Sony Gamescom 2014 press conference confirmed for August 12


And they made him a Lord of Cinder. Not for virtue, but for might. Such is a lord, I suppose. But here I ask. Do we have a sodding chance?
can not breathe




is there vod of show


Do all these people that keep commenting on "where are all the first party games" remember Killzone 2? That is why you are not hearing about them, Sony does not want to repeat that fiasco again.


As a PS4 user, the last two press conferences of MS had me excited much more than Sony's.

What titles have MS announced that have you more excited? Not challenging you, just curious. I own every console this gen, and nothing MS has announced has particularly interested me, or made me feel it was different from the usual titles we got last gen. Want to know if I'm missing out on some titles.

For me, I basically feel that this is typical for any start of a new generation. The first two years are slow (with regards to first party titles). The majority of games coming out will be third party multiplat (and the majority of those titles have better performance on PS4). I think both Sony and MS have been weak with regards to their own exclusive lineup. However, I think Sony is investing in more diverse and interesting games that have me more intrigued.

But I'm curious what MS is putting forth that you think is makes it a much better system going into the end of 2014.


I love indies. I mean Transistor is my GOTY so far. But for such a big stage show you gotta balance it out with some big crowdpleasing AAA game announcement too. MS just had the big TR exclusivity announcement and that was enough. Sony needed something like that too.

Do not know , these says TR is not big as before. Anway MS did a decend conference but likd more the games Sony showed. RIME and WILD specially.


Vita is a sinking ship. I know people don't want to hear that, but it's been pretty obvious Sony isn't interested in wasting much time on that.

You are going to need wait until next E3 to see those first party studios.

I sure hope not, since Sony needs both first and second party full exclusives for Japan, desperately.


Great show. Learned the lesson quickly from E3. On point throughout and no lulls. Probably the best show they've ever done. Loads of mid level announcements aka loads of Games! :D


The indie hate this conference is getting is absurd given that almost all of the indies shown seemed to be fleshed out 3D affairs. Most of the "generic 2D indie garbage" that people complain about was relegated to a montage. If Wild or The Tomorrow Children had a Ubisoft logo at the end I doubt people would be complaining. It's so strange.

Yeah it's so weird. Indies have evolved way past what everyone pretends to complain about. Most of the "indies" shown in that conf could easily have been assumed to be AAA before the Great Manshoot Revolution of gen 7. The reality simply seems to be people want familiar names bringing around familiar games.


I love indies. I mean Transistor is my GOTY so far. But for such a big stage show you gotta balance it out with some big crowdpleasing AAA game announcement too. MS just had the big TR exclusivity announcement and that was enough. Sony needed something like that too.

I disliked microsoft's conference cause it was basically a repeat if E3. The biggest game news out of Microsoft was that tr was exclusive. Sony had way more game announcements which is frankly what I care about. Not everything has to be a megaton.


Loved the show. Wild looks cool, so does Rime. Again no real must-have but I'm getting the PS4 either way so I'm fine. :)


Pretty bad show from Sony to be honest. Where is Sony first party studio? no Vita supports (Vita lost it's best game actually) and no new real exclusives for PS4.

and again where are all Sony first party studios? the thing that kept PS3 afloat during its early years with great games is no just an story we tell to new kids, if Shu Yoshida is doing nothing (Nothing on Vita and nothing on PS4) then maybe Sony should consider replacing him with a new guy,

I want to believe your post is a joke or something, because I refuse to believe someone would type something that stupid.


There was so many new IPs announced, how can you guys even hate? I mean I understand if it's not your cup of tea but innovation was one of the most lacking things of last gen, everyone was just churning out sequels after sequels.

Now look at us, this is like the PS2 era with so many great looking NEW IPs. Whether they are AAA or indie is really irrelevant, this is where we wanna be people. It's not like all the games you wanted to see are dead (except TLG, he's dead...jim).
Nope they were actually pretty negative about most everything. Even when they praised something it was very forced and subdued.

Yeah, I actually stopped listening to the podcast too. They started to sound like a bunch of grumpy old men.

Speaking to the MGS part of the conference....I think Kojima went a little overboard with the box thing after hearing people were missing it from Ground Zeroes. Anyone else feel the same way?
I loved this conference, I don't know if it is just because it just happened but I felt like it was better than E3. I like variety in my games, big and small.


Pretty amazing show, aside from the streaming issues.
So many games. PS4 has too many games.

I love the scale the scope of all of the worlds and genres.

Sony killed it.
Really liked the show. They gave me enough to want to purchase a ps4 while I'll definitively need to wait for a few more titles to release that I want it's only a matter of time now. Rime, Bloodborne, the new tearaway, until dawn, lbp3, and wild all looked like something I would play and have a ton of fun with. That talking lunch sack in pt and the box stuff in mgs5 gave me a good laugh as well.


Knew Last Guardian would be a no show, I don't think it will be revealed again until next year.

