Sony Gamescom 2014 press conference confirmed for August 12

Gimme all them $10-$20 fun games!

Last Gen burnt me out on "Generic Cover Shooter QTE 100's Mil budget"
Ive had more fun with Dont Starve, Resogun, Transistor, etc.. then any big budget title released so far.


To me, even the best indie games are fun for a few hours or a few days and then kinda forgotten. Which is fine, but I'm also not gonna get as excited about them as a larger scale game. There are exceptions such as Braid and Journey.

No accounting for your taste, I suppose.
The best posts are from those people who want that game (yes that game) to be shown or worst show ever!

Please, grow up.

Anyway, pretty good conference, nothing mind blowing except Hellblade. I love Ninja Theory and this is a pretty a big announce to me !

the girl looks like kai from heavenly sword.

actually, isn't it a sequel to heavenly sword?

hellblade. heavenly sword. hmmm...


I liked the conference, it was put together fairly professionally, there were new games announced. I could ask for more but hey, this is reality after all.

-The order never looked better.
-Bloodborne, well it's just plainly fucking amazing.
-The tomorrow children made me smile in a good way.
-Bungie showed the best trailer for Destiny since it was announced.
-Alienation seems Dope!
-Until Dawn seems interesting.
-Vanishing of Ethan Carter looks good
-Wild seems good too.

Overall, it was a pretty good show.
I don't "hate" the indies, but I'm completely disinterested in the ones that are also on PC.

This "console debut" bullshit is getting really out of hand. If we decipher essentially means that it'll release on the PC / PS4, and the XBO down the line once exclusivity runs out.

That's not all that compelling for me personally. Unless an indie title controls extremely well on the DS4, I'd rather save $5-10 and purchase it on PC anyway. Sony's PSN markup for indies is criminal.
I love indies. I mean Transistor is my GOTY so far. But for such a big stage show you gotta balance it out with some big crowdpleasing AAA game announcement too. MS just had the big TR exclusivity announcement and that was enough. Sony needed something like that too.
Yeah, Sony needed to bet the farm on a timed exclusive, that would show Microsoft.

Thought it was a great show, some really interesting games on display and I can't wait to hear more.

Best news: there are still a tonnes of devs that we have yet to see their new games so we still have even more to be announced.


What is Wild even about? People are saying it looks amazing, but that trailer had zero gameplay. How does it play? What do you even do?


I attended an Until Dawn presentation last gamescom (or was it two gamescoms before?) and it looked waaaaay trashier back then. Like cheap horror flick trash. Now it looks way more serious.


Gold Member
Fuck. So many new games to go back and read up on. I cannot believe how hard they rocked the stage.

And indie hate is the easier way for me for me to completely disregard all future opinions from you. You are the worst type of gamer.

Yup I totally agree! Some indie games are true gems with great gameplay.

Until Dawn looks like ass ( like a ps3 title with bad animation ). Im surprised to hear its running on the Killzone SF engine.


Guys, I think the Tomb Raider thing pushed me over the edge with Microsoft and it's Xbox One. Maybe it is just my passing internet rage, but right now, I WANT their console to fail. I never really considered myself a fanboy before, given I tend to own all consoles (over time, not right away I'm not rich haha) and a PC. Hell, I was thinking about starting to save up for an X1 because of the Master Chief Collection.

But their clear tactic of moneyhatting instead of developing their own IP is not good for the industry and I don't want them to be successful. I just don't. If that makes me a Sony fanboy, so be it.

Do you guys think it is ever ok to root against a console? Or is it automatically childish no matter the reasoning?

Edit: In fact, might make this its own thread.


It's amazing how everyone complains about generic AAA shooters, but when sony shows beautiful, expansive, open, and refreshing games like Rime, Tomorrow Children, Wild, Tearaway, etc and everyone scoffs.

But then again you have trolls who'll hate anything regardless of quality.


What is Wild even about? People are saying it looks amazing, but that trailer had zero gameplay. How does it play? What do you even do?

People can say a trailer/concept looks amazing. No one can know for sure if a game is going to actually be good until we get closer to release and there is actual gameplay/impressions. I think that is a given.


I disliked microsoft's conference cause it was basically a repeat if E3. The biggest game news out of Microsoft was that tr was exclusive. Sony had way more game announcements which is frankly what I care about. Not everything has to be a megaton.

I really don't see the importance of TR exclusivity. It used to be a big name game, but now there are so many games that do what the 'new' franchise 'does', that it's more just a symbolic thing. Like you said, they really didn't show anything else but more in depth on the games they had, while Sony showed a lot of new things. The Tomorrow Children alone looks like a must.


It's amazing how everyone complains about generic AAA shooters, but when sony shows beautiful, expansive, open, and refreshing games like Rime, Tomorrow Children, Wild, Tearaway, etc and everyone scoffs.

But then again you have trolls who'll hate anything regardless of quality.
My thoughts exactly after reading some of the comments in this thread.


Cognitive Dissonance, Distilled
Until Dawn gameplay now

Not at all the type of horror game I'm looking for. Too many cutscenes and button prompts a la Heavy Rain. Feel like the designs of the character are bad too. Graphics are pretty mediocre as well. Pretty disappointing IMO.

The God

Guys, I think the Tomb Raider thing pushed me over the edge with Microsoft and it's Xbox One. Maybe it is just my passing internet rage, but right now, I WANT their console to fail. I never really considered myself a fanboy before, given I tend to own all consoles (over time, not right away I'm not rich haha) and a PC. Hell, I was thinking about starting to save up for an X1 because of the Master Chief Collection.

But their clear tactic of moneyhatting instead of developing their own IP is not good for the industry and I don't want them to be successful. I just don't. If that makes me a Sony fanboy, so be it.

Do you guys think it is ever ok to root against a console? Or is it automatically childish no matter the reasoning?

Edit: In fact, might make this its own thread.

Wrong thread?


Gold Member
What is Wild even about? People are saying it looks amazing, but that trailer had zero gameplay. How does it play? What do you even do?

Why are you so skeptical?

Open world game the size of Europe. You obviously have to collect and kill animals for food. You seemingly are able to transform into an animal laer in the game.

I think it was all gameplay just from cinimatic angles actually.


This was a much better presser than their E3 showings, mostly due to actual Bloodborne game play.

Where are the JRPGs though?

I swear, whoever gives me a new game in the vein of NEXT GEN graphics with old school Final Fantasy or Lost Odyssey gameplay and story wins in my book.

Turn base me if old.


This was a much better presser than their E3 showings, mostly due to actual Bloodborne game play.

Where are the JRPGs though?

I swear, whoever gives me a new game in the vein of NEXT GEN graphics with old school Final Fantasy or Lost Odyssey gameplay and story wins in my book.

Turn base me if old.

On PS3 and 3DS.
Well it is kind of to be expected. Jeff does not hide that hes not a fan of Sony games generally. Brad is basically the same but just doesnt say it. All of Sony's fuck ups with the stream itself doesnt help.

I wasn't speaking to just the sony conference. Just in general it seems.
As a PS4 owner, they brought the games as usual. They absolutely killed it. Unless somehow you don't like good games with variety.

Having variety is good, not sure where I implied otherwise, but that doesn't mean that the titles on display are going to be great or make me want to buy a PS4 on the back of their showing tonight.


Japan gotta step it up. I hope TGS will be a blast. Not hope, wish!

If last year's TGS was anything to go by...

Gamescom has honestly been killing it for quite a while now.

I love how Until Dawn gives you choices/decisions to make. Very Quantic Dream - like.

Yes! I've been waiting for more games to adopt QD's style. Hoping that someday it turns into it's own little niche genre.
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