Spinosaurus. The name is nothing new. We've had fossils discovered in the early 1900 and destroyed during World War II. We've even seen one fight on screen vs. a T Rex (Jurassic Park III).
Well they found new skeletons. Mostly complete off of Morocco and the aquatic nature of the dinosaur was described today in the Journal Science.
In the film Jurassic Park III, a giant sail-backed dinosaur called Spinosaurus fights a terrestrial Tyrannosaurusand wins. But a study published online today in Science shows that the 15-meter-long Spinosaurus (shown in this artists reconstruction) had adaptations to life both in the water and on land, suggesting that the fierce beast was more of a danger to fish than to any terrestrial creature. In 97-million-year-old freshwater sediments in eastern Morocco, researchers discovered new Spinosaurus fossils, including parts of the skull, vertebral column, pelvis, and limb bones. The researchers were able to see signs of watery adaptation not seen in other dinosaurs: a small nostril located far back on the head, apparently to limit water intake; relatively long forelimbs; big flat feet suitable for paddling as well as walking on muddy ground; and very dense limb bones, which would have allowed Spinosaurus to submerge itself rather than float at the surface. The adaptations resemble those of early whales and todays hippopotamus, and make Spinosaurus the only dinosaur known to swim, the researchers say.
Read the full story in this weeks issue of Science.
I don't have a subscription to view the whole study. So I looked for other stories
WASHINGTON (AP) Picture the fearsome creatures of Jurassic Park crossed with the shark from Jaws. Then super-size to the biggest predator ever to roam Earth. Now add a crocodile snout as big as a person and feet like a ducks.
The result gives you some idea of a bizarre dinosaur scientists unveiled Thursday.
This patchwork of critters, a 50-foot predator, is the only known dinosaur to live much of its life in the water.
The beast, called Spinosaurus aegyptiacus, was already known to scientists from a long-ago fossil discovery, but most of those bones were destroyed during World War II. Now, 70 years later, a new skeleton found in Morocco reveals that the beast was far more aquatic than originally thought.
Spinosaurus had a long neck, strong clawed forearms, powerful jaws and the dense bones of a penguin. It propelled itself in water with flat feet that were probably webbed, according to a study released Thursday by the journal Science. The beast sported a spiny sail on its back that was 7 feet tall when it lived 95 million years ago.
Its like working on an extraterrestrial or an alien, study lead author Nizar Ibrahim of the University of Chicago said, while standing in front of a room-sized reconstruction of the skeleton at the National Geographic Society. Its so different than anything else around.
Ibrahim described the creature as so bizarre its going to force dinosaur experts to rethink many things they thought they knew about dinosaurs.
Scientists had thought that all dinosaurs stuck to the land, with occasional brief trips into the water. But the new skeleton shows clear evidence of river and lake living: hip bones like a whales, dense bones that allowed it to dive for food, and nostrils positioned high on the skull, allowing Spinosaurus to mostly submerge.
<snip> more at link
Come on science. Like feathers aren't enough...why do you hate Jurassic Park so much?!?