the machine gun from the iron banner vendor is a beast. 71 damage headshots. 3 shot anyone tryina come at me.
probably, but it's too bad after 16 raid clears i don't have one. also low impact high rof doesn't do it for me in pvp. i'm sure it's more efficient, but i like that slow clink of swarm and the hammerCorrective Measure from the Raid is much better
Hands down my favourite gun in the game. The full auto is ridiculously great in pvp.
I can't see myself ever wanting to use my Regime again after getting used to this.
Ha... Imagine not just one, but a few dozens of them flying in the boss room as adds. The true nightmare raid experience starts!!!!!!!
So finally gathered enough coins for Xur's shop.
Decided to get the Ice Breaker sniper rifle everyone's been talking about.
I did good, yes?
It's an amazing weapon. You're good.So finally gathered enough coins for Xur's shop.
Decided to get the Ice Breaker sniper rifle everyone's been talking about.
I did good, yes?
Are you S#$%ING ME!!?!!?
You'd give up the Regime for a hand cannon?
I loathe hand cannons. Don't see the appeal.
Xur is gone, he is not near the speaker.
I've gotten two legendaries and two exotics in IB. That's four more than I ever got in Crucible in 100s of hours. Could just be RNG.
Xur is gone, he is not near the speaker.
Shit, I'd give up auto rifles for The Last Word. That gun is just too dope.Are you S#$%ING ME!!?!!?
You'd give up the Regime for a hand cannon?
I loathe hand cannons. Don't see the appeal.
Picked up a new Vita today (after having my original OLED beauty stolen out of my fuckin garage by tweakers at the beginning of the summer) and before I started the flood of re-installing all my games and apps that were in my DL history on the PSN store I jumped into remote play and hit up some crucible here at work.
Played like shit (didn't get a single drop at the end tables either ... odd i thought..) but godamnit if i'm not playing destiny while closing tickets at work!!![]()
Anyone else put any significant time into Remote Play with Destiny? How do you run!!???!!
Picked up a new Vita today (after having my original OLED beauty stolen out of my fuckin garage by tweakers at the beginning of the summer) and before I started the flood of re-installing all my games and apps that were in my DL history on the PSN store I jumped into remote play and hit up some crucible here at work.
Played like shit (didn't get a single drop at the end tables either ... odd i thought..) but godamnit if i'm not playing destiny while closing tickets at work!!![]()
Anyone else put any significant time into Remote Play with Destiny? How do you run!!???!!
Need 1 more for raid hard mode on ps4
I'm in
I have a checkpoint at gatekeeper before final boss if needed
lvl 30 warlock
Yeah its super shitty that you can get stuff not for your class. However, I'm drunk and had a bunch of motes, so I went for it. Got cray cray lucky.
whats your psn?
Trying to decide, lucky raspberry or voidfang vestments?
I'm kind of annoyed I can't see what stuff looks like without switching characters.
Tfw you solo all three levels of the weekly Heroic Strike without cheesing it.
Void Burn + Void Walker + Void Rockets + Void Fusion Rifle = get rekt
Ice Breaker sniper rifle is finally mine
You do realize if you just do the weekly heroic at level 28 you get the max rewards in one go right?
You do realize if you just do the weekly heroic at level 28 you get the max rewards in one go right?
Easy - 3 coins, Normal - 6 coins, but only 3 if you did easy, Hard - 9 coins, but only 3 if you did normal
So just run it on hard and get all 9 coins in one go.
Just completed Vault Of Glass for the first time finally. Got nothing but shards/energies through the whole thing, but at the very end I got this bad boy:
I must say, the raid was the absolute best thing I have experienced in this game, easily. I don't understand why the rest of the game could not have benefited from the abundant amount of creativity and effort that clearly went into Vault Of Glass. Strikes and story missions seem like absolute snooze fests in comparison.
Lol. Everyone has icebreakers now, and it's amazing. Bosses go down fast as hell.