Just got an offer for an exotic bounty. Does anyone know what each one gives?
1) Shattered Memory Fragment
2) A Voice In The Wilderness
3) Toland's Legacy
Just got an offer for an exotic bounty. Does anyone know what each one gives?
1) Shattered Memory Fragment
2) A Voice In The Wilderness
3) Toland's Legacy
OMG your avatar. Fuck yes.Me, PSN is Kyuubi-no-Youko
Just got an offer for an exotic bounty. Does anyone know what each one gives?
1) Shattered Memory Fragment
2) A Voice In The Wilderness
3) Toland's Legacy
Will do!OMG your avatar. Fuck yes.
Please suicide run at the boss. Yelling "WHO THE HELL DO YOU THINK I AM?"
There is no daily strike. Do you mean the Daily Heroic Story, or Weekly Heroic Strike?
Yes and kinda yes if you're really good though I wouldn't recommend it, respectively.
If you are colorblind, or would just prefer to memorize the enemy types rather than rely on shield color:
Fallen < Arc
Hive < Fire
Vex < Void
Also on the daily or nightfall there are Hive Knights with Arc Shields.Great post Hawkian! One thing though:
Though generally true, there are some exceptions to this so be aware of that. For example on Venus, there is a group of Vex that spawn right at the door of that super dark academy. The Minotaur has purple shields, but a couple of Major Harpys also spawn there with blue shields.
Anyone have advice for the best way to get Vanguard Marks for a solo player? The lack of matchmaking in this game really sucks once you start doing Light Levels.
Dang. That is really good to know. I'll update it to say there are some exceptions. Thank you!Great post Hawkian! One thing though:
Though generally true, there are some exceptions to this so be aware of that. For example on Venus, there is a group of Vex that spawn right at the door of that super dark academy. The Minotaur has purple shields, but a couple of Major Harpys also spawn there with blue shields.
Also, what in the world is a Tournament Ticket?
Aw this is so freaking awesome.
Helllll yeah, that's one of the ones I'm hoping to eventually net. Grats on your first exotic, definitely a good first.
Not to call you out, but this is a great opportunity to voice my opposition to responses like that. When someone asks something in a public forum, even if it's easily searchable, and you tell them to google it, you're eviscerating the potential of the forum.
The value in a question being asked and answered here or in a similar venue isn't solely that the person asking got the information they wanted. It's that other people with the same question won't have to ask or search, because the answer is there.
Anyone have advice for the best way to get Vanguard Marks for a solo player? The lack of matchmaking in this game really sucks once you start doing Light Levels.
Yeah same, I sorta regret taking the bounty cause I'm absolute ass at PvP
Cloaks, marks, and bonds can now drop in this Playlist. Tournament Tickets also become more common.
Huh interestingHey folks, I think our Grimore cards can manipulate what drops in Crucible. I'm reading the back of the Control card and I see this:
I need to win 4 more Control matches to get that bonus.
From what I've been told: Bounties, Patrols and strikes. Still seems slow though. And yes, lack of matchmaking sucks a lot.
Is going idle during Strike battles a thing now?I've run into two dudes that were just hanging back until someone (me) notices they aren't doing anything.
I meant that it was not personal. I would have had the exact same response to anyone who posted what you did. I don't know you and I don't want you sucking anything you don't want to XDhaha not to call me out, while totally calling me out? No need to be passive aggressive. Feel free to tell me to go suck an egg. XD
It's just that people kind of hang out in here. questions are asked and rapidly answered and that benefits more people than just the asker and answerer.It always makes me laugh when people ask very easy to find info. Now if someone asked "hey guys, which reward should I pick?" and people could give their opinions on the weapons.
I don't think any of the patrols or strikes I've done give you Vanguard Marks.
What do you mean?
All you have to do is spam the Vanguard Strike missions list next to the Crucible icon.
It will match you up with your current Light lvl as well.
Just got an offer for an exotic bounty. Does anyone know what each one gives?
1) Shattered Memory Fragment
2) A Voice In The Wilderness
3) Toland's Legacy
I know there is penatly for dying doing Void damage bounty for Exotic. What about Bad Juju part? It says score 10k points killing players in crucible. Seems like 100 kills or so. Does it deduct points if you die?
Ascendant shards and other materials.what do you get if you dismantle a legendary engram?
in the name of the traveler,Hey folks, I think our Grimore cards can manipulate what drops in Crucible. I'm reading the back of the Control card and I see this:
I need to win 4 more Control matches to get that bonus.
dunno, but based on that wording I doubt you'd lose points. You get a score for positive actions in Crucible matches, nothing I can tell makes them go down. You can easily try it by just doing 2 matches and see if your total score for the bounty = your score from the first plus the second.Don't like bumping my posts, but no one seem to notice it. I am asking because if I won't lose any points I will just queue solo, maybe 1-2 friends top. If it deduct points, then I need to get pre-made gorup going before weekend.
what do you get if you dismantle a legendary engram?
Do you find these with the standard bounty giver? I've yet to run into one.
Dax said she would!
Here's links
Post-20 Leveling Guide pt. 1
Post-20 Leveling Guide pt. 2
Tips and Tricks #1
Your palms begin to sweat and you gesticulate wildly in anticipation as you get back to the Cryptarch and get... nothing. Junk.
...but trying to rely on it [random drops] to advance is a little bit like trying to pay your rent by searching through a dumpster for lotto tickets.
Just a few random gameplay tips from harmless fun to clutch fireteam maneuvers.
in the name of the traveler,
the fuck is a tournament ticket?
Strike Playlists do have matchmaking. The 24 playlist gets you 6 marks, 25 rep apiece.Anyone have advice for the best way to get Vanguard Marks for a solo player? The lack of matchmaking in this game really sucks once you start doing Light Levels.
Cloaks, marks, and bonds can now drop for completing any Strike.
Strike Playlists do have matchmaking. The 24 playlist gets you 6 marks, 25 rep apiece.
Anyone up for doing the Vault of Glass raid (PS4)?
Add/message: Vashetti
Just got an offer for an exotic bounty. Does anyone know what each one gives?
1) Shattered Memory Fragment
2) A Voice In The Wilderness
3) Toland's Legacy
Sooooooo my Exotic AR is a piece of shit in PVP.