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Destiny |OT3| Oh sweet a Legen- wait never mind, it's a rare.

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Once again, I just turned in a bunch of legendary engrams in and got green items. Then I got 1 more legendary engram from the postmaster and it's a armor...for a Titan and I'm a warlock-_-

This shit is ridiculous.

This would be an easier pill to swallow, for me at least, if they had a glimmer only auction house were you could buy sell items.
It takes forever to get the "kill 25 titans in the crucible' bounty completed

Because apparently no one plays them!
I already got the kill 100 hunt/tit/war trophies and I ain't even began tackling pvp balls deep like I'm doing strikes and shit. If anything warlock took me till the next day to appear lol

When you max out the weekly Vanguard and Crucible Marks for the first time, you get 2 Trophies/Achievements.
Once again, I just turned in a bunch of legendary engrams in and got green items. Then I got 1 more legendary engram from the postmaster and it's a armor...for a Titan and I'm a warlock-_-

This shit is ridiculous.

Put it in your vault and level your titan. Not a big deal, I think it's pretty cool that they encourage you to play other classes. I've almost got full purple gear for a Hunter and I haven't even touched the class.


Wait wait wait. SO only 117 people can do the raid?
More, but it'll still be extremely few. Maybe 10-15% of players have even reached level 20.

Which is why I think people should chill a little with their stress about finding legendaries and being ready for the raid on day 1. I haven't even reached Venus and I think I've been playing a lot, just got my first blue and got super happy lol.


PvP games in this make ZERO sense.

If i hit someone it takes 1-2 seconds for the damage to even pop up.
The lag is atrocious. I can't even say I only want to play in my region. I am playing with asians, north americans and australians all in the same round. How could ANYONE think this would work?


The Cryptarch's Bane
So I farmed that sweet new moon spot for about an hour and got something like 12 blues and 2 purples. All turned into blues/greens except the last one. I got a Legendary chest which I ACTUALLY needed! It isnt an exotic, but I sure as hell won't complain. Oh and to top it off, I got enough Motes of Light to get the cape I wanted!

*mote cape swag* Need 12 more to get mine :p
God damn, I always read GAF after switching off Destiny for bed time.

Now I wanna go back on and farm the Moon. Haven't found a single legendary piece, it's fricking frustrating.

I find very few blue engrams even turn into blues, so gods knows how I'll ever get a purple.
I've finished the first moon mission farming.

Total elapsed time: 1 hour 20 minutes.

Total kills of enemies: ~2000+

Drops from run:
  • 8 rare engrams
  • 1 legendary engram

A couple of the rares gave me items that were green. The legendary gave me a legendary rocket launcher though so I guess it wasn't a total loss (now i have 2 legendary secondaries and 1 legendary heavy weapon).

I'm 800 points away from leveling up cryptarch though so tomorrow I might do the farming again and hope for more blues/purples so I get the special package with 2-3 legendary items. In the amount of time I did the mission I probably got around the same amount of rares and legendaries that I got from Nexus farming, but this one is much less tedious as all you have to do is shoot straight and let them kill you and they take less to die and you can do by yourself in a time effective manner.

Over-all recommended though unless you're super lucky don't expect crazy amounts of rares. Guy in the video got like two of them off 60+ deaths, I only got 1.
I've finished the first moon mission farming.

Total elapsed time: 1 hour 20 minutes.

Total kills of enemies: ~2000+

Drops from run:
  • 8 rare engrams
  • 1 legendary engram

A couple of the rares gave me items that were green. The legendary gave me a legendary rocket launcher though so I guess it wasn't a total loss (now i have 2 legendary secondaries and 1 legendary heavy weapon).

I'm 800 points away from leveling up cryptarch though so tomorrow I might do the farming again and hope for more blues/purples so I get the special package with 2-3 legendary items. In the amount of time I did the mission I probably got around the same amount of rares and legendaries that I got from Nexus farming, but this one is much less tedious as all you have to do is shoot straight and let them kill you and they take less to die and you can do by yourself in a time effective manner.

Over-all recommended though unless you're super lucky don't expect crazy amounts of rares. Guy in the video got like two of them off 60+ deaths, I only got 1.

admiral puppy we've yet to play together
A few questions now that I finished the story and hit 20:

* I see the option to replay story missions at different levels, but I don't see any options at all when selecting strikes. Can you not select harder levels for strikes? Do players just run lower level strikes or move on to the randomized playlist? I was hoping I could run some matchmaking strikes at level 20 after finishing, but is this not how it works?

* Light. Does equipping armor with the light attribute automatically grant you light points and raise your level? Or does equipping light give you the capability to earn light-based XP to continue leveling up? I have some minimal light gear but my level is still just 20 - if its not XP based, how many light points do you need from your gear for each level up?

* Is there any better way of using consumables then to bring up the character menu and cycle through your inventory? I've had to use special ammo regen consumables once or twice while fighting bosses and it was almost impossible to get enough breathing room to do it. Is there a way to quickly select and use those kinds of items?

* Story question (ending):
I still don't have a clue as to why destroying the statue Gods in the Black Garden or the Black Garden itself means the traveler can begin to heal. I know the Vex can spread quickly to take over worlds, but what exactly does that have to do with the Traveler's current state. At least the Hive with their ritual to drain life through voodoo'ing a sliver of the Traveler made sense. And why take on the Cabal when they seemed out to fight and contain the Vex as well?

* Also (ending)
I finished the story, got the cut-scene with mystery exo-lass, and she gave me a gun, and I was back in orbit. I hit 20th level a few patrols later. There was never a part where I saw credits or heard the ending credits music. Did I miss something?
Unlocked the harder Moon strike for my exotic bounty. I'm currently at Level 24. Should I really try my luck doing the strike, even though the difficulty is very hard?


