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Destiny |OT3| Oh sweet a Legen- wait never mind, it's a rare.

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I know there is penatly for dying doing Void damage bounty for Exotic. What about Bad Juju part? It says score 10k points killing players in crucible. Seems like 100 kills or so. Does it deduct points if you die?


Updated progress after landing a void shotty with full auto mod. My KD went from 0.30 to 0.59 but i'll get there eventually lol


I wish my exotic bounty was this easy.

I have to break down ten rare fusion rifles. They are a whole lot less common than I thought they were. I am just staring at the three in my inventory that I cannot break down because they are so OP on elemental burn skulls.

Then after that I have to kill enemies on Mythic activities. I hope that is a misprint because the closest I have seen is and Epic skull.
Updated progress after landing a void shotty with full auto mod. My KD went from 0.30 to 0.59 but i'll get there eventually lol


Assuming you have a void machine gun, when you hear the heavy ammo announcement run for that spawn and get that shit. From there try to play somewhat lame and aim for 4 or 5 kills before running out. Playing cautiously in general helps too.


Got my Thorn yesterday thanks to some gaffers and I instantly regretted choosing it.

6 round mag with no quick reload options is pretty butt for a hand cannon. My 12 round blue with quick reload is a monster compared to this thing.

I'm still going to level it up to see how powerful the DOT is, but I would have much rather chosen the shotty or pulse after using this thing. am cry.


Lol, slide your way to victory.
Man it's so disheartening at times lol. I used to be great at this shit in my younger years. Every time I think ive turned a corner I have a 3 kill 15 death game to send me back to reality :{
Assuming you have a void machine gun, when you hear the heavy ammo announcement run for that spawn and get that shit. From there try to play somewhat lame and aim for 4 or 5 kills before running out. Playing cautiously in general helps too.
Yeah I have one but its not very good (low damage and fire rate) but I do go for dat ammo and land a kill or two a game with it.


I knocked out that weekly heroic last night and man, that shit lasted like two hours. Maybe more. The boss was a bitch until we all figured out the exploit a little beyond the entryway which makes the enemies disappear so you can focus on that big ol boss whos chained up.

When we finally got our rewards we thought we'd be able to knock it out again in half the time for another 150 Vanguard rep.

.....We were wrong. We knocked it out more quickly, sure. No rewards though =/

Lesson learned.

Who ever your party leady was let you down. After you complete a weekly on a specific difficulty the rewards are no longer listed the next time you select it. It is good for remembering what you have done.


Who ever your party leady was let you down. After you complete a weekly on a specific difficulty the rewards are no longer listed the next time you select it. It is good for remembering what you have done.

Nah, we just weren't paying attention. The excitement for finally finishing it got us all ramped up to do it all over again for easy Vanguard rep farming. It's all good though. We really know how to kick the shit out of that boss now so it wasnt a total waste.
Hey all, has Bungie set up a way to submit game/feature feedback for Destiny? And is there any chance any of it would be implemented/developed?


Was just about to go level my Titan instead of playing my Warlock and went to turn in a rare engram I got while collecting gold chests. It turned into a Legendary auto rifle! Gotta go test this bad boy out in the Crucible.


Is Bad Juju a good Pulse rifle?

If it actually reloads instantly without an animation after killing something, then it has to be awesome. That sounds really broken, but I don't know how else that text can be taken. Maybe it reloads only the ammo used to kill??
Are notes of light used just with the speaker right now for the capes/marks/etc and emblems?

If so I'm going to take the risk in the exotic engram from Xur tomorrow.


So currently there is no point in going for vg rank 3 right? Doesn't unlock any weapons or anything so I should choose a faction?


No void. Primary weapons don't have elements anymore. Probably to do with the burn modifiers on weekly/nightfall strikes.

Gotcha. So the internet info was all based on the beta I assume?

As soon as I read void damage online, I started kicking myself. So far Thorn is pretty butt.


Arr ships shared between characters? What do i get if i scrap a ship?
If you can put it in the vault then I assume your additional characters can access them. If you disassemble a ship or Sparrow you get nothing.

I'd assume just larger quantities of those mats, but I'm not going to be doing research on that particular area o_o
Me neither, but maybe would consider dismantling a weapon I know I would never use if the mats obtained would be worthwhile enough.

Destiny |OT4| Blue Balls
Did he just win the thread?
Gotcha. So the internet info was all based on the beta I assume?

As soon as I read void damage online, I started kicking myself. So far Thorn is pretty butt.

Yeah the pics are going off of the beta. Your kinda making me wish I went for that lol. Instant reload on kill sounds bananas.


If you can put it in the vault then I assume your additional characters can access them. If you disassemble a ship or Sparrow you get nothing.

Man, if you could dismantle those dumbass ships for a random rare mat/mote I would be set.

I am not sure how many versions of the same ship I really need on an account that can only have 3 classes.


I got a few bounties that say I have to finish a Story mission with the Heroic modifier, does this mean I have to do it in a daily mission or does this just mean I have to crank the difficulty in the settings to Hard?


I'm sure this has been answered, but when there's a drop (green, blue, purple, whatever) am I the only one in my team who sees it? I'd like to be able to grab everything I see without feeling greedy...


Neo Member
Me and a GAF'er and our clan beat the raid and we're progressing through hard soon.

I need help with this Thorn bounty, I absolutely suck at the crucible and was wondering if anyone would help out :(

PSN: tripskylark
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