Overdrive if old.
No "NO!!!!!" from the devs. Still have my hopes up.
Sunset Overdrive developer Insomniac Games does not currently have any plans for a PC port, but hasn’t ruled out the possibility.
Sunset Overdrive is an Xbox One exclusive, but considering Ryse: Son of Rome and Dead Rising 3 switched sides less than a year after being available only on Xbox One, many have wondered if the same thing will happen to Sunset Overdrive.
“I don’t know what the future holds, right now there’s no plans for a PC version of the game,” community and marketing lead James Stevenson told Videogamer.
“We’re just working hard to finish up [the Xbox One version]. We’re going to support it post-launch and then we’ll see what happens in the future. But there’s no plans. We aren’t planning a PC version or anything like that.”
Do you expect Sunset Overdrive to make the jump to PC eventually?
Sunset Overdrive is due October 28 on Xbox One.
No "NO!!!!!" from the devs. Still have my hopes up.
