Destiny |OT3| Oh sweet a Legen- wait never mind, it's a rare.

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That's weird. Personally I don't find shotgun kills especially common. If you're in tight confined spaces, pull out your own, otherwise make sure you mark your entrances and exits so you can land on a headshot burst before they even get close to you. Shotguns are lethal up close, sure, but their range is absolute turd.

The stand out thing that kills me too often is Blade Dancer.

Rumble (Free for All) is broken thanks to Shotguns. Top guy is always in choke points with a shotgun.


NeoGAF's official "was this shooting justified" consultant
That's weird. Personally I don't find shotgun kills especially common. If you're in tight confined spaces, pull out your own, otherwise make sure you mark your entrances and exits so you can land on a headshot burst before they even get close to you. Shotguns are lethal up close, sure, but their range is absolute turd.

The stand out thing that kills me too often is Blade Dancer.

generally whenever i see the blade dancer show up in the kill feed i just run away from the Xs and the center point of the map as fast as I can. fuck trying to kill it and save teammates.

as for the shotgun/melee/shotgun shit.... many, i really don't know what to say other than there's really no reason to even be in that position when its so easily avoidable on most maps (fuck twilight gap). on top of that, every single jump and jump option puts you completely out of the shotgun's effective range

if you don't want to get sniped, stay out of the open areas and long sightlines - too easy

if you don't want to get shotgunned, stay off the ground when coming around corners and use your radar.

there's tons of shit you can't avoid in the game (warlock homing grenade, that guy in the match with the l33t throwing knife skills, titan defenders making objective maps a chore, etc) but the shotgun... man, that's really just something people need to be more aware of.

that venus map for example (shores of time), why are people even in that alley way near B? everything about that thing is a deathtrap yet people flood through just waiting to beaten into the dust by machine guns, shotguns, fusion rifles, grenades, and supers. the entire section is free kills to be had. but people are always in there. its their own damned fault.
Seems I just lost all of my Crucible marks. Do they expire or something? I didn't actually need to them to buy anything although I was eyeing up that flashy cape, but still it's kind of annoying. Luckily I still have enough marks left to earn this week to buy it, but I'm now worried somethings gonna happen to the Vanguard marks I've been saving up toward a primary weapon.


Seems I just lost all of my Crucible marks. Do they expire or something? I didn't actually need to them to buy anything although I was eyeing up that flashy cape, but still it's kind of annoying. Luckily I still have enough marks left to earn this week to buy it still, but I'm now worried somethings gonna happen to the Vanguard marks I've been saving up toward a primary weapon.

If you look at your inventory screen you'll see that you have them. The cap just reset.


I just launched the game. The usual log in and be at Orbit.
Went to the store to check out the Horizon demo.

Went back to the game..and everything disappeared, just showing the skybox of orbit.
Then everything went black.

After a fw minutes..
"Problem reading game content. Please close and restart Destiny to try again."
And then I'll be and then i'll be the man who is waiting in the moon for a public event to start

and then you'll see, and then you'll see that me waiting here wasn't a waste oh fuck





I just launched the game. The usual log in and be at Orbit.
Went to the store to check out the Horizon demo.

Went back to the game..and everything disappeared, just showing the skybox of orbit.
Then everything went black.

After a fw minutes..
"Problem reading game content. Please close and restart Destiny to try again."


Now the game is re-installing itself?


And then I'll be and then i'll be the man who is waiting in the moon for a public event to start

and then you'll see, and then you'll see that me waiting here wasn't a waste oh fuck




You butchered it, Admiral. I can't believe you.

It's practically...


I thought shotties were OP throughout the entire GoW series.

They were. Doesn't make me despise them any less.


Lol this game is my game of the year. With all the criticism, this is the only game in the LAsT FEW YEARS that has made me wanna play it as soon k wake. As soon I come from work and all consuming. I say thank you bungie. Just keep watching us and update it regularly.

that umbrella though


The Cryptarch's Bane
So pro-tip (not that we realized it prior to the time we needed it)

Keep a stack of these on hand
And maybe some special too. Best investment for your glimmer in the game right now IMO.

Can be quite clutch.

We actually went back and farmed junk mobs in nearby rooms to stockpile on ammo before attempting phogoth for the 4th or 5th time...


So pro-tip (not that we realized it prior to the time we needed it)

Keep a stack of these on hand

And maybe some special too. Best investment for your glimmer in the game right now IMO.

Can be quite clutch.

We actually went back and farmed junk mobs in nearby rooms to stockpile on ammo before attempting phogoth for the 4th or 5th time...

Holy sweet fuck.

How in hell do you already have that much glimmer?


Seems I just lost all of my Crucible marks. Do they expire or something? I didn't actually need to them to buy anything although I was eyeing up that flashy cape, but still it's kind of annoying. Luckily I still have enough marks left to earn this week to buy it, but I'm now worried somethings gonna happen to the Vanguard marks I've been saving up toward a primary weapon.

wut? those marks are all the faction vendors take
....I just realized I spent 3hrs in a raid and got 1 green engram. Spent 30mins in pvp and got a Legendary Handcannon.

