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Destiny |OT3| Oh sweet a Legen- wait never mind, it's a rare.

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Og my freaking god that slide shotgun combo is so lethal. I can't tell you how many times I slid before someone and shotgunned them out of their super.

Or if i'm capturing a zone and I see on my radar that a guy is coming around the corner, I guess the guy expects me to still be standing in the zone. So I'll try to anticipate exactly when he will show himself and right before then i'll run up, slide, and in the middle of my slide, he'll pop out. BAM. Didn't even know what him him. I can rush so many people with the slide shotty combo. It always seems to catch people off guard.
I wish the skills in the game were more synergistic. I dunno if you guys played any mass effect 3 multiplayer, but I liked how a lot of the skills could be used in conjunction to produce cool effects.

You could "prime" enemies with one type of skill and your teammates could "detonate" them with another for AOE damage/effects. Certain combinations were better against shielded enemies and others against enemies with armor. Different ammo types could be applied to your weapons which could also prime targets. It made for an interesting metagame especially when a lot of skills had branching paths that gave them different properties, which I guess Destiny has as well now that I think about it.

Oh well, maybe in Destiny 2 (or mass effect 4 multiplayer). I'm still enjoying the game though, having a blast playing with friends.


Did the glimmer run on the moon, got glimmer indeed, got dick for drops. Every time I farm, my drops are shit. :|


slept with Malkin
just got my 3rd legendary helm engram today, I swear if it's not a Titan helm I will smash something. I need this.

Finally found the way in and met a friend.



You know what annoys me the most about RNG screwing over legendary drops. It's that, among my friends, I have put the most hours into this game, trying to get ready to raid, with my real life friends. It only now just hit me that they are/will be nowhere near as dedicated to keep playing and putting in time for legendaries/exotics that almost never drop. Since those items are actually required for raiding, Bungie, in setting out in creating a game to be played with friends, put the bar to grind so high up that I will probably never get to play the raid with my real life friends. That is what dissappoints and pisses me off the most about this dumb RNG system Bungie put into this game.


The Cryptarch's Bane
And the playlists include matchmaking? Maybe I'm mixing it up with the legendary strikes and heroic story options that don't have matchmaking?
Vanguard Strike Playlists

No Matchmaking
Daily Heroic Story
Weekly Heroic Strike
Weekly Nightfall Strike
I wish the skills in the game were more synergistic. I dunno if you guys played any mass effect 3 multiplayer, but I liked how a lot of the skills could be used in conjunction to produce cool effects.

You could "prime" enemies with one type of skill and your teammates could "detonate" them with another for AOE damage/effects. Certain combinations were better against shielded enemies and others against enemies with armor. Different ammo types could be applied to your weapons which could also prime targets. It made for an interesting metagame especially when a lot of skills had branching paths that gave them different properties, which I guess Destiny has as well now that I think about it.

Oh well, maybe in Destiny 2 (or mass effect 4 multiplayer). I'm still enjoying the game though, having a blast playing with friends.
totally agree. Destiny would be a lot better if they had taken some cues from ME3 multiplayer. The powers rewarded and emphasize teamwork


Lol purple gloves turned into upgrade mats zzz

When are the legendary engram booster packs microtransactions coming.
A few questions now that I finished the story and hit 20:

* I see the option to replay story missions at different levels, but I don't see any options at all when selecting strikes. Can you not select harder levels for strikes? Do players just run lower level strikes or move on to the randomized playlist? I was hoping I could run some matchmaking strikes at level 20 after finishing, but is this not how it works?

If you reached level 18+ I believe, you should have unlocked something called "Vanguard Strikes" which is a strike playlist that just does strike after strike randomized. There you can choose levels (I believe it's 20, 22, 24, 26 and later on you unlock a level 28 night strike). IMHO don't bother doing these to get better loot if that's what you're planning to do, they give you shit like 90% of the time and you can do better by doing one of the farming spots in the game for engrams. Or Crucible.

* Light. Does equipping armor with the light attribute automatically grant you light points and raise your level? Or does equipping light give you the capability to earn light-based XP to continue leveling up? I have some minimal light gear but my level is still just 20 - if its not XP based, how many light points do you need from your gear for each level up?
You need a decent amount of light on each armor piece to get higher and higher. Think like 10+ on each to be 22-23 or so. All you have to do is get armor pieces, either from crucible drop or from engrams, that give you more light and once you equip it your total +light is added up and it will tell you what level you are with your current armor.

