Holy shit. That map.. Haha. I genuinely laughed at all the icons on there. That is one huge clusterfuck. I hope you can turn that off.
you can generally customize the HUD in AC, I don't see why you wouldn't in this one.
Holy shit. That map.. Haha. I genuinely laughed at all the icons on there. That is one huge clusterfuck. I hope you can turn that off.
Ubisoft, Give me Black Flag 2 with this engine and I'll give you my firstborn.
you can generally customize the HUD in AC, I don't see why you wouldn't in this one.
Why can't they move this series forward? Looks just like every other AC game minus the actual fun parts of IV (ship combat).
Why can't they move this series forward? Looks just like every other AC game minus the actual fun parts of IV (ship combat).
Yea I just saw it, holy shit. But it looks like you can toggle what you wanna see now instead of having to do so with the settings menu. Looks like notoriety is still gone, thank god.Holy shit. That map.. Haha. I genuinely laughed at all the icons on there. That is one huge clusterfuck. I hope you can turn that off.
Why can't they move this series forward? Looks just like every other AC game minus the actual fun parts of IV (ship combat).
Holy shit. That map.. Haha. I genuinely laughed at all the icons on there. That is one huge clusterfuck. I hope you can turn that off.
The more I watch it the more I feel like he's playing as a combat focused assassin, with all the armor and how fast he's killing guys compared to the video in the OP. I would request to see the skill tree but that stream chat is a cess pool.
As long as it sells (and it sells millions), Ubisoft will not do any "major reinvention" pf ACFear of change is a real thing. And Ubishit is deathly afraid of killing their golden goose by changing it too much.
AssCrud badly needs a major reinvention. We've had seven fucking mainline games and they are all virtually the same.
What is wrong with the quality of the stream? It is atrocious...
I suppose you could argue this is a symptom of good world density of something but good god that is a disgusting map.
Why can't they move this series forward? Looks just like every other AC game minus the actual fun parts of IV (ship combat).
No ambient music pretty much confirmed thanks to this stream. Fucking ubisoft.
This game keeps on giving, haha what the flying fuck.
I suppose you could argue this is a symptom of good world density of something but good god that is a disgusting map.
...beause they're hugely succesful. And you don't fundamentally change a game that literally sells millions of copies.
Besides, what does "moving forward" even mean? In what way should they move this forward while keeping the core principals of the franchise intact?
Dude, you're trying so hard, we get it, you hate the game, that's ok, if you could try to stop shitting on it every post you write and try to have a civil discussion it would be awesome.
As long as it sells (and it sells millions), Ubisoft will not do any "major reinvention" pf AC
Fear of change is a real thing. And Ubishit is deathly afraid of killing their golden goose by changing it too much.
AssCrud badly needs a major reinvention. We've had seven fucking mainline games and they are all virtually the same.
I 100% mean no offense, but do you not think you are forcibly dictating too much of the narrative in all these AC: Unity threads? any time I check up on them you are directing the choir, in a way discouraging other peoples opinions to flow. It really does seem like damage control or as if you are a PR spokesman that your name jokingly suggests- I understand you are likely just a huge fan but just an observation.
You could just put me on ignore if my posts really bother you this much. I don't have an agenda. It's like saying that JayEH or Snake have an agenda in metal gear threads because they are active.This. It drives me nuts to enter any AC:U thread and find every other post to be Eden's. And not only that, but to see every negative that someone brings up argued. This is community manager level silliness. It's not that I am against opinions, but Eden consistently obfuscates the underhanded and deceptive practices of Ubi and their PR with his/her agenda.
I suppose you could argue this is a symptom of good world density of something but good god that is a disgusting map.
So what do you want me to do, agree on it and say holy shit this map is awesome when i think it's a huge clusterfuck? it's my opinion on it, deal with it.
That is exactly what I meant. That is just way too much. Here is hoping for a chance to organize the icons, perhaps turning off a few icons like the chests.
Yep, it's so boring without it. That was another huge mistake Ubi. Good job.
Nope, you're trying to get attetion so the usuals come and start shitting on this thread just like the other two.
As I said above, you can customize your HUD, there, problem solved.
Nope, you're trying to get attetion so the usuals come and start shitting on this thread just like the other two.
As I said above, you can customize your HUD, there, problem solved.
I really feel that Ubisoft should combine the two best things about the series: The Open Sea and Big Buildings, into one game rather than separating them. The problem is choosing a location. Maybe Japan?Fear of change is a real thing. And Ubishit is deathly afraid of killing their golden goose by changing it too much.
AssCrud badly needs a major reinvention. We've had seven fucking mainline games and they are all virtually the same.
Still scratching my head at how ACIV is 'virtually the same' as AC1, beyond sharing some central core mechanics. But that's how sequels work. If you don't like those core mechanics, stop buying the game.Fear of change is a real thing. And Ubishit is deathly afraid