A few questions now that I finished the story and hit 20:

* I see the option to replay story missions at different levels, but I don't see any options at all when selecting strikes. Can you not select harder levels for strikes? Do players just run lower level strikes or move on to the randomized playlist? I was hoping I could run some matchmaking strikes at level 20 after finishing, but is this not how it works?

* Light. Does equipping armor with the light attribute automatically grant you light points and raise your level? Or does equipping light give you the capability to earn light-based XP to continue leveling up? I have some minimal light gear but my level is still just 20 - if its not XP based, how many light points do you need from your gear for each level up?

* Is there any better way of using consumables then to bring up the character menu and cycle through your inventory? I've had to use special ammo regen consumables once or twice and it was almost impossible to get enough breathing room to do it. Is there a way to quickly select and use those kinds of items?

* Story question (ending):
I still don't have a clue as to why destroying the statue Gods in the Black Garden or the Black Garden itself means the traveler can begin to heal. I know the Vex can spread quickly to take over worlds, but what exactly does that have to do with the Traveler's current state. At least the Hive with their ritual to drain life through voodoo'ing a sliver of the Traveler made sense. And why take on the Cabal when they seemed out to fight and contain the Vex as well?

* Also (ending)
I finished the story, got the cut-scene with mystery exo-lass, and she gave me a gun, and I was back in orbit. I hit 20th level a few patrols later. There was never a part where I saw credits or heard the ending credits music. Did I miss something?
credits are on bottom right while in orbit
A few questions now that I finished the story and hit 20:

* I see the option to replay story missions at different levels, but I don't see any options at all when selecting strikes. Can you not select harder levels for strikes? Do players just run lower level strikes or move on to the randomized playlist? I was hoping I could run some matchmaking strikes at level 20 after finishing, but is this not how it works?

* Light. Does equipping armor with the light attribute automatically grant you light points and raise your level? Or does equipping light give you the capability to earn light-based XP to continue leveling up? I have some minimal light gear but my level is still just 20 - if its not XP based, how many light points do you need from your gear for each level up?

* Is there any better way of using consumables then to bring up the character menu and cycle through your inventory? I've had to use special ammo regen consumables once or twice and it was almost impossible to get enough breathing room to do it. Is there a way to quickly select and use those kinds of items?

The only way to change the difficult of a strike is to use the vanguard strike playlist. The ones scattered on the planets you can't change.

Light gives you XP automatically, some pieces will have +1 light, some will have +8 +14 etc.

I don't think so, or at least I haven't figured out a way to do it.
I really don't like the fact that lower level content (like strikes or missions) have a damage cap . For example, if I snipe Sepiks in the eye on level 8 regular difficulty, he takes 890 damage. He's taking around 3000 on Heroic per shot.

I get that they probably don't want me one shotting everything, but I love seeing my progression of power. The game should reflect the improvement of my character.
So, I asked like 60 pages back, but wasn't there a thread sometime earlier this week where people were posting their tags and stuff? I'm having a hard time finding people to play with on XB1 :(


The Cryptarch's Bane
A few questions now that I finished the story and hit 20:

* I see the option to replay story missions at different levels, but I don't see any options at all when selecting strikes. Can you not select harder levels for strikes? Do players just run lower level strikes or move on to the randomized playlist? I was hoping I could run some matchmaking strikes at level 20 after finishing, but is this not how it works?
You can only replay the strike of your choice at its original level, though you'll still be matchmade. The randomized playlist is where the marks are at though, and there are 18, 20, 22, and 24 level playlists
* Light. Does equipping armor with the light attribute automatically grant you light points and raise your level? Or does equipping light give you the capability to earn light-based XP to continue leveling up? I have some minimal light gear but my level is still just 20 - if its not XP based, how many light points do you need from your gear for each level up?
highlight the word LIGHT on your inventory- it'll give you a little description and that number you're looking for.


So has it been established what the best way to farm Vanguard Marks is? (And rep too, although I'm okay on Rep... not so much on Marks).


I've just spent the last hour reading Grimoire cards - at work :)

There's some great stuff in here - I also like how the enemy cards track your bonuses for killing a certain number of them
Fucking finally.


Got both of those at once from 2 legendary engrams I received from leveling up the cryptarch. First exotic and legendary weapon I've gotten.


OMG I FINALLY got a piece of legendary armour, from the crota farm no less! Got it out of a blue engram too lol Armada type 3 leg armour, just the one I was planning to buy from the vanguard anyway. Oh yeah, successful farm. Plus Rahool's very close to level up so maybe I'll get lucky again (nah). Got some more motes of light and strange coins from it too, which'll go towards the Xur stockpile for the weekend to come.

Rounding it off in the cool but less interesting zone, I got a new despot that fires rockets that drop cluster bombs on detonation (awww yeah) and some new better gauntlets. Shame they're not toutatis type, I like those shoulder pad designs.


Just a heads up, when you reach vanguard rank 3 you are automatically given a choice between 3 exotic bounties.

And i should probably not say anything but its starting to getting annoying when checking this thread. If you want legendaries, stop grinding engrams and start grinding Crucible and Vanguard marks. Engrams are pretty clearly just a chance at a legendary, and not even for your class. Where marks are a guaranteed legendary for whatever slot you need filled the most.
The only way to change the difficult of a strike is to use the vanguard strike playlist. The ones scattered on the planets you can't change.
So no matchmaking for strikes at all unless you play them at the original level? That's all kinds of bizarre, and disappointing.

highlight the word LIGHT on your inventory- it'll give you a little description and that number you're looking for.
Thanks, will do.
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