on by the rest of that thread
Has the Evan Bourne YouShoot been mentioned in the thread yet?
Sounds hilarious to be a witness of.
*Awesome Horsemen theme plays*
'Oh cool, who's coming out? Arn? Malenko? Benoit?...'
This might be the biggest blue balls I've ever experienced in wrestling. You can NOT come out to the Horsemen theme, the greatest theme of all time, without being a certain degree of awesome. Instead, I get these three.
good god,i'd kill to see that
Is Minoru Suzuki that motherfucker? I haven't heard any votes
The more important question is if you thought the Avengers could have stopped the MoS Kryptonian attack.
The Gaming Forum is like the IWC if we thought wrestling was real.