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Polytron Hacked?

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I felt like I had a good handle on what this drama was all about as of about a day ago. But I've been pretty busy the last 24 hours and holy crap am I at a loss now.

This is pretty much the internet equivalent of terrorism. They might claim its related to some auxiliary bullshit, but really something of this magnitude is its own event. I feel awful for the people caught up in this.
Seriously, why in the world would Fish intentionally leak all his, and Polytron's personal data? Let's say theoretically, it was to make his "enemies" look bad. Even if that were true, how could it possibly be worth it for him? I definitely think he was targeted, and it is FUCKED UP.

I always liked Fish too, and Fez was a great game. I think he was just a little bit over-sensitive, and let the criticism get to him, and said some things he probably regretted later (Japanese games suck, for example).


I've been working on my game for 2 and a half+ years. I've done some conferences, talked to other devs, gotten a few game jam games (not this one, this one is my baby and hasn't been released) written up about on major game sites and gotten let's plays by youtubers (always fun to see your 100 hit a day page get 5k hits in an hour because of Markiplier).

It's a hard path to walk, specially if you are doing it like me, full time job, family, spare time dev with no funding. But at the end of the day, you're not really just making games for other people. You should be making them for yourself.

I love the stuff I work on. I'm making a game I want to play and was surprised that other people wanted it too. So it's a commercial thing now, but only because people asked for it. However even if everyone turned on me and decided they hated it, I'd still finish it and play it. Because I just want to.

So if you want to do it because you love it, do it. Keep at it and don't let the drama dissuade you. Shield yourself from it. It only involves you if yo let it. If you're doing it because you think you'll be a rockstar or make tons of money: Don't. Quit while you're ahead, it isn't worth it. You lose years of your life, mental health, money and sometimes happiness for gamedev. If you don't have something to balance the scales out for those, that's a strong enough motivator for you, just be happy doing what you do, or keep it as a hobby forever.

Gamedev is a productive hobby. It's the most fun and yet most frustrating programming I've ever done. I don't think I'll ever stop, whether people hate me or not. But it isn't for everyone, that's for sure.

Source: My game which I've been slaving away at for 2 and a half years

Right there with you man:
I do this stuff for me, and I know many other indies that are the same way. Thats the big secret for a lot of developers (small ones at least) - they dont make stuff for their audience, they make stuff for themselves and it just so happens that their taste is relatable.

I make stuff that I never put online, solely for my own pleasure. I enjoy programming, its like a giant puzzle for me. I actually find the process rewarding. Like a clockwork maker who takes pride in his craft.

Coolio has a line in one of his songs that I love because it encapsulates why I do this: "if hip hop didnt pay I'd rap for free."

Im fairly certain this applies to any creative endeavor made by passionate people. Its like a fraternity of creators. I couldnt imagine going through life without passion and only consuming.


You know what's fun? Playing video games.
But these gym leader fights are stressing me out. And my raptor headed lizard pirate dude isn't learning any wrestling moves and I think in trying to get him to learn said moves I've grrinded my way past the point of no return in the event triggers. Man, I'm stressed.


I'm still out of the loop on one thing - did anyone actually download these files and verify that it was Fish's or anyone else's personal information? Seriously, 1.5 GB?


I'm still out of the loop on one thing - did anyone actually download these files and verify that it was Fish's or anyone else's personal information? Seriously, 1.5 GB?


Most of it is screenshots and video from the playstation QA phase.


You know what's fun? Playing video games.

Yeah well someone tell that to the feminists who are stealing games and not letting us play them.

Seriously though, has anyone honestly had less fun playing video games because people want more diversity and tolerance in the gaming community? Does anyone who unironically uses the word "feminazi" actually hate FEZ specifically because Phil annoys them? Ugh, I could go on writing about how illogical all of this SJW hate is but what it really comes down to is this: because people are afraid of being wrong or having their world view challenged we can't have FEZ 2. And I wanted FEZ 2.


What's with all the juniors posting that same image with no elaboration?
Since when Phil Phish is a sane man?
Do you really think "asshole twitter outbursts" translates to "economic suicide at best"?

Or are you just accepting internet hyperbole as the truth?


That, and it's also not impossible to hack his phone, either.

Yeah, as though two factor is somehow ironclad... it just means someone has to compromise two things instead of one. It literally makes an attack only twice as hard.

It's mostly valuable because it protects you from a catastrophic failure of some system. That is, if all of the passwords to a website get leaked, bad folks don't get your account for free. "Twice as much effort" is a big deal if we're talking about trying to compromise every single account on a given system, but it's not a big deal if we're talking about specifically targeting one or a few accounts.
What's with all the juniors posting that same image with no elaboration?

Do you really think "asshole twitter outbursts" translates to "economic suicide at best"?

Or are you just accepting internet hyperbole as the truth?

Not only that but he has to go through so much just to get his life rebooted. He has to resecure his identity at this point.
Same can be said about the hacking.

Because personal data posted online, Polytron website changed and went down and accounts stolen isn't enough proof of a hacking?

Can you understand how potentially fatal is only that all your personal info and your friends info is posted online, we are talking of things like identity thief which can destroy your life. The sole fact people is saying this is sort of conspiracy clearly can't understand the damage something like this can provoke on ppl.


Yep, calling this a "false flag" is part of the "feminist/SJW/indie hipster conspiracy" narrative that a disturbing number of people are buying into.

For the record, if someone says this is a "false flag," they don't necessarily mean to say "Phil Fish did this!" but, I would hope, mean to say "Whoever is calling themselves the 'head mod over at /V/ and leader of 4chan.org and Anonymous' is making that part up because that position doesn't even exist" (and nobody who knows anything about /v/ would capitalize the v.)

