Sony Gamescom 2014 press conference confirmed for August 12

Well it is kind of to be expected. Jeff does not hide that hes not a fan of Sony games generally. Brad is basically the same but just doesnt say it. All of Sony's fuck ups with the stream itself doesnt help.

thanks for the heads up. one less podcast to watch.


Having variety is good, not sure where I implied otherwise, but that doesn't mean that the titles on display are going to be great or make me want to buy a PS4 on the back of their showing tonight.

Isn't it kind of a given though, that no one knows how good these titles will really be until they get close to release? Hell, even something heavily marketed like Sunset Overdrive. It's pretty well defined, and you have a sense of what to expect gameplay wise. But it could still have technical issues, or lack in content (or the other various factors that could bring down a games value).

I feel like at these kind of trade shows, it's all about pitching the upcoming lineup. I think what they showed looked great. But of course we don't know what will be great games vs mediocre until we get closer to their release.

The announcements/trailers were hot garbage besides the Order 1886 & BloodBorne ones.

What were you expecting. What games wouldn't have been "hot garbage"...or if you don't have specific titles in mind, what type of games would have done it for you. It would help to know why you were let down. As a fellow gamer, I'm curious.


Why do people act as if "indie games" are one genre? Reminds me of the people who claim they hate anime. It's fucking stupid.


Am at work now, so I could not watch it. But was there something interesting to Vita?
Because Tearaway for PS4 and nothing for Vita is... Strange?


Guys, I think the Tomb Raider thing pushed me over the edge with Microsoft and it's Xbox One. Maybe it is just my passing internet rage, but right now, I WANT their console to fail. I never really considered myself a fanboy before, given I tend to own all consoles (over time, not right away I'm not rich haha) and a PC. Hell, I was thinking about starting to save up for an X1 because of the Master Chief Collection.

But their clear tactic of moneyhatting instead of developing their own IP is not good for the industry and I don't want them to be successful. I just don't. If that makes me a Sony fanboy, so be it.

Do you guys think it is ever ok to root against a console? Or is it automatically childish no matter the reasoning?

Edit: In fact, might make this its own thread.

I don't think hate is the warranted... They do what they can to compete, it's business. But I don't have faith in their game cycles... 360 was a paperweight from 2012 on.... And it left a real sour taste for me basically paying for xbl and hoping a good game would come out


I love how Until Dawn gives you choices/decisions to make. Very Quantic Dream - like.

I'm very interested in it. Until dawn, rime and the order were the only real highlights for me. Everything else looked meh. I do want to hear more about the sharing feature though, that has my ears perked.


Am at work now, so I could not watch it. But was there something interesting to Vita?
Because Tearaway for PS4 and nothing for Vita is... Strange?

Absolutely nothing
Like zero

All they did was take an exclusive away from it

And I love how people just go "Oh deal with it, the vita is dead". Yes, it's dead BECAUSE of such an attitude. It's also very telling of a company and it's trust towards a portion of it's userbase and console by completely abandonning it.


Here's my mini-summary, might be missing some details because of streams dying left and right:

The Order new trailer


Bloodborne new trailer / within 6 months?

10 million PS4's sold through to consumers worldwide

The Tomorrow Children - fully exclusive

The Vanishing of Ethan Carter - timed exclusive

Volume (Thomas Was Alone developers)

Runemaster - timed exclusive

Hollowpoint - timed exclusive

DayZ (Cross-platform play)

Hellblade (Ninja Theory / Heavenly Sword) main character looks like Kai from HS - PS4 timed exclusive

Rime (fully exclusive to PS4)

Indies Montage

Destiny - according to Gamestop, most pre-ordered (PS4 leading) in history for new IP, Dark below expansion launching in December

Far Cry 4

Shadow of Mordor - exclusive content

Hideo Kojima - MGS V, new box abilities

P.T. - first interactive teaser? - live on Playstation store

PS4 System Software 2.0

- shared videos to youtube, shared play

- any PS+ subscriber, invite friend anyone, anywhere to play together in same session, friends do not need to own or download game


PS Now

PS TV - gaming console to most PSP, PSVita, PS1, 2, classics - 99 euros including 3 digital games

Until Dawn - built exclusively for PS4 - 8 friends try to survive night from hell, Ouija board, graphics look pretty good, survival horror

Drive Club - Weather - photo mode?!

