Giant Bomb X | Built-In Automatic Death Thing For Secret People

I read gameinformer purely for those little captions at one point in my life (I was young) I remember them being really funny and clever.

It was definitely one of the reasons I liked it back in the day. As I got older though, it just kind of pissed me off how hard they tried to be funny. Any review with a score of 5 or below was pretty much used as an opportunity to tell jokes, and not really explain what was wrong with the game in any detail. Given their history with stuff like this and their association with GameStop now, I can see why they try to stay away from that stuff now.

Then again, there was a email they answered within the past year or two where they just clowned the shit out of bronies, so who knows?

pretty sure I've spent more time in this thread talking about GI than GB this week


Any more details on the game played? Are you sure it was a vampire game? Was the graphics realistic or not? 3D or 2D? Was it a castlevania game, because Vinny play a number of those?

He plays a Frankenstein point and click game on this UP.

It definitely wasn't a Castlevania game. It was a Point-and-Click adventure game, I think the graphics were 3D but in a sort of pre-rendered way. He spends most of it walking around his castle solving puzzles and at the end he goes into town and tries to bite some lady. There's some weird minion guy who I think was in the corner of the game's HUD.

EDIT: Nevermind I found it, turns out it was Brad who played it, I guess I just assumed it was Vinny because it seemed like the type of game he'd bring.


Has Dan made clear his stance on Metal Gear Rising, both in regards to Metal Gear Scanlon and just his thoughts in general? After the PC release both Brad and Vinny said they'd play it but they didn't. :(


I can see something appealing about working at GI though and always getting the exclusive scoops.

It's going to be surreal when the day comes that Game Informer dies like the other video game magazines (or is online exclusive, I suppose). It may take a long time, but it'll happen. And I will be sad, despite the magazine's flaws.


Apropos of nothing, can I just say that I really, genuinely appreciate you being active here and answering questions/interacting with posters here? It's pretty fuckin rad, and I appreciate the time spent doing it, even for a bunch of goofballs like us.

I want to echo that too.

It's really great to have you here Dan. Especially nice to have interraction with GB staff that is not always initiated by negative stuff.
Dan, I was listening to the podcast earlier. Your approach to open world games isn't weird. Avoiding fast travel and cruising around is something I do all the time. If the world isn't worth just exploring aimlessly, it might as well not be there.


I want to echo that too.

It's really great to have you here Dan. Especially nice to have interraction with GB staff that is not always initiated by negative stuff.

I shall echo that too. You're a pretty rad dude. Going through all your Super Replay stuff is awesome as well.

...what did you do with rudds.


A good strange little man
I want to echo that too.

It's really great to have you here Dan. Especially nice to have interraction with GB staff that is not always initiated by negative stuff.

Thanks, I've enjoyed chatting with you guys! And I'm never interested in talking about negative stuff, so it'll be all positive from this end.
Has Dan made clear his stance on Metal Gear Rising, both in regards to Metal Gear Scanlon and just his thoughts in general? After the PC release both Brad and Vinny said they'd play it but they didn't. :(

I know I will feel robbed if they skip the best Metal Gear game.


Thanks, I've enjoyed chatting with you guys! And I'm never interested in talking about negative stuff, so it'll be all positive from this end.

It was a dig at Brad only showing up in here when somebody said negative about him or the site... It's great to talk about positive stuff with you guys too!

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
I keep loading up the Alien QL like, 'I'm not sure if I want to buy it' then I watch enough to think I want to buy it. Then I want to reinsure myself that I want to buy it, so I watch like 5 more minutes. then I close it since I want the experience fresh. Again and again, I repeat this cycle.

I think I'm more interested in it just for the aesthetic than the actual survival horror game part.


It definitely wasn't a Castlevania game. It was a Point-and-Click adventure game, I think the graphics were 3D but in a sort of pre-rendered way. He spends most of it walking around his castle solving puzzles and at the end he goes into town and tries to bite some lady. There's some weird minion guy who I think was in the corner of the game's HUD.

EDIT: Nevermind I found it, turns out it was Brad who played it, I guess I just assumed it was Vinny because it seemed like the type of game he'd bring.

