Destiny |OT3| Oh sweet a Legen- wait never mind, it's a rare.

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Doing another campaign mission. woohoo!

Time to fight some teddy bears!

Lol, those guys are really fun to fight though. I dunno why but they're easily my favorite to do strike runs against. Unfortunately a lot of people also seem to like dropping from those strikes as soon as they start. Their soundtrack is pretty cool too, kind of ominous and imperial.


Got lucky again today. That's 2 days in a row now. I'd prefer a primary or launcher since I don't really use MGs but whatever. Both times from leveling up the cryptarch. Level 6 and 7 got me legendaries.




Haha, some of those are great. Nice job.

Got lucky again today. That's 2 days in a row now. I'd prefer a primary or launcher since I don't really use MGs but whatever. Both times from leveling up the cryptarch. Level 6 and 7 got me legendaries.


This was my first legendary I lucked out on a while back. I thought the same as you, primarily used launchers, but damn do I love my swarmy now. It tears people apart in pvp and takes huge dents out of strike bosses. The low recoil makes it easy to make almost every shot a crit.


Keep getting "bee" errors. Goddammit, Bungie. I wanna play your game. ;-;

Cømet;130360439 said:
PE farming in Russia is so easy and rewarding. I love see that Ketch fly over and know I'm about to rake in the marks.


I need to do some Marks farming. I haven't been doing shit lately.

Also, you start readin' it yet? :3


Typical that levelling up Rahool only gets me a bunch of blues, but whatever. More towards his next level up. One did turn into a mote of light at least, so that's useful, and doing all those PEs put me 500 xp away from being able to get some FWC armour to get me ready to raid.

Better get on crucible hard tomorrow, gonna need more marks if I want the chestplate as well as the gauntlets.

@Fig- Not yet, in the morning :p it's almost 5am here, so I'll be hitting the sack for a few hours shortly. I'll get on it over breakfast :)
Does anyone else get a lot of blueprints from chest farming on Mars? Finding a new ship is cool and all, but I would rather get a Legendary engram. I get one blueprint per run.


hey guys, how do you know how much time you've logged into the game

also, my friends who barely play the game have passed me at 21, while I spend 3 days in a row playing for 5+ hours and dont get any new gear

Am I dong something wrong? Is there any suggestions
hey guys, how do you know how much time you've logged into the game

also, my friends who barely play the game have passed me at 21, while I spend 3 days in a row playing for 5+ hours and dont get any new gear

Am I dong something wrong? Is there any suggestions

In my experience, playing the Crucible ranks you up faster than PVE and has a higher chance of giving you weapons/armor.


If anyone is interested in doing the weekly heroic strike tomorrow at noon est hit me up psn luchashaq. Got an exotic weapon bountybtwlling me to give it a shot. (Lv22 all blues so far)
Anybody know if PS3 and PS4 can play together? Also I know there's a clan topic but does anybody on PS3 want another lame level 20 titan to play with? PSN is the same as my GAF name.


Can you do weekly heroics as many as you want? I did it with a couple of GAF folk but I still can cue up for it. And I feel like i'm stuck at lvl 23 now. Kinda lame. And the couple purples I got today...all blue. -sigh- Bungie why...


Seeing the killfeed in pvp go

Auto Rifle

makes me sad.

That's weird. Personally I don't find shotgun kills especially common. If you're in tight confined spaces, pull out your own, otherwise make sure you mark your entrances and exits so you can land on a headshot burst before they even get close to you. Shotguns are lethal up close, sure, but their range is absolute turd.

The stand out thing that kills me too often is Blade Dancer.
That's weird. Personally I don't find shotgun kills especially common. If you're in tight confined spaces, pull out your own, otherwise make sure you mark your entrances and exits so you can land on a headshot burst before they even get close to you. Shotguns are lethal up close, sure, but their range is absolute turd.

The stand out thing that kills me too often is Blade Dancer.
Play some Rumble. Nothing but shotties.


Thank you Namikaze, RNGesus Prophet. After the Legendary Chest, the potential disaster in the Legendary Mark engram (2 Ascendants!), I then got the Exotic Bounty starter.

All praise to thy name.
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