Raid drops seem really out of whack. My group spent five hours and made it to the last phase of the
before calling it a night due to too low damage output. Along the way, most of us only got a couple upgrade materials. Two people got one legendary each at the end of one of the phases, and none of us got any engram drops from kills.

Also noticed there was zero exp or glimmer gains from killing enemies or completing phases. We weren't expecting to swim in loot, but damn, throw us a bone at least now and again.


Loot in this game can go to hell. I get a exotic weapon bounty, but who knows what weapon I can get, so I start one with the warlock, at the last step to hand it in I check the mail cause I have a reward for a new rep level. Open it up, its a legendary shotgun, great, just as I am about to hand in the exotic bounty for a shotgun....the real kicker, I fucking hate shotguns and don't use them.

Shit like this is going to make me and a lot of other people quit. Randomness is good, but you also need to give people some incentive. This kind of randomness puts people off. MMO's have learned this already, thats why Blizzard lets people trade in a piece off a boss for a specific item you want when it comes to tier pieces.
Whats the deal with not have match making for the I think is the daily heroic strikes? I'm enjoying the game for what it is, but some of these decisions bungie made are from straight 2004 Blizzard's playbook with WoW. This is a console game so I'm afraid stuff like this isn't going to be be patched in like WoW and Diablo does since there isn't a test realm. I hope I'm wrong..


I thought shotties were OP throughout the entire GoW series.

Yeah. Power weapons were better, but as far as starting weapons were concerned, it was all about bouncing off walls and gibbing the other guy. Chainsaws were popular too, but looked at as a newb's weapon.

In destiny though, while more people use the shotgun, the fusion rifle has more utility, so there's balance there. Snipers would be fine if there were more than a couple maps to use them on.


So I got an exotic bounty lead, but I don't know which quest to take. I have a choice between:

Shattered Memory Fragment (Fusion Rifle)

Toland's Legacy (Pulse Rifle)

A Voice in the Wilderness (Machine Gun)

Problem is I don't use Fusion or Pulse Rifles, and I already have a Legendary Machine Gun. What do y'all think I should do?


Finished the daily heroic story on level 24. Not too bad. I was worried for a second. I thought I was going to have to fight the gatelord. That would have been tough with all of those minotaurs. Hate those things. If they always give ascendant shards for the daily level 24, then doing those once per day may be a good way to get them?


The Cryptarch's Bane
Holy sweet fuck.

How in hell do you already have that much glimmer?

Glimmer is easy to come by. Everything gets you glimmer. At this point I'm dismantling Greens on sight and often blues too. If you want to ramp up your production then just go somewhere with enemies of a certain type and pop one of these
They often drop while you're using them so they just start to pile up. I like to kill hive especially as you can see.

Glimmer is meant to be spent, there's even a 25000 cap.


Saint Nic
So pro-tip (not that we realized it prior to the time we needed it)

Keep a stack of these on hand

And maybe some special too. Best investment for your glimmer in the game right now IMO.

Can be quite clutch.

We actually went back and farmed junk mobs in nearby rooms to stockpile on ammo before attempting phogoth for the 4th or 5th time...

Made a difference farming that ammo! And that's also why I will always keep ammo packs on me haha.


The Cryptarch's Bane
Loot in this game can go to hell. I get a exotic weapon bounty, but who knows what weapon I can get, so I start one with the warlock, at the last step to hand it in I check the mail cause I have a reward for a new rep level. Open it up, its a legendary shotgun, great, just as I am about to hand in the exotic bounty for a shotgun....the real kicker, I fucking hate shotguns and don't use them.

Shit like this is going to make me and a lot of other people quit. Randomness is good, but you also need to give people some incentive. This kind of randomness puts people off. MMO's have learned this already, thats why Blizzard lets people trade in a piece off a boss for a specific item you want when it comes to tier pieces.
noo I'm sorry man... you can look up which quest was for which exotic ;_; It's not random, you could have picked which one to go after.

Which shotgun did you get anyway


To Purple Engrams that weren't Purple. Really dumb. But I did get a purple class item engram and it turned into motes of light, honestly I think that was the best outcome from that situation.


The Cryptarch's Bane
So I got an exotic bounty lead, but I don't know which quest to take. I have a choice between:

Shattered Memory Fragment (Fusion Rifle)

Toland's Legacy (Pulse Rifle)

A Voice in the Wilderness (Machine Gun)

Problem is I don't use Fusion or Pulse Rifles, and I already have a Legendary Machine Gun. What do y'all think I should do?
Look up the specific guns and their properties. I will say a Fusion Rifle is really, really handy to always keep around and Pocket Infinity looks amazing (that's the one I chose).


Got my first Purle engram today. ANd guess what .
It was A Fucking blue. Man, after a whole day of grinding I final get one and it is useless to me.


Glimmer is easy to come by. Everything gets you glimmer. At this point I'm dismantling Greens on sight and often blues too. If you want to ramp up your production then just go somewhere with enemies of a certain type and pop one of these
They often drop while you're using them so they just start to pile up. I like to kill hive especially as you can see.

Glimmer is meant to be spent, there's even a 25000 cap.

My intent was more, how do you even find the time to get all that glimmer, not the methods of getting it.
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