Got a legendary engram, strange coin, 9 helium filaments, and some other junk out of a chest today.
RNG is something else alright.
RNG is something else alright.
Gotta do them bounties.why does it take so long to level a fucking weapon..
Have you've been doing bounties frequently?
Gotta do them bounties.
Radar is garbage, sorry. Proximity is a joke as it's almost never accurate. You have virtually no idea of how close or far away they are. I've been engaging people directly in front of me (per the radar) only to be killed from behind, or the side. Just how much distance did that person cover in like 5 seconds (because they weren't even on the radar). Why does it go away when we go into iron sights? Who the fuck knows that's why.
Class imbalances comes down to supers... mostly. Though hunters get the shaft on just about everything (supers, melee, grenades).
Blade dancer is a joke. You have to time it almost perfectly because you while you have a shield you can be easily dropped by a shotgun, titan slam, nova bomb or another hunter's golden gun. With golden gun you have 3 fucking shots and no additional armor, plus that like 3+ second activation (which we can be killed during) is unnecessary.
Also, just while I'm thinking about it, they need to add some more shit poppin up right in the middle of my screen when I'm trying to aim and shoot people. I can't see what's going on half the time thanks to that and the giant gun models.
are you fucking kidding me? i've had 4 exotic bounties so far, ALL of them from the same pool of weapons, thorn/juju/invective
Anyone own a Suros Regime and have a Legendary Rifle they think is better?
I do. It's the Vanquish from New Monarchy. Excellent stability and range, lightning fast reload, 42 shot clip and the ability to carry more ammo for the Rifle.
I really like my Suros Regime, don't get me wrong, I'm just really annoyed at the slow firing in zoom and moderate ammo cache![]()
Bungie seriously need to keep an eye on deliberate afkers in pvp. Just had a guy come in start of the match and sit at the back moving side to side the whole match just to get the rewards at the end
anyone doing 28 nightfall or 28 weekly? 27 hunter ps4 elemental_sin
Maybe they should just redo the rewards system.
Good point.
takes a while to edit my point.
was gonna save these clips for some dumb montage or something but i'll throw this up for now.
hunters are almost too good.
Thank you based Rahool
T'was from a Legendary Engram that I got from the postmaster after getting to Cryptarch Level 41.
best Rare auto rifles for pvp?
takes a while to edit my point.
was gonna save these clips for some dumb montage or something but i'll throw this up for now.
hunters are almost too good.
takes a while to edit my point.
was gonna save these clips for some dumb montage or something but i'll throw this up for now.
hunters are almost too good.
Whoa Iv never seen Surrender A before.
Praise RNGesu
Rare engram into Cryptic Dragon
Ah yes, I love watching those Ward of Dawn multikill montages. /s
Did Thorn and Juju receive their buffs yet?
Well that was interesting. I ran both my friends through Nightfall tonight(I already did it Tuesday) one was level 27, the other 25. Both got Gallajorn as a drop. I went home empty handed.
Yes "dumb montage" indeed.
You'd be stupid to assume that my posts don't leave room for the "good player is good at game" scenarios.
Besides nothing you did was really hunter specific aside from your knife kills. You show super use once and the rest is Vex Mytho/Sniper kills.
Well that was interesting. I ran both my friends through Nightfall tonight(I already did it Tuesday) one was level 27, the other 25. Both got Gallajorn as a drop. I went home empty handed.
No good deed goes unpunished with RNG.
Anyone play destiny on the vita via remote play? I may pick one up anyway but it would be nice to know how good it plays.
my intention was to show how i used the radar to line up my hunter specific abilities, of which the throwing knife is a big part. i know where the enemy is because i know where i am on the map relative to them. it's only "garbage" if you expect it to tell you everything.
i didn't want to spam the thread with clips i've already posted, but i have more clips with golden guns here:
if you're activating it in front of enemies, you're going to get gunned down. That's the risk/reward for such a powerful ability. The same thing goes for Bladedancer, although you have more of a cushion because the game almost literally aims it for you.
Is impact valuable or is the base damage levelled along with the attack rating?
Fantastic, in my opinion. I have done everything on the Vita from patrol missions to the hard raid.Anyone play destiny on the vita via remote play? I may pick one up anyway but it would be nice to know how good it plays.
Okay, so can someone enlighten me? I still can't figure out how to gear myself for the Crucible. I just finished the missive for Invective, so that's progress, but as far as my primary goes, I have a blue I just found and a legendary that's nearly fully levelled. Is there a point to levelling up the blue?
Is impact valuable or is the base damage levelled along with the attack rating?
As is it's a vague direction where they are with no real sense of proximity. Ooh it flashes when they're They could've given it mulitple layers, more like a dart board design or something. You say many things that are common knowledge to people who pvp a lot, like general map knowledge(common areas, choke points, etc).
But just because you're good at playing something doesn't mean there are not problems.