Would I be considered a hack if I popped in to say that until 4 days ago I hadn't watched a "new" anime in years until I watched Kill la Kill on a whim and just finished it today because I liked it so much?
This is purely hypothetical.
Right, right, because anyone who believes in equality is a "white knight'? That's a ridiculous dodge used by people who oppose equality, and nothing more.It's almost as though he sees women as delicate little flowers that need to be protected.
I'm not talking generically here, remember. I'm talking about the relationship of those two characters in Nozaki-kun in specific. And it's not just "slapstick comedy", it's far worse than generic slapstick.You're quite right. Domestic violence of any kind is NOT good and on a personal level I lost family in a horrible way because of it, but the way its presented in anime is quite often comedic slapstick in nature and more focused against males. WOmen in anime are NOT delicate flowers.
Women in anime... independent? Er... no. Actual independent women are quite rare in anime, as you'd expect from a society as sexist as Japan is. Women in anime are almost always the old sexist stereotype of the "strong" woman who only really wants a stronger man to fall in love with, not legitimately strong and independent characters.Many times, though sexualized, they are pretty tough independent characters, who at least dont depend solely on a man to get things done. Actually the men seem dependent on the women to achieve any success, and many otaku have this submissive nature in which this sort of female dominance excites them.
There's a manga where "tsundere" is an actual medical condition, and not just the usual violent entertainment stuff... what was that called... bah.You know what? I agree with this as well. So many of these harem shows have the normal guy main character constantly getting the shit kicked out of him by a girl.
I wish there was a show where there were at least some consequences for that action!
Like, something like this:
I'm not gonna lie, I'd watch an anime with this kind of premise.
Male-on-female violence is orders of magnitude worse and more common than female-on-male violence. Women VERY rarely kill their husbands, for example, while men regularly kill their wives. The two situations are, simply, not equal. Of course both are awful, but one, male-on-female violence, is worse because of how dramatically more common it is. Men are more likely to be physically violent than women are, don't try to ignore that fact. I at least do think that the more plausible something bad is, the worse it is -- something clearly absurd, like Mortal Kombat fatalities or driving down the sidewalk in GTA games or something, aren't at all realistic, so they don't feel as "bad" as something that might be less violent, but is much more plausibly realistic... such as some of the scenes between those two in Nozaki-kun. Way too far on the 'plausible' side.The idea that a simple role reversal is a problem because it's not ok for it to happen to a woman? That's the only thing I find particularly offensive.
Why does it matter if they're a confessed couple or not? They ARE a couple, that is their primary relationship -- she likes him, and he likes her but also beats her when she does things he thinks are dumb. Of course, he never bothers to actually EXPLAIN anything to her, something which would have solved the whole problem in the "does he want to dress up as a girl" scene. Because that'd make way too much sense. Just hit her again instead when she misunderstands. "LOL". Because anything is okay when you call it comedy!I didn't mean to say that there aren't any romantic implications at all in these relationships, just that they shouldn't be looked at like they're a confessed couple.
I tried Gurren Lagann a few years ago but couldn't really get into it. I don't remember a whole lot but I remember feeling like it started slow. KLK basically starts with Gamagoori yelling really loud so I was a lot more invested right off the bat.
After Kill la Kill I'm willing to give it another shot.UH OH.
Rule number one of enjoying Gurren Lagann!, don't even think about dropping the show until after episode 8.
Wait, wait... are you saying something bad about Irisviel? She's only just about the best thing in the whole show! (other than Rin&Lluvia, and some of the fights)Prisma Illya 6
Well the first half was about as good as I expected. But then Illya with boobs came. =[.
You think this is a motherfucking game?
This shit really happened, son.
Wait, wait... are you saying something bad about Irisviel? She's only just about the best thing in the whole show! (other than Rin&Lluvia, and some of the fights)
Your "spoilers" are literally history.
Was DBZ battle choreography always this awful? I mean for crying out loud this fight might as well be turn based.
