Yup. You can unlock nightfall when you hit 25 on your titan.Also, when I get my Titan appropriately leveled that means I get two cracks at Nightfall rewards right? Once with my Warlock and my Titan?
Yup. You can unlock nightfall when you hit 25 on your titan.Also, when I get my Titan appropriately leveled that means I get two cracks at Nightfall rewards right? Once with my Warlock and my Titan?
Thanks! This is literally the only exotic I've wanted since I've seen all of the current exotics lol
Thanks, and those are actually the Iron Regalia Gauntlets.
Thanks, and those are actually the Iron Regalia Gauntlets.
Thank you based Rahool
The Last Word is a beast in the Crucible, especially smaller maps like Firebase Delphi or Rusted Lands.
good for you. my cryptarch is level 46 and he's given me blues for nearly 20 levels now.
Bungie stealth nerfed the drop rate for Legendaries after the Cryptarch patch. :-/
This was the first Legendary engram that I've received from leveling up ANY faction rep for a long while.
So the Crucible Handler aka Lord Shaxx... Do his items restock every so often? Because all the buffs he has on his legendaries are pulse rifles or hand cannons.
For example I need some gloves with auto rifle reload. How often does he refresh?
really? i've been getting one per level up with him. i dismantle all the armor and keep the purple guns unless i get an extra.
really? i've been getting one per level up with him. i dismantle all the armor and keep the purple guns unless i get an extra.
The past two level ups I've only gotten blues...
Dude yes. My cryptarch is at 93 at the past 20 levels I've only gotten blues from that motherfucker.
Whats the quickest way (aside from bounties) to get rep for vanguard. I'm about 500 rep off being able to buy legendary armor from the vendor and I'd really like to be able to do it tonight
Anyone have any tips on getting the 25 to 1 k/d ratio for the invective exotic bounty? I pretty much suck in pvp
Have you done the nightfall or weekly strike already? Nightfall gives 500 rep and if you do the weekly after that with the buff you get 499 for the weekly.
You have to play super defensive when you are trying to get the kill spread.
Just camp as hard as you can.
Havent done the nightfall yet, I'm level 25 I can get in, just not sure if I could manage it. If anyone on here is on XB1 and would be willing to give me a hand I'd sure appreciate it
The strange coins are a great reward. Better than some random legendary weapon.
I'm on XB1. You on right now? I'll carry you through.
Whats the quickest way (aside from bounties) to get rep for vanguard. I'm about 500 rep off being able to buy legendary armor from the vendor and I'd really like to be able to do it tonight
If I have Gatekeeper checkpoint, can I join a raid group that's earlier on or fresh or w/e or would it give them checkpoint even if I'm not leader?
no other tips than being good. just play as well as you can and don't die too much and you should get it soon. it took me 3 matches, iirc.
No it will only give them that checkpoint if you are the fireteam leader. It will overwrite your old checkpoint though if you join a fresh group.
We'll I just have to get better then lol. Thanks
hah, play on Control and focus on sticking with a group of dudes and support them. focus on killing rather than capturing. that should help.
I just got my alt Titan to 22. I was gonna go Defender all the time but I play mostly Crucible and I also play super aggressively so the Bubble just doesn't do much for me unless I'm playing PvE. It's so much different coming from Warlock to Titan Striker. I feel sluggish with the Titan but also not like a slight breeze will kill me like with my Warlock.
Also, when I get my Titan appropriately leveled that means I get two cracks at Nightfall rewards right? Once with my Warlock and my Titan?
really? i've been getting one per level up with him. i dismantle all the armor and keep the purple guns unless i get an extra.
>.> i chose the name after seeing this
and reading this:
"The Twilight Gap is a location in the City Perimeter on Earth as well as a Crucible map.
Little more is known about the nature or characteristics of the Twilight Gap at this time, except that it contains "war-torn fortresses." In news coverage of the Reveal Press Conference, multiple sources stated that it was described as something visible from the Overwatch District. The Twilight Gap was also described as "apparently [representing] a big chunk of mankinds history in the game."
According to Bungie, humanity first encountered the Cabal at the fortresses of the Twilight Gap."
that was before the beta
a day before it was shown
and then IGN's tour:
thanks bungie
Shoulder smash. Unlock it love it. Im better with my warlock but nothing is as satisfying as striker titan in pvp imo.
Anyone on PS4 have or trying to get a normal raid going in the next 30 minutes? 27 Gunslinger looking for a group.
PSN: Kopyasu
Sure. Could you send me an invite?we have raid in progress and lost a person if you want to join
psn:milkham we unfortunately have opened the chests already
Still unsure whether I should grab the exotic helmet from Xur, even if I'm indifferent towards it, to further boost my level; or save it for next week in hopes of a must buy item. Unless Truth is a must buy already.
Feel too afraid of wasting my hard earned strange coins.
I was in the same situation and I went ahead and bought the helmet. It was a huge upgrade since I had a Rare helmet before. Not the most exciting exotic but it boosted my defense a lot.
29is 28 the highest i can get to with one exotic piece and all vendor legendaries?
is 28 the highest i can get to with one exotic piece and all vendor legendaries?