So has it been established what the best way to farm Vanguard Marks is? (And rep too, although I'm okay on Rep... not so much on Marks).

imho if you don't feel like doing the spinmetal farming, which imho is plenty boring, then the best way is strike playlists and public events. If you're level 22+ you can do the level 22 strike for 4 marks each time. If you're level 24 you can do the level 24 for 6 marks each time. So starting tomorrow I gotta do the level 24 strike around 10 times so I can buy another legendary armor piece off vanguard folks.

As to rep, the best way imho is to get a bunch of bounties and go do the appropriate mission/patrol to get all of those daily bounties. Some give you 50, others give you 100. I think the total I got in 2 days straight was around 300-450 per day. Then if you do a couple of patrol missions each gives you 10-25, with 25 being the assassination missions. You could easily get 500 rep per day without a stupid amount of grinding if that's what you want.

Do you promise, Admiral Puppy?

Fur sure, unless something big comes up in which case I'll let you know.


Fallen Xbot (cannot continue gaining levels in this class)
still cant play through a 6v6 crucible game. been this way since friday. now that the 3v3 salvage playlist is gone, i cant play multi at all. sadness.

Bold One

My biggest dissapointment with this game killed my motivation to play it further.

A legendary engram dropped, I was so hyped because it was my first one and it was for the head and I really needed a better Helmet.

So I encrypted it and it was some stupid Materials, that I dont need at all at the moment

......you'll be back.


Anyone know the best way to level up past 20? Basically best way to get the better armor.

It's hard for me to enjoy multiplayer fps with a controller so i took a almost pure PvE route but I have been 26 since Friday, basically what I did was get myself into level 24 strikes as soon as possible, they have the best chance at dropping level 20 blues. By the time I had capped my vanguard marks I had armor with + light in every slot, along with a decent portion of a lvl 20 weapons. Make sure you are doing your bounties in the meantime because you want rank 2 reputation of both Vanguard and Crucible, which will net you two easy epics per week if you have enough marks. Also you probably should have picked up enough strange coins over this time to buy a exotic from Xur. Boom you are now ready to raid.
What's uppppp?

So I made this quick video to show you guys where I farm and how I FINALLY got some PURPLE STUFF!!!

Some of you probably know about this already but for those who don't try it out and let me know if you've had any success.

Also please be patient. Of course you can get lucky and get a purple or multiple ones in 20-30 minutes or so but it does take time to grind this out but it is very rewarding because not only do you get abunch of green/blue + chance of purple engrams.
But also you get so many that you can level up the cryptarch multiple times after maybe a 2-3 hour run depending.


Sp yeah I hope you like it and never go back to THE NEXUS haha j/k

This doesn't work for me. I get killed, even if there's still 10+ enemies and it spawns me with the door open forcing me to progress. Am I missing something? Doing it on Level 9, I'm level 24...I'm not entering the doors.
Just a heads up, when you reach vanguard rank 3 you are automatically given a choice between 3 exotic bounties.

And i should probably not say anything but its starting to getting annoying when checking this thread. If you want legendaries, stop grinding engrams and start grinding Crucible and Vanguard marks. Engrams are pretty clearly just a chance at a legendary, and not even for your class. Where marks are a guaranteed legendary for whatever slot you need filled the most.

Thanks for the heads up, I'm only barely above level 2 and I have no rush for exotic weapons (already have two decent rare primaries and legendary secondaries/heavies), but it's nice to know that at the very least once we do this we get a chance at getting an exotic.

As to your second point, engrams are a chance sure, but greens and blues gave you one of their color at least like 80% of the time, and armor pieces ALWAYS gave you one for your class. Legendary engrams more likely that not will give you something entirely different that is not purple, and if it does give you armor it is even more likely to give you armor for another class. Whatever algorithm they used for legendaries is more unfair that it needs to be. Legendary engrams should be like exotic engrams where they guarantee an exotic, or at the very least guarantee like 2 strange coins minimum. Because they're already a pain in the ass to get.

I basically gave up hope on getting purple engrams from drops though, I got 1 in a hour and 20 mins farming. I'd rather level up the cryptarch for a chance at a helmet or chest as I already bought the warlock bond and boots, planning on buying the gloves this week once the reset hits and hoping for a legendary helmet out of a legendary engram or playing crucible. I have no rush for the chest as I already know what I'm getting once it turns up in the exotic store and it's a chest piece.
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