Sony Gamescom 2014 press conference confirmed for August 12

How can anyone say that was a bad conference. That was literally the best Gamescom conference I've ever seen from anyone. SO many new announcements and games and exclusives.


Way beyond what I expected them to announce and show at the event, really knocked it out of the park for me in terms of variety of games shown... Enjoyed that even more than their E3 conference.



I end up not playing the PS+ games anyhow, even when they are free.

Because these games are fresh 'experiences.' How many games even had a gun in this presentation? I don't have a PS4, but Tearaway Unfolded made me wish I had one. The more AAA looking games look like rote run of the mill rehashes, but most of the games presented weren't that.

Also, this conference really highlighted how old and stale live stage presentations are. The empty gaps to wait for non-existent applause were really annoying. These conference writers should take the SNL route and not expect anyone to laugh, because that shit was embarrassing. Not CoDAW bad, but it stunk of self congratulations, even though some was earned.
geez...people are bringing up no TLG show? that game is too big for this, its unveiling will be at an E3.

anyways, downloading P.T. right now :D


Oh my...

That last game is a killer, it looks absolutely brilliant.

Not really much in the way of AAA from Sony but they got that steady stream of 'smaller' games to cover them until they are ready I guess. I expected a few games announcements but that was a lot for gamescom, had me more excited than e3. Rime and Wild did it for me. Alienation looks interesting but seems at odds with HellDivers (when is that out btw!!!), still I am sure I'll love it but Rime and Wild are another level.


I was on a phone call and missed the information about Wild. What's it about?

What am I going to do with all THESE GAMES? These games aren't first-person shooters, cover-based shooters. NAAAAAAH! Look the variety of games. Sony came with quality titles for every possible customer.

Somebody hold me as I just look at these riches and wonder WHAT AM I GOING TO DO WITH ALL THESE GAMES?



This is the only game I want.

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Unconfirmed Member
Really enjoyed the conference. Except for the parts on Destiny and Driveclub.

Looks like I have to get a PS4 soon, hopefully by the end of the year.

Wild and Rime looks great. Surprised and happy by Tearaway (my Vita version remains unplayed, sitting in the PSN server, waiting to be downloaded).


Here's my mini-summary, might be missing some details because of streams dying left and right:

The Order new trailer


Bloodborne new trailer / within 6 months?

10 million PS4's sold through to consumers worldwide

The Tomorrow Children - fully exclusive

The Vanishing of Ethan Carter - timed exclusive

Volume (Thomas Was Alone developers)

Runemaster - timed exclusive

Hollowpoint - timed exclusive

DayZ (Cross-platform play)

Hellblade (Ninja Theory / Heavenly Sword) main character looks like Kai from HS - PS4 timed exclusive

Rime (fully exclusive to PS4)

Indies Montage

Destiny - according to Gamestop, most pre-ordered (PS4 leading) in history for new IP, Dark below expansion launching in December

Far Cry 4

Shadow of Mordor - exclusive content

Hideo Kojima - MGS V, new box abilities

P.T. - first interactive teaser? - live on Playstation store

PS4 System Software 2.0

- shared videos to youtube, shared play

- any PS+ subscriber, invite friend anyone, anywhere to play together in same session, friends do not need to own or download game


PS Now

PS TV - gaming console to most PSP, PSVita, PS1, 2, classics - 99 euros including 3 digital games

Until Dawn - built exclusively for PS4 - 8 friends try to survive night from hell, Ouija board, graphics look pretty good, survival horror

Drive Club - Weather - photo mode?!

Media Molecule - Tearaway Unfolded for PS4 (2015)

Alienation - Exclusive PS4 from Housemarque

Wild - Wild sheep studios, new PS4 exclusive
Great conference but the whole thing felt like it was crescendoing to something and it just dropped at the end. It leaves a bad taste in your mouth. Which is too bad because they really did nail it.


Apart from the disappointment in regards to Vita, great conference. Lots of interesting games shown that will make me consider a PS4 sooner than expected. Wild, Rime, Tomorrow Children, to name just 3, looked so damn nice, stuff I want to play.


On the plus side, they did show a ton of games. No filler, just one after another. Some of them looked fairly interesting.

On the bad side, no big reveals. And frankly, none of the games outside of Bloodborne made me really excited.

Better than E3, but could have been better still.


Well that was damn impressive!
Lots of new stuff and surprise announcements.

I really hope that they can do the same for TGS with tons of great Japanese support.


After bloodborne, it was a shitload of smaller games. If smaller games are the ones you love, then you would have loved that conference.


Oft hope is born when all is forlorn.
Can we agree, there wasn't anything mindblowing in there? Was really hoping to see more Order and new GG IP. Also GTA 5 release date
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