This part almost made me drop the show. The whole Chimera Ant arc suffers from exposition-overdose, but then it goes on to teach about the horrors of war in the most Hideo Kojima-esque fashion and then I have to wonder whether they were trying to do satire or what.
I'm glad I kept up with it though. The end of that arc doesn't exculpate the awful pacing, but it's worth watching it in itself at least.
I know your weakness!
Monthly Girls' Nozaki-kun 12
This doesn't necessarily make it right, but it reminds me a lot of School Rumble, which loved to pull the same kind of stunt. It's kind of a gag at the expense of those expecting romantic progression. Of course they'll be frustrated by it, but they kind of had it coming.
That said, if they're going for that sort of gag, they could find a more amusing way to frustrate the audience's expectations. I didn't really like Sabagebu, but I felt like the way they concluded the bullying part in episode 1 was a really clever take on a similar thing, for example.
The thing about that 'gag' in Nozaki-kun is that it was fundamentally different from the other Chiyo/Nozaki romance gags in that it they changed the style of the direction. So, for example, whenever Chiyo is having a 'misunderstanding' with regards to Nozaki's feelings, the audience is aware that Chiyo is simply 'misunderstanding' his intentions because it's still shot, edited, and scored like a comedy. The audience is never in any doubt as to what's going on.This show was never about the romance though. It's a sitcom that depends on its characters being static. It took like 10 years before the brother from Frasier married his girlfriend. lol
Cowboy Bebop ordered.
Did I miss a deal somewhere?
I know your weakness!
You think this is a motherfucking game?
This shit really happened, son.
Basically what he said.I know your weakness!
Steins;Gate - 3
Plot is beginning to thicken quite a bit. Now we're delving in the topics of mini-black holes and particle accelerators.
I do hope these chatroom sequences get some explanation sooner or later. If anything has confused me so far, it's these. Though I'm probably sure I'll meet this John Titor guy at one point or another.
Idolm@ster - 1 (The Girls Start Here)
To better understand why shows like this and Love Live are popular I started Idolm@ster.
Im not sure I quite get idol culture, there seems like a lot of characters for one season. And casually watching I feel like I would start to lose track of who is who.
Today I would like to announce that after going through countless versions of our scenario, we have finally settled with a plot that we are going to work with!
Currently, the small team at Studio TRIGGER is working on the second episode with a projected completion date of mid 2015. The team will preview Little Witch Acadamia 2 at Anime Matsuri on April 3-5, 2015 with the Director, Yoshinari Yoh present.
Blame Kill La KillIt's been a year since the campaign was funded and they still don't have a finalized script?
It's been a year since the campaign was funded and they still don't have a finalized script? Settling on a plot doesn't sound like a finished script.
Neither the director nor the writer had a major role in the production of Kill la Kill. Regardless, they should have had something approaching a finalized script before they even committed to the project.They're too busy having work that's not dependent on crowdfunding.
Neither the director nor the writer had a major role in the production of Kill la Kill. Regardless, they should have had something approaching a finalized script before they even committed to the project.
That is almost never the case.Neither the director nor the writer had a major role in the production of Kill la Kill. Regardless, they should have had something approaching a finalized script before they even committed to the project.
I forgot about Inou Battle. Otsuka is the head writer for that as well, so yeah he has been busy.Otsuka is the general director for Inou Battle. Yoshinari did the storyboarding and animation for the 1st KLK OP, a few cuts in a number of episodes, and the recent OVA had a major cut by him. I also think Yoshinari will have a few cuts in Inou Battle.
Both have been busy.
Obviously script changes (to varying degrees) do occur even after something is greenlit.That is almost never the case.
I forgot about Inou Battle. Otsuka is the head writer for that as well, so yeah he has been busy.
Obviously script changes (to varying degrees) do occur even after something is greenlit.
Uh, Little Witch Academia isn't a television series.More like you don't understand how Trigger/Gainax work. Gurren Lagann was written on the fly, did you see that future Simon in the opening scenes of Gurren Lagann? That's how he was originally supposed to end up. Neon genesis was implied to similarly be written on the go,
It's practically how they work.