Just did some Moon/Hive farming (it works, by the way). Got one Legendary engram...
Yeah, fuck this game.
DDan I need to lvl up to be in this raid. Im light lvl 22 now, whats the fastest way to level?
How are the mechanics different?
friend just linked me this
I found it funny ( even though it's not nearly Destiny's biggest problem )
Poison, having to cleanse yourself, strategies that need to be executed
So far up to the second part.
Poison, having to cleanse yourself, strategies that need to be executed
So far up to the second part.
Just did some Moon/Hive farming (it works, by the way). Got one Legendary engram...
Yeah, fuck this game.
No they aren't. Only weapon damage is normalised. Everything else like rate of fire impact and reload time etc are notEverbody is even?
How are the mechanics different?
Thanks for the confirmation!
People gotta match up their weps to the enemies shields in this stuff. The big robot dudes in the start of the raid go down like butter to my void element fusion rifle.
add what you said with trying to get a legendary weapon...
I hear that the drops are just too brutal in this game. Meanwhile some dude on stream has like 9 exotics and tons of legendaries.
The fact that you can be given Legendary/Exotic loot for classes other than your own is a fucking joke. Like, how is that not just a massive slap in the face? Get bent, Bungie.
So I've been farming for the past 30 miuntes on Oryx and now I noticed that enemies rarely drop anything apart from glimmer, black wax and codex.
I still get the odd uncommon drop but its totally not the same amount I was getting pre-patch.![]()
So should i just turned 20 should i join a faction or just grind Vanguard?
i've been pretty lucky with my engrams...
so far i have found enough legendaries to outfit both a hunter AND a titan in full armor...
shame i play a warlock :/
seriously this blows
Didn't take my team long to give up. We had just about built the spire, then it all descended into chaos. Welp. Feel like I'll never complete this without a team of die-hards.
just keep playing. in pve, earn marks for the vanguard and pvp crucible or a faction (bounties, strikes, any pvp match). equip anything you get with more light on it and upgrade everything.DDan I need to lvl up to be in this raid. Im light lvl 22 now, whats the fastest way to level?
I hear that the drops are just too brutal in this game. Meanwhile some dude on stream has like 9 exotics and tons of legendaries.
It's blowing my mind that the raid actually has phases and varying fight mechanics, why the fuck does the strikes have none of that?
Didn't take my team long to give up. We had just about built the spire, then it all descended into chaos. Welp. Feel like I'll never complete this without a team of die-hards.
Just hit 20 and I have no idea what to do now...
Pvp, daily mission, weekly mission, vanguard strikes
What's best guys?
I want to start getting legendary items and stuff
I assume because the strikes are designed for bad players?
I did some 24 strikes last night with people who were beyond dreadful, I guess the raids are designed to avoid letting those people in, while the strikes are designed for bad players.
Ok I'm not getting any loot from these farming methods now. Nothing drops only ammo and some consumables.
Another new mechanic...Eventually you lose the marked cure zones. One player gets a shield (SWAT like), puts you into 3rd person. You can attack with it. The super throws up a zone that heals marked players.