Wait what :OI thought they said s3 is in production.
Wait what :OI thought they said s3 is in production.
School Days 6
That music, that subtle foreshadowing. If this goes where I think it does then Katsura will do nothing wrong.
I went into school days blind. Had zero idea what it was about. I was going through my romance anime phase, and thought it would be a cute little story about lovers in school. Oh meh god.
Ruined the genre for me.
Its the natural order of things when you go the harem route. Most anime just wants to sweep it under the rug. School Days bravely considers the possibilities.
I retract that statement. You dun goofed !
I thought they said s3 is in production.
It's been a year since the campaign was funded and they still don't have a finalized script? Settling on a plot doesn't sound like a finished script.
Neither the director nor the writer had a major role in the production of Kill la Kill. Regardless, they should have had something approaching a finalized script before they even committed to the project.
Exactly. And even moreso we have to take into account also the roles inside the structure of the studio that many times go uncredited; in the same way the board of directors on many studios (like in their former home GAiNAX) influenced decisions later affianced by the project directors, Mr. Ōtsuka as head of the studio has a hands-off supervising approach on much of what they work on, as well as Mr. Yoshinari having an actual studio's lead animator role inside TRIGGER Inc., (with this position since at least early 2013) surely providing additional input in general. In the end, the kind of management of a recently started company like this one (specially in a creative environment like Japanese animation offers) isn't as compartmentalized as many might think it could be.Otsuka is the general director for Inou Battle. Yoshinari did the storyboarding and animation for the 1st KLK OP, a few cuts in a number of episodes, and the recent OVA had a major cut by him. I also think Yoshinari will have a few cuts in Inou Battle.
Both have been busy.
I forgot about Inou Battle. Otsuka is the head writer for that as well, so yeah he has been busy.
Obviously script changes (to varying degrees) do occur even after something is greenlit.
Yep! Basic plot guidelines and structure as part of the pre-production is the habitual and logical path, but scriptwriting follows deadlines close to the very beginning of the production runtime for the project, to be followed by subsequent scenario amendments and storyboard re-workings. In some real cases, plot & scenario have been finalized just about one month and-a-half before actual animation production. On episodic works this is many times replicated for each episode, so a script for an episode further along the series doesn't even have to be finished by the time it has begun airing (their own KILL la KILL or a previous project many of them helped to create like TTGL are fine examples of that, although TTGL had in comparison a very healthy head-start of three to four months worth of episodes' scenario & storyboards practically complete and animation production being in-process since the moment the first episode aired per Tadashi Hiramatsu words, but overall its second half was mostly unfinished including the basic scenario for the final episode until mere days before the series premier!).That is almost never the case.
Apparently they didn't even had a early plot premise decided for it until April of this year, so it is possible there wasn't anything scrapped and maybe just the original scenarios were pitched, to be followed by the search of a proper financing scheme that could support those.I should note it's possible that Trigger did have a script already in place but it was for the 25 minute runtime so when the KS took off and Trigger promised a 40 minute OVA, the script didn't work out.
I retract that statement. You dun goofed !
And clearly didn't pay attention in your biology classes either.
I did have a general and as it turned out, correct idea of what's going to happen. Ending went much farther than I expected it though.
Thanks to that bravery, SD carved out a very special place in my heart !
School Days 11-12
Makoto went into goddamn harem overdrive ...
From about episode 6 and till the last moment I took it for granted thatit will be Kotonoha who will deliver the final judgement, so this turn of events took me surprise. Not to mention the amazing confrontation that happened after that.
"Just as I thought. You were lying. There is no baby inside of you."![]()
What a terrific show. It's worth slogging through the first half for those three last episodes.
Finished burning through Horizon in the Middle of Nowhere. Do wish there was a third season, even if it felt I dunno needlessly complex. I guess it aint happening though given its been a few years since S2.
Not sure if reading it would be better or worse. I guess I can skim paragraphs just as easily as my eyes can glase over with the anime.
Also, did you like the boat?
