Destiny |OT3| Oh sweet a Legen- wait never mind, it's a rare.

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So, I'm in a few clans now, and this has had absolutely no effect on the game. I can't see who's in my clan, what my clan is doing, what clan I'm in etc.
Am I missing something here? What's the point of being in the clan?

You get a nice Clan Tag under your name. Nothing more, nothing less.

Indrid Cold

Unconfirmed Member
Did they up the engram drop rate on strikes? I've got 3 legendary ones(all on devils lair) plus one from leveling cryptark.Tried decrypting them got no legendaries. Got an exotic auto rifle though.


So you get a clan tag and can see who is in your clan on the website or mobile app.

Yes. It is fucking pointless. It's why I'm not in one of the several hundred GAF clans. I'd still have to ask for weekly strike members here and add them to PSN. If it was any good there would be a clan list in game (like the friends list or game list) that you can invite/join directly and have an option to set a flag of some kind (LFG Weekly Strike, LFM Crucible etc).

So much this why did bungie not add these features it boggles the mind, hopefully soon.


love on your sleeve
Did they up the engram drop rate on strikes? I've got 3 legendary ones(all on devils lair) plus one from leveling cryptark.Tried decrypting them got no legendaries. Got an exotic auto rifle though.

I got 2 legendaries just screwing around and doing bounties. Of course, nothing came of them but it was nice to see.


Clan integration is basically an in-game tag and nothing else.

You have to organize everything offline/forums to get anything accomplished.

As much as Bungie is pushing this as a social game it really isn't.

I've resorted to hanging around the raid on Venus, and just sending friend invites to random passers-by. It probably says something that most people accept on the spot. I almost think this kind of stuff is actually what Bungie intended.

Game needs matchmaking for everything, and a detailed in-game clan system. And it needs it all by sometime tomorrow night.


Damn I can't stop playing this game. I basically brute forced my way through some work earlier today so that I'd have some time to play. I played an insane amount. Time just flies by with this game.

Got a legendary rocket launcher and a nice blue hand cannon.
I've seriously got like 3-4 ppl on my friends list who play destiny and all at different times. Can everyone please add me on PSN I'm keen for helping out in whatever, I just need more ppl. Chat or no chat I don't mind.

PSN: SuttonDagger


Unconfirmed Member
Hey, what are the modifiers for the Heroic Weekly this week? Any elemental damage modifier? I'm in the middle of it but forgot to check, lol.
I still don't understand why certain pieces of the vendor legendaries have just flat out worse stats then the alternative you can buy from the same vendor. Like the two boots on the hunter vendor both have intelligence and discipline, but one has a few more of each stat and they both cost the same. Their specials are both simple "carry more ammo with a type of gun", so no big difference there either.
I've resorted to hanging around the raid on Venus, and just sending friend invites to random passers-by. It probably says something that most people accept on the spot. I almost think this kind of stuff is actually what Bungie intended.

Game needs matchmaking for everything, and a detailed in-game clan system. And it needs it all by sometime tomorrow night.

I'm gonna call it now. The whole raid thing being friends/clan only is going to last less than a month.

Bungie has to change if it wants to maintain any sort of legs.
I don't know why I stuck to just playing Control for so long. Rumble is the bomb.

I've seriously got like 3-4 ppl on my friends list who play destiny and all at different times. Can everyone please add me on PSN I'm keen for helping out in whatever, I just need more ppl. Chat or no chat I don't mind.

PSN: SuttonDagger
And here I am with a 100+ friends list from that Diablo GAF thread. Nearly everyone I added from that is now playing Destiny.


The Cryptarch's Bane
Hey, what are the modifiers for the Heroic Weekly this week? Any elemental damage modifier? I'm in the middle of it but forgot to check, lol.
Nope, no real twist this week apparently, just Angry (no enemy stagger). I would've told you to buy some heavy ammo synethesis if you hadn't started yet XD


I don't know why I stuck to just playing Control for so long. Rumble is the bomb.

Skirmish is pretty good too. Control's been going downhill as more and more people go bubble titan on the points. It's just a shame you can't play either one with more than 3 people (Though for skirmish it makes sense).
Hit Level 25 and will most likely reach Level 26 when Xur shows up again. nearly have enough crucible marks to get my 2nd Legendary gear, but since I have enough strange coins, I'm gonna wait until Friday and see what Xur has in stock.
Hey, what are the modifiers for the Heroic Weekly this week? Any elemental damage modifier? I'm in the middle of it but forgot to check, lol.

Angry which means enemies can't be stunned like when you get aa hand cannon headshot or sniper. It's piss easy compared to arc burn last time. The nightfall mission has void burn though.


It feels weighted against itself. Like, a purple should have 100% purple, or like 66% chance. The fact that it is a running joke bad?


I really don't mind that I am only level 24 after 30+ hours. But I would like a higher chance of Engram from a huge boss rather than a random level 1 enemy.

I like the strikes even though bosses are mostly just bullet sponges. I really enjoy them. But better loot should come from harder enemies.


Got 2 legendary engrams from just a few pvp matches tonight 0.o Of course they turned into nothing. I did at least get a few blues and hit lvl22 though!
This loot system is fucking broken. Bungie should just make legendaries and exotics harder to come by, rather than this random shit when you do pick up one. Why am I getting fucking strange coins when I pick up a primary weapon engram? That shit ain't cute at all, especially after grinding for hours. What were they thinking?
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