Neo Member
Oh my god I love you.
yours is great too! 9/10! haven't seen that mash up before
Oh my god I love you.
yours is great too! 9/10! haven't seen that mash up before
The Penguin with The Improbably Large Brain!
(I think no background would make it look better)
Second...ed. Transparent penguin is best penguin. Solid 9/10, regardless.
I dig it very much 9|10
Now, it's my turn to get lambasted.
Well your getting there for someone to reply with "Dem Abs"
Haha, i knew it, no biggie... i can take it.
Dem abs.
Still a 6.5 though
Oops didn't score you!
Dope Christ. Think this is fine without the transparency, those beans would be tough on a light background. 8/10.
9/10 to cartoon detective up here.
As for my avatar, don't really know what I was going for. Just got tired of having the same one.
That's awesome man, I really like it! Could be your best one yet. Just a cool looking lady, it's really well done in terms of transparency, cropping etc, and it's unique.
The fact that this opinion comes from you makes me particularly happy
Edit: Of course your avatar is a 10/10
Neat, i like how it looks directly at your post. 8.5/10.Two scores here:
1) it's great, 9/10. Clean, unusual, recognizable.
2) I don't like that your avatars are all over the place. None really resembles another. Gotta work on the consistency of your branding / 10.
Art from some romance manga/anime? 6/108/10
Looks like you're ready for halloween.
Art from some romance manga/anime? 6/10
Looks pretty creepy, perfect for the season. 8/10
Interesting expression, the clothing looks like Misty, nicely cropped, 6/10
not sure I know where your avatar is from
It took me a moment to realise it's Link. ;o
Can't go wrong with an attractive woman. 8/10.
The figure is well drawn with good shading, and it is cut out against the transparency background well.
However, I don't really know what it is from and it is too small to see any detail.
I just now realized your avatar is Link.
I don't know how to feel about it. It's in an art style that I feel like I should hate, and yet I dislike nothing.
Do people really not remember Samanosuke? Am I the only one who played all the Onimusha games?
Played Omniusha 3 on the PC, but the bad port left a sour taste in my mouth and I only played it for 20 minutes. Oh, your avatar is 9/10, it looks absolutely superb.
Great transparency
It's refreshing to see an avatar that doesn't take up the full allotted width.
Looking great to me. 9/10
I can dig it. 7/10
Alright, 8/10.
Smokin Dino, it really doesn't get cooler than that. 8.8/10Sweet 9/10
Smokin Dino, it really doesn't get cooler than that. 8.8/10
That MC helmet is bringing the grade down. =( 6/10
That MC helmet is bringing the grade down. =( 6/10
I've already scored yours.
Halloween update is fantastic, 9/10
What's with all the Master Chief helmet hate?
10/10. Looks awesome.
And thank you!!! I did it myself and it took a while!
Really cool