That's the one I put in my edited first post. :p I should have put it on another post though.
I keep loading up the Alien QL like, 'I'm not sure if I want to buy it' then I watch enough to think I want to buy it. Then I want to reinsure myself that I want to buy it, so I watch like 5 more minutes. then I close it since I want the experience fresh. Again and again, I repeat this cycle.

I think I'm more interested in it just for the aesthetic than the actual survival horror game part.

The save system (and being a coward) turned me off giving it a try.
Dan, I was listening to the podcast earlier. Your approach to open world games isn't weird. Avoiding fast travel and cruising around is something I do all the time. If the world isn't worth just exploring aimlessly, it might as well not be there.

I don't really miss it when it's not there, but if it is I abuse it like crazy. Dragon's Dogma was an interesting test case for me since the fast travel is extremely limited initially and it didn't bother me, but by post-game and beyond you can litter the world with fast travel points and I had them at just about every point you could possibly place them.

Red Dead Redemption was the only game with fast travel that I barely used it in, since riding about the wilderness on your horse seemed liked such a major part of the game to me. I'm such an obsessive hoarder though that with something like Skyrim I would be fast travelling back and forth to my houses just so I could offload all the junk I'd pick up as a picked each dungeon clean of anything that wasn't nailed down.


I think it's just the music in the mines of Spelunky that I dislike (a lot of notes that seem to break the tempo at random), and since you play that section so darn often I ended up turning the music off entirely. I've almost never heard anything passed that in my own time with the game.
At least Spelunky does go out of its way to alleviate the potential repetition in the music by shuffling between several different tracks within each of the specific zones. That said I also wish it supported custom soundtracks if only so I could listen to the Bombcast while playing.
Basically, yes. GI didn't like the fact that I wrote books in my own time, appeared on wrestling podcasts, tweeted about non-gaming things, and wanted to do really silly videos (I pitched the roller coaster thing several times while I was there). Giant Bomb embraces personality-driven content, so it was a no-brainer. Honestly, I would have left soon anyway even if I didn't have Giant Bomb to go to.

There were other things that bugged me about GI, but freedom was easily the #1 reason I wanted out.

given that post you made about them being antsy about your Dad vids i'm not surprised this actually ended up being a main reason. Good you are now right at home with the fucking crazy lol.

also i'm kinda bummed you didn't like Rising, it basically does the thing you guys aim for, being crazy.

Damn for how restrictive GI sounds I can't believe they ever hired you in the first place, Dan.

Its possible they had no idea what they were dealing with until it was too late :p

Game Informer still has a very "serious" profile with the magazine, so I guess it's not surprising that they're not very flexible when it comes to stuff like that.

didn't Jeff allude to something like this while being at Gamespot (were you were like a cog in a machine) and the one of the reasons GiantBomb went in the opposite direction. Seems that was most of the big names (iirc IGN as well before their change with Miller and co)


the holder of the trombone
At least Spelunky does go out of its way to alleviate the potential repetition in the music by shuffling between several different tracks within each of the specific zones. That said I also wish it supported custom soundtracks if only so I could listen to the Bombcast while playing.

Can't you just play it on another program and mute the game.
It's great having Dan post here especially since the other guys can be a bit condescending towards people on forums.

In my experience, I've never seen Jeff, Brad, Vinny, or Patrick be anything but polite or funny on here or on GB. Maybe I'm reading the wrong threads or something.

Patrick especially, for how much people shit on him for whatever reason, just seems like the nicest dude. I don't think Vinny has a mean bone in his body.


The Steam equivalent of the drunk friend who keeps offering to pay your tab all night.
It's great having Dan post here especially since the other guys can be a bit condescending towards people on forums.

mostly to the conspiracy theories that are all the rage lately. I am too and im not a journalist


It's great having Dan post here especially since the other guys can be a bit condescending towards people on forums.
To be fucking honest, 9 times out of 10, the forums deserve it.

Also, if you wonder why Jeff is so cynical, look up the response to his Twilight Princess reviews. People across the internet, including this board, had a fucking meltdown over, what, an 8/10? Jesus.


In my experience, I've never seen Jeff, Brad, Vinny, or Patrick be anything but polite or funny on here or on GB. Maybe I'm reading the wrong threads or something.