Media Molecule - Tearaway Unfolded for PS4 (2015)

Alienation - Exclusive PS4 from Housemarque

Wild - Wild sheep studios, new PS4 exclusive
Thank you, was just looking for a summary!


Sony showed plenty of stuff I'd be interested in playing. Not ready to buy a new console, but might be 6-12 months down the road.
It's amazing how everyone complains about generic AAA shooters, but when sony shows beautiful, expansive, open, and refreshing games like Rime, Tomorrow Children, Wild, Tearaway, etc and everyone scoffs.

But then again you have trolls who'll hate anything regardless of quality.

But if it's not made by 200+ people, it's not a game, it's a negative game.

Announcements of negative games are negative points, they make conferences worse.


What were you expecting. What games wouldn't have been "hot garbage"...or if you don't have specific titles in mind, what type of games would have done it for you. It would help to know why you were let down. As a fellow gamer, I'm curious.
I was let down because none of the newly announced games or LBP 3 look interesting to me,the only saving grace were Bloodborne and The Order's trailers.


Maybe the fact that it's 400 € without games and not anyone can just afford that at this very moment? For fuck's sake what an ignorant and narrow minded comment.

The irony is strong on this post.


hide your water-based mammals
Having variety is good, not sure where I implied otherwise, but that doesn't mean that the titles on display are going to be great or make me want to buy a PS4 on the back of their showing tonight.

I'm not going to sell you on anything because I don't care. What they showed was damn good. If those games do nothing then stop gaming. I have a PS4, investment well worth it since it has the best games and also the most. That's it.


Unconfirmed Member
My opinions / impressions;
The Tomorrow Children // Very intriguing / different. I’d like to see more; this game definitely has my attention.

The Vanishing of Ethan Carter // Intriguing, very interesting.

Volume // Already seen. Mike Bithell is awesome. I will definitely pick this up.

Hollowpoint // Meh, not really my thing.

Dayz // Nice get. I might finally need to check it out. ‘In under three years’ is a bit far off though… No gameplay or anything? No trailer? Seems like this plan only was made recently.

Hellblade // Ooh, Ninja Theory! Looking forward to more on that! Looks promising.

Rime // Still awesome. Most anticipated game for me. Incredibly beautiful. Awesome trailer.

Indie montage // Nice. Some good stuff. Will definitely check some of them out.

Destiny // I’m already sold. I don’t need Hirschberg talking corporate PR / pre-order talk. Second guy was disinterestedly reading from the prompter. PvP. Nothing really new. Nice new shots. Should have been just the trailer.

Far Cry 4 // I like snow. Nice to see a more exotic environment. Not very exciting presentation. Keys to Kyrat not as big as originally thought.

Middle Earth Shadow of Mordor // Generic revenge story is not that amazing. Still on the fence about this game.

Metal Gear Solid V The Phantom Pain // Hadn’t seen this before. Nice of them to give the box more versatility vs. just as a reference. Completely hilarious and out of place. And hilarious.

P.T. // Ok? Jumpscare reaction vid? I don’t care; show me the game!

Firmware 2.0 // What, play any game with any PS+ subscriber without them owning the game? Stream crapped out beyond that. I want to know more on that, and what does this make Keys to Kyrat? How does it work? What are the specifics?

Morpheus // Stream crapped out. Missed this bit. Demoes on show floor.

PSNow // Stream crapped out. Heard something about the beta coming to EU in 2015.

PSTV // Stream crapped out. Probably won’t sell. Not really interested as I already have a Vita.

Until Dawn // Corny B-movie horror? Nice graphics? You decide who lives? Yes please!

Driveclub // Still looking good. From the trailer straight into gameplay; good. Very focused on social. Weather looking very good. Affects car control / gameplay. ‘HOW FAST DO YOU WANNA GO?’, as always in a Driveclub trailer. Might not have needed the on-stage demo.

