If you were to take wrestling lore as gospel, THEN who do you feel is the most powerful being in wrestling history?
Warrior is up there. In his whole career I saw him lose like two times.Granted different era but he's up there.
If you were to take wrestling lore as gospel, THEN who do you feel is the most powerful being in wrestling history?
If you were to take wrestling lore as gospel, THEN who do you feel is the most powerful being in wrestling history?
If you were to take wrestling lore as gospel, THEN who do you feel is the most powerful being in wrestling history?
See, normally, you got a 50-50 chance of creating a thread I'll click on. But I'm not really into comics, so you got a 25% chance at best creating a thread I'll like. But then you add race/gender threads and those odds drastically go down. See the OT's got a 33 and 1/3rd chance of having a thread I'll enter, but I got a 66 and 2/3rds chance of not entering a human interest thread because the puns are too bad so I don't even try. So the OT takes it's 33 and 1/3rd and then takes away 25% and there's only an 8 and 1/3rd chance of me posting in a thread. But then you take my 66 and 2/3rds chance of not going in a thread and add my 75% chance of not liking a thread and I've got a 141 and 2/3rds chance of never posting in a thread. The numbers don't lie.
If you were to take wrestling lore as gospel, THEN who do you feel is the most powerful being in wrestling history?
If you were to take wrestling lore as gospel, THEN who do you feel is the most powerful being in wrestling history?
Undertaker has come back from death. That's impressive.
I think we're having a disconnect - anything that's been referenced, not necessarily done in the ring as well. Like it's obvious Hogan has the power of Jesus for the prayers.
I think we're having a disconnect - anything that's been referenced, not necessarily done in the ring as well. Like it's obvious Hogan has the power of Jesus for the prayers.
Vince beat God.
Vince beat God.
So Hogan has the power of heaven, Kane and Taker SHARE the power of Satan, Vince is basically an Atheist Prime...fuck.
50% comic book threads
30% faux-intellectual blog posts on race/gender/sex
10% miscellaneous
9% random human interest news article
1% news article
OT-GAF. Believe.
Inoki as the son of God, but Hulk Hogan had the entity God behind him. I think Hogan has that. However he has no power over Vince, who is the LACK of religion....boy oh boy. This should have been a topic.
Where does Jesus Inoki fit in??
Bryan has to be surprisingly high up though.
He took the belt straight off of Cena's waist. He's gone through Kane. The Shield. Orton. Batista. Final Boss Form HHH. (He effectively beat Evolution in a single night). He's legit gone though pretty much the entire upper card in less than a year.
And the only thing that stopped him was himself.
I think we're having a disconnect - anything that's been referenced, not necessarily done in the ring as well. Like it's obvious Hogan has the power of Jesus for the prayers.
Bryan being rooted in the real world is pretty rough though. No supernatural powers at all in any way.
I'm fucking concerned about this because by this criteria, one could reasonably make a case for the Dungeon of Doom being the most powerful force in professional wrestling.
He stopped crime. That has to count for something.Bryan being rooted in the real world is pretty rough though. No supernatural powers at all in any way.
He looks like Jesus, does that count?
Alternatively, his superpower is the people. The Yes Movement is his Spirit Bomb.
Somewhere along the lines, Gaming AGE actually overtook OT as the sensible portion of this website.50% comic book threads
30% faux-intellectual blog posts on race/gender/sex
10% miscellaneous
9% random human interest news article
1% news article
OT-GAF. Believe.
Couldn't Papa Shango curse people?
Ooo, yeah, he can. Is Voodoo stronger than Jesus?
I'm still convinced that Brock is the most powerful being.
DESTROYED Hulk Hogan, with the power of the Holy Trinity backing Hulk.
CONQUERED The Undertaker, with all the power of the Underworld
BRUTALIZED HHH, with all the power of of burying
DEFEATED Kane, the Devil's Favorite Daemon Kane, brother of the Undertaker, with similar powers granted to him
SHOOK HANDS with Antonio Inoki, with all the power of Allah, Japan, and Chins.
BEAT Kurt Angle, with all the power of Olympic Wrestling
MOLLYWHOPPED Mark Henry, the strongest man in the world
SMASHED Frank Mir, expert submission artist
OVERCAME Diverticulitis, a crippling disease that typically ruins normal humans
BOULDERDASHED The Rock, with all the power of electricity
BEAT THE PISS OUT OF Big Show, the world's largest athlete
If you believe that you absorb energy/souls from those you defeat, Brock Lesnar is the most powerful being to ever exist in wrasslin.
But Andre's undefeated streak! Or is it canon since Andre died and Brock is still alive Brock has more potential?
Brock made Vince so worried about Taker's health he left WM30. Brock gave a soulless man a soul.
When did he defeat Kane? That never happened.I'm still convinced that Brock is the most powerful being.
DESTROYED Hulk Hogan, with the power of the Holy Trinity backing Hulk.
CONQUERED The Undertaker, with all the power of the Underworld
BRUTALIZED HHH, with all the power of of burying
DEFEATED Kane, the Devil's Favorite Daemon Kane, brother of the Undertaker, with similar powers granted to him
SHOOK HANDS with Antonio Inoki, with all the power of Allah, Japan, and Chins.
BEAT Kurt Angle, with all the power of Olympic Wrestling
MOLLYWHOPPED Mark Henry, the strongest man in the world
SMASHED Frank Mir, expert submission artist
OVERCAME Diverticulitis, a crippling disease that typically ruins normal humans
BOULDERDASHED The Rock, with all the power of electricity
BEAT THE PISS OUT OF Big Show, the world's largest athlete
If you believe that you absorb energy/souls from those you defeat, Brock Lesnar is the most powerful being to ever exist in wrasslin.