Patrick especially, for how much people shit on him for whatever reason, just seems like the nicest dude. I don't think Vinny has a mean bone in his body.

insert inappropriate brad joke here


Can't you just play it on another program and mute the game.
If I'm at home I have my computer on so I can do that, but out and about I have my Vita with me on my commute so no dice.
Edit: Also muting the game wholesale takes away several audio cues that are important to playing the game well.

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
The save system (and being a coward) turned me off giving it a try.

I mean, I assume if you can watch the movie then the game should be no problem. I love the sound of the save system. I'm surprised people would want an auto-save feature in a survival horror game. Part of the appeal of Resident Evil was the whole typewriter/ribbon thing and hoping you got somewhere with a save point on it, and those games could get incredibly long the first time through as well.
In my experience, I've never seen Jeff, Brad, Vinny, or Patrick be anything but polite or funny on here or on GB. Maybe I'm reading the wrong threads or something.

Patrick especially, for how much people shit on him for whatever reason, just seems like the nicest dude. I don't think Vinny has a mean bone in his body.

Yea the nearest would be Brad imo but its usually snark against snark.

Jeff just quickly shuts down most of the crazy convos with a sentence or 2.

Vinny and Patrick seem cool (when they actually post).


To be fucking honest, 9 times out of 10, the forums deserve it.

Also, if you wonder why Jeff is so cynical, look up the response to his Twilight Princess reviews. People across the internet, including this board, had a fucking meltdown over, what, an 8/10? Jesus.
In my experience, I've never seen Jeff, Brad, Vinny, or Patrick be anything but polite or funny on here or on GB. Maybe I'm reading the wrong threads or something.

Patrick especially, for how much people shit on him for whatever reason, just seems like the nicest dude. I don't think Vinny has a mean bone in his body.
It's just that whenever forums come up on the podcast it's usually something negative. Some of their views are for good reason though. It's kind of a shame that it has to be that way.
I kind of things its pretty funny that some random gamestop corporate executive would have a problem with one of its employees writing books about militarised alligators
Has Dan made clear his stance on Metal Gear Rising, both in regards to Metal Gear Scanlon and just his thoughts in general? After the PC release both Brad and Vinny said they'd play it but they didn't. :(

I was going to say that playing Metal Gear Rising would be unnecessary, but then I remembered the gloriously insane last boss.

Apropos of nothing, can I just say that I really, genuinely appreciate you being active here and answering questions/interacting with posters here? It's pretty fuckin rad, and I appreciate the time spent doing it, even for a bunch of goofballs like us.

A 6.8 would have been appropriate. ;)


To be fucking honest, 9 times out of 10, the forums deserve it.

Also, if you wonder why Jeff is so cynical, look up the response to his Twilight Princess reviews. People across the internet, including this board, had a fucking meltdown over, what, an 8/10? Jesus.

Sweet generalizations and mentioning things that happened on gamefaqs years and years ago.

I've paid premium for GB since I came across them a few years ago. Being condescending towards people who pay your salary seems to be a theme in gaming between journalists and developers. And yes there are exceptions.

Except anonymity clearly doesn't even matter anymore.

It still surprises me how people go on misogynist tirades on twitter or spew random garbage on youtube comments while using their (I assume) real names. Like, even if you don't care that your family or circle of friends might see it, if it's something a future employer can just get from a google search of your name it doesn't seem advisable to act that way.

I guess kids gonna do kid stuff


Even the third (Fourth?) time I watched the Hatsune QL Video, I coulden't breathe I was laughing so much at the photo taking bit.

Jeff: "there should be like a warning on the thing when you buy it: Warning, NOT WHAT YOU'RE LOOKING FOR!"
I keep loading up the Alien QL like, 'I'm not sure if I want to buy it' then I watch enough to think I want to buy it. Then I want to reinsure myself that I want to buy it, so I watch like 5 more minutes. then I close it since I want the experience fresh. Again and again, I repeat this cycle.

I think I'm more interested in it just for the aesthetic than the actual survival horror game part.

I played it for a few hours before I realized that I just really liked how the game looked, and not at all how it played.


the holder of the trombone
If I'm at home I have my computer on so I can do that, but out and about I have my Vita with me on my commute so no dice.
Edit: Also muting the game wholesale takes away several audio cues that are important to playing the game well.

Ah right, fair enough. Never played the game outside of my PC.
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