Tearaway Unfolded // More Tearaway is awesome, but I’m slightly disappointed that they didn’t have it stay on Vita and work on something completely new instead. Good thing that it isn’t a straight port and has been reworked for the DS4.

Alienation // Awesome destruction. Pretty much Dead Nation with Aliens. Will play.

Wild // Michel Ancel. Looking great. Expansive open world. Play as any living creature? Awesome. Very intriguing. Lots of potential here. Want to know more!​
Huge step up from last year’s Gamescom, and I love how there was a minimum amount of fluff. No 20 minutes on media and movies and services; they just briefly talked about the 2.0 update and PSNow, that’s it. Great. For the rest it was just games games games with minimal fluff. Destiny could’ve just shown the trailer; the PR-talk / pre-order talk accompanying it just dragged it out a bit. The stream crapped out for a little bit, but luckily during the small non-games part. Sadly no Vita news, but that was to be expected.

Great conference with a ton of new, unique and promising titles. Also great that Sony was fully clear on any timed exclusivity, unlike certain other companies.


I was let down because none of the newly announced games or LBP 3 look interesting to me,the only saving grace were Bloodborne and The Order's trailers.

Alright. That's fair enough. I wasn't saying you were wrong or challenging you. Just wondering since you are let down, what kind of titles they should be making to interest you. But I do understand it's not your responsibility, and it's on them to put out titles that please their consumers. I was just wondering what you feel they've been lacking in.
Speaking to the MGS part of the conference....I think Kojima went a little overboard with the box thing after hearing people were missing it from Ground Zeroes. Anyone else feel the same way?

Yeah. The box stuff was beyond stupid.

I thought Hellblade, Wild and Until Dawn looked promising.
Bloodborne looks like the GOAT.
And where's all the Rime hype?
Edit: The Order 1886 looking better with every showing too.


Why are you so skeptical?

Open world game the size of Europe. You obviously have to collect and kill animals for food. You seemingly are able to transform into an animal laer in the game.

I think it was all gameplay just from cinimatic angles actually.

Excuse me for wanting to know what the gameplay of a game is like before getting excited.


Absolutely nothing
Like zero

All they did was take an exclusive away from it

And I love how people just go "Oh deal with it, the vita is dead". Yes, it's dead BECAUSE of such an attitude. It's also very telling of a company and it's trust towards a portion of it's userbase and console by completely abandonning it.

God damn, that is really bad! :/
Sony is disappointing the hell out of me if you ask. Since I bought a Vita (not very long ago) I expected it get more attention, specially after some marketing with PS4 remote play.

But now it seems they just abandonned the console. And thats sad because it has hardware to keep competing against 3DS (maybe even its sucessor), it just dont have decent support.

Not saying about their system updates. Im tired of waiting for a fix for share and a pause download ability tbh.

The PS4 future releases seems good though.
Isn't it kind of a given though, that no one knows how good these titles will really be until they get close to release? Hell, even something heavily marketed like Sunset Overdrive. It's pretty well defined, and you have a sense of what to expect gameplay wise. But it could still have technical issues, or lack in content (or the other various factors that could bring down a games value).

I feel like at these kind of trade shows, it's all about pitching the upcoming lineup. I think what they showed looked great. But of course we don't know what will be great games vs mediocre until we get closer to their.

I know that. I was responding to LiquidMetal and his/her inability to see anyone who wasn't that impressed by this show as a troll. I thought both shows were solid, Rime and QB are my standout titles, but I really don't think fans on either side can say one slayed the other imo.


God damn, that is really bad! :/
Sony is disappointing the hell out of me if you ask. Since I bought a Vita (not very long ago) I expected it get more attention, specially after some marketing with PS4 remote play.

But now it seems they just abandonned the console. And thats sad because it has hardware to keep competing against 3DS (maybe even its sucessor), it just dont have decent support.

Not saying about their system updates. Im tired of waiting for a fix for share and a pause download ability tbh.

The PS4 future releases seems good though.
Here buddy. Just for you -> Over 150 upcoming VITA games
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