Really? They mentioned throwing the script out in late May so I thought they must of have had something prior to that. I guess you could pump out a script in a month though.Apparently they didn't even had a early plot premise decided for it until April of this year, so it is possible there wasn't anything scrapped and maybe just the original scenarios were pitched, to be followed by the search of a proper financing scheme that could support those.
You know that the nice boat is a reference to something else that didn't happen in the show itself, right?
What the shit, Terraformars airing today?
oh lord..
Gurren Lagann 16
It's a recap episode. The writing thing was mildly interesting, and... uh... the music was good? Not a whole lot else to say
You know that the nice boat is a reference to something else that didn't happen in the show itself, right?
World Trigger longer pv
Looks good too, Kikuchihara, Yoneyan, and Miwa designs are just as I imaginged. Now if we get Izumi.
I'm surprised you watched the whole thing. (Did you watch the whole recap? haha)
The second part might start a bit slow, but where it ends up is the greatest thing ever.
Well, as I said earlier,did nothing wrong at least. Just about the only one who didn't eitherKokoro Katsura![]()
Also, did you like the boat?
So that was OK by the end I guess.![]()
Standard answer in this series so far.
Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha A's
So that was OK by the end I guess.
I still don't quite understand quite what happened in this series.
I guess violence solves all problems?
terra formars 01
oh my god it's more boring than i ever could have imagined. terrible sound design. i was expecting racism but it's also embarrassingly sexist.
Like I would subject myself to the OVA.You didn't expect sexism after the OVA killed the gf in the first five minutes, followed by a post-mortem incestuous rape flashback?
Terror in Resonance - 11 END
The show finally looked good again, but it really felt it needed more time to properly uncover its events in the second half. The first half was pretty boring and dull.
Really hard to care about anything that happens, overall.
Oh well, OST of the year.
Happy Birthday to all (even though this triplet precisely doesn't seem to post that much nowadays... maybe they don't notice us, man)!It's time for some birthday wishes!
Happy Birthday hosannainexcelsis, icarus-daedalus and AmethystEnd.
I actually liked the first half more than the second half. I thought that everything up to Five's introduction was pretty great. She really ruined the atmosphere in the series. That being said, the last episode was great. It's just a bit frustrating, since I feel that the series could have been something truly special. In the end, I feel that it's not terrible, but it's not great like I thought it was when it started out.
It's time for some birthday wishes!
Happy Birthday hosannainexcelsis, icarus-daedalus and AmethystEnd.
I meant the first and last halves of the episode not the show as a whole.
It's time for some birthday wishes!
Happy Birthday hosannainexcelsis, icarus-daedalus and AmethystEnd.
It's time for some birthday wishes!
Happy Birthday hosannainexcelsis, icarus-daedalus and AmethystEnd.
It's unfortunate that it seems like School Days is the only List anime these days. Well, that and occasionally Yami.
School Days is a fine show but there are truly so many more interesting titles to found on The List.
Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha A's
So that was OK by the end I guess.
I still don't quite understand quite what happened in this series.
I guess violence solves all problems?
Im more salty because of the censorship.Also I already felt like they skipped over a ton of manga story.
And I have barely read any of the manga.
This already feels like a terrible adaption.
School Days 11-12
What a terrific show. It's worth slogging through the first half for those three last episodes.
Im more salty because of the censorship.
I wouldn't mind watching a list show that's 6 episodes or less.
Its worse than Jojo tv censorship.
You literally can't see anything.
Its a joke.
Happy Birthday, doods!It's time for some birthday wishes!
Happy Birthday hosannainexcelsis, icarus-daedalus and AmethystEnd.
"What" indeed. I can't see anything in that at all.Im more salty because of the censorship.
Happy Birthday!It's time for some birthday wishes!
Happy Birthday hosannainexcelsis, icarus-daedalus and AmethystEnd.
Its worse than Jojo tv censorship.
You literally can't see anything.
Its a joke.
When did anime get taken so seriously?I really don't see how this is a surprise considering how violent this series is. It was definitely gonna get censored so yeah.
I really don't see how this is a surprise considering how violent this series is. It was definitely gonna get censored so yeah.