So for the longest time, I thought I'd focus on the Gunslinger subclass for the Hunter, since I loved the throwing knife. Not long ago I started putting XP into the Bladedancer subclass and unlocked the supercharge and other goodies.
Arc Blade is amazing.
Use up all your purple ammo.Ya know the icebreaker is great and all, and that regenerating ammo is a godsend if you're cheesing a boss fight, but overall I think the Gjallarhorn is far superior for my exotic slot. I do like 25k dmg to Aetheon with it (12-13k initial blast, loads more from rocket clusters after). It can one-shot minotaurs and prometheans in the raid, even on hard if direct hit, and it clears an entire area of enemies (think the 'summons his legions' during templar fight) just like supers do. It's like having a super ready.... all.the.time.
Gjallarhorn ftw man, so so glad I bought it when Xur had it. Fully upgraded it's godly.
Neither. You'll likely use the exotic helm on your hunter.
And unless you get the raid helmet on your warlock on hard mode, you won't be able to get to 30 using the voidfang. Also IIRC voidfang was the worse of the two exotic chest pieces for warlocks. I may be wrong though.
You do realize if you just do the weekly heroic at level 28 you get the max rewards in one go right?
Easy - 3 coins, Normal - 6 coins, but only 3 if you did easy, Hard - 9 coins, but only 3 if you did normal
So just run it on hard and get all 9 coins in one go.
Just got all the way to the last section of the nightfall with my level 25 titan using just the ice breaker and I just got killed by a captain in one shot before he died from my grenade. :.(
Use up all your purple ammo.
Switch weapons because it doesn't matter :]
When the heavy ammo timer expires. Switch again.
That's my plan. Going to remove all of my superfluous weapons when raiding to make switching faster.
Tried Vault of Glass on Hard for the first time...well, I at least know that you can't be revived in the Templar area. Don't know about the other areas.
Neither. You'll likely use the exotic helm on your hunter.
And unless you get the raid helmet on your warlock on hard mode, you won't be able to get to 30 using the voidfang. Also IIRC voidfang was the worse of the two exotic chest pieces for warlocks. I may be wrong though.
You do realize if you just do the weekly heroic at level 28 you get the max rewards in one go right?
Easy - 3 coins, Normal - 6 coins, but only 3 if you did easy, Hard - 9 coins, but only 3 if you did normal
So just run it on hard and get all 9 coins in one go.
What's different about the raid at LvL 30?
Those captains are serious business. Did the nightfall earlier and they just kept coming and could kill in a few very quick shots. We had to be really cautious at the entry to the area and still had a few close calls. Not sure how some of you guys cheesed that.
Can you jump on hard raid? We need 1Everything is harder and no revives
I killed myself with the speeder bike.
Can you jump on hard raid? We need 1
Thanks for replyingSorry, only doing iron banner and I'm off
Can you jump on hard raid? We need 1
Shattered Memory.Guy fast help.
- Shattered Memory Fragment
- A Voice in the Wilderness
Which one? Well I got Tolands Legacy too but I already did Bad Juju.
Is it Pocket Infinity?Shattered Memory.
Yeah.Is it Pocket Infinity?
Fucking... done... Ice Breaker and Pocket Infinity in the same day... finally I will got it and not be more jealous watching videos.Yeah.
Lol. Everyone has icebreakers now, and it's amazing. Bosses go down fast as hell.
became legend, now what?
became legend, now what?
Are there still check points?Everything is harder and no revives
I'm happy. Got through hard raid and got the chest and helmet for my Warlock. Got the sparrow too.
Are there still check points?