The people who think that this is part of some vast feminist conspiracy are idiots, but whoever did the hack wants people to think it was some orchestrated effort by /v/, which is silly because /v/ couldn't orchestrate their way out of a paper bag.

It's terrible that some people don't want this shit to die down and will go to such extreme and indefensibly-horrible lengths to make sure that doesn't happen.


Same can be said about the hacking.

Do you really need absolutely undeniable proof to accept that it is incomprehensibly more likely that people who hate Phil Fish or Zoe Quinn, actively wish death upon them, and regularly disparage them would doxx them than it is that these two SJW conspirators doxxed themselves to get sympathy from people who rarely speak out in support of them?


Did the information in that download link come from Polytrons site? If so is it normal to host that kind of information on a website even if it's private?
It's most likely that someone accessed the Polytron password database, logged into a company computer/server, logged into the hosting website and then posted a compressed file of the stuff the pulled from the company computer/server.

It's not rocket science, one password can get you into a lot of things.


I find it fascinating that people allegedly incensed about nondisclosure of potential conflicts-of-interest go on to create anonymous troll accounts for the express purpose of distributing FUD.
What a fucking embarrassing mess!

Going to PAX Prime a week from now. Wonder what the vibe's gonna be like. I'd hate to think that the game devs are gonna be all paranoid and guarded because of this.

One of my favorite things about indie devs is that they CAN express their (sometimes controversial) opinions freely due to the fact that they're, you know, indie! It sucks so much that certain internet assholes are acting like psychos and trying to punish them for said opinions.



I felt like I had a good handle on what this drama was all about as of about a day ago. But I've been pretty busy the last 24 hours and holy crap am I at a loss now.

It's not about fake drama anymore. It's about brutes destroying someone's life and the lives of his employees. This is a story about a serious crime being committed.


So, has this all just happened to him and his website because he defended Zoe Quinn? That is what I gathered from here and from twitter. A real mess.
For the record, if someone says this is a "false flag," they don't necessarily mean to say "Phil Fish did this!" but, I would hope, mean to say "Whoever is calling themselves the 'head mod over at /V/ and leader of 4chan.org and Anonymous' is making that part up because that position doesn't even exist" (and nobody who knows anything about /v/ would capitalize the v.)

My money is on the 9gag Army getting revenge by destroying 4chan's stellar reputation.


The Everyman
I sure hope nothing happens to dissuade fledgling developers who want to approach the field from a non traditional stance.
being a popular gamedev seems to be hilariously thankless except for the monetary award. videogames is the worst industry for a balance of positive feedback versus negativity. even the flappy bird guy who never said a bad word to anyone got shat on by a lot of posters here because he used fucking mario pipes.


Do people really believe that Phil Fish released information like his own SSN and important information about his company and other stakeholders (employees/retailing partners) for a publicity stunt? That is another level of crazy at this point. Especially now that people have seen or heard about the extent of the information that has been released. Do people here really believe this is "Phil Fish doing another crazy stunt?"

People need to get some perspective. Think of the real world ramifications that he faces like identity theft, breaking NDA, not securing trade secrets etc. Just stop.
This is the most disgusting, petty, childish behavior I've heard about for a good long while now.

To anyone who would sympathize with this or is pursuing the conspiracy angle: Grow the fuck up and act like a human being. There's not even a valid "I don't like Phil Fish, BUT" angle here. This is just abominable and the product of a frightened child-mind.

If you don't support the feminist cause in gaming, you are part of this problem.


Do you really think "asshole twitter outbursts" translates to "economic suicide at best"?

Or are you just accepting internet hyperbole as the truth?

My comment has nothing to do with that, actually I've defended him ([1], [2], [3]), however there's no sign that Phil Phish is a sane person, actions speak louder than words.

Multiple independent confirmations is a pretty good indication that this isn't a hoax.

Yea. It's not like there's proof that their site was defaced, their twitter hacked and a shitload of documents posted to a filesharing site.

Juniors gonna junior.


Do you really need absolutely undeniable proof to accept that it is incomprehensibly more likely that people who hate Phil Fish or Zoe Quinn, actively wish death upon them, and regularly disparage them would doxx them than it is that these two SJW conspirators doxxed themselves to get sympathy from people who rarely speak out in support of them?

People is asking for the same thing about the Zoe's fiasco, why is it wrong for me to ask for the same thing?


What's with all the juniors posting that same image with no elaboration?

Do you really think "asshole twitter outbursts" translates to "economic suicide at best"?

Or are you just accepting internet hyperbole as the truth?

Iggins was in the Zoe Quinn thread claiming to have "proof" she was sleeping around to get reviews long after it was debunked, and then mysteriously disappeared from the thread when people told him to put up or shut up. Dudes trolling, just ignore him.


Neo Member
So, has this all just happened to him and his website because he defended Zoe Quinn? That is what I gathered from here and from twitter. A real mess.

Pretty much; people are forgetting that Zoe was doxxed mere hours before Phil, so it's extremely likely that it's the same person/people doxxing them both in succession.


The Everyman
Do people really believe that Phil Fish released information like his own SSN and important information about his company and other stakeholders (employees/retailing partners) for a publicity stunt? That is another level of crazy at this point. Especially now that people have seen or heard about the extent of the information that has been released. Do people here really believe this is "Phil Fish doing another crazy stunt?"

yes people do really believe this. why? because in a world where isis beheads reporters, the "japanese videogames suck" guy is public enemy number one and deserves the focus of our hatred.
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