I thought it was great, people need to learn to temper their expectations, as it's Gamescon.


Its funny how people hate to see stuff like Destiny since there is so much marketing for it and others prefer announced games to be shown rather than all the new stuff. Or do people want Sony to blow their whole load straight away and just place every single thing out there?
They already showed them. That's it. They didn't show anything new. Like Uncharted gameplay trailer or something.

There were new footage of The Order, Bloodborne, LBP3, inFamous FL, etc.

But they chose to make them into short trailers instead of spending 10 minutes demo-ing it on-stage.


I love how people are bitching about indies, when indies have been offering the most interesting games for the past three years.

"Indies" (used very loosely nowadays) just don't have the same draw as the bigger games. At least for me, indies are filler titles for my PS+/XBL subscription. Something for me to try out once or twice until the next big thing.


Maybe the fact that it's 400 € without games and not anyone can just afford that at this very moment? For fuck's sake what an ignorant and narrow minded comment.

Huh? What's with the super aggressive stance? All I'm saying is that he's obviously interested in the games the XB1 has and doesn't seem all too happy with his PS4 (even after a very well done Sony gamescon conference that's chocked filled with games from multiple genres). He knows what's probably going to come out for the system-- If he's still honestly that unhappy with his purchase, I say trade it in for the other system that he says he'll be happier with.


I sure hope not, since Sony needs both first and second party full exclusives for Japan, desperately.

Yup, Japan is their big weak spot. Right now it might just be perception because there hasn't been a Japanese event yet but if they haven't shown anything by TGS SCEJA is in serious trouble.


Neo Member
Really enjoyed the show. Bloodborne, Rime, Tearaway Unfolded and Wild where the best picks for me. Shame they didn't have as much Vita presence. Would have been good to see maybe Freedom Wars or Gravity Rush 2. Maybe at TGS.


Hold strong unbiased Gaffers. Fanboys have high jacked the thread so they can cast shade on the PS4.

There was legitimate hype and excitement from this conference. Let that trend continue on.

(same applies to sony fanboys who hijack MS related threads)

Navy Bean

The distinction between AAA and Indie, as far as quality goes, has been dead for years.

But importantly, the distinction as far as scope goes is also dying over the next few years.

The time to rid yourself of your ridiculous prejudices against the all-encompassing "Indie" term is now.

To me, even the best indie games are fun for a few hours or a few days and then kinda forgotten. Which is fine, but I'm also not gonna get as excited about them as a larger scale game. There are exceptions such as Braid and Journey.


I sure hope not, since Sony needs both first and second party full exclusives for Japan, desperately.

TGS next month. I'm sure they will have things to show off. Gamescom had a heavy focus on european studios (and some non european ones). Sony is sitting in a good place right now, and why would you show off your full hand if you don't need to? MS showed off so much at E3 but it was stuff that won't come out until 2016. Instead, let the studios develop games and show them when they are 6 months to a year off from release.


Neo Member
Overall, I really enjoyed this conference. The inFamous First Light and The Order trailers both looked really good. Rime and Alienation were my two favorites from the show but other titles looked good as well. Bloodborne, Until Dawn, and Driveclub all look good but don't really interest me although I'm glad they are there for people that like those genres. The fact that there wasn't a single first person shooter is an incredible sign that times are changing. I don't own a Vita but I am dissapointed for those that do that it appears to be dead. Very happy about Sony's showing.


Huh? What's with the super aggressive stance? All I'm saying is that he's obviously interested in the games the XB1 has and doesn't seem all too happy with his PS4 (even after a very well done Sony gamescon conference that's chocked filled with games from multiple genres). He knows what's probably going to come out for the system-- If he's still honestly that unhappy with his purchase, I say trade it in for the other system that he says he'll be happier with.

Maybe wait a little longer. But I agree, if by next year he's still unhappy with the overall Sony Lineup, might as well just trade it in and go X1. Even if PS4 has better specs, it's better to get the system that has multiplats + exclusive games that are more to your own personal preference.


The conference was like games, games, 10M, games, games, Youtube, SharePlay, games, games and more games.
So yeah well done Sony am glad you are still giving us variety of experiences and new IPs couldn't be happier.


Yeah, I actually stopped listening to the podcast too. They started to sound like a bunch of grumpy old men.

Well it is kind of to be expected. Jeff does not hide that hes not a fan of Sony games generally. Brad is basically the same but just doesnt say it. All of Sony's fuck ups with the stream itself doesnt help.


The best posts are from those people who want that game (yes that game) to be shown or worst show ever!

Please, grow up.

Anyway, pretty good conference, nothing mind blowing except Hellblade. I love Ninja Theory and this is a pretty a big announce to me !
Fuck. So many new games to go back and read up on. I cannot believe how hard they rocked the stage.

New IP and surprises fuh days!

And indie hate is the easier way for me for me to completely disregard all future opinions from you. You are the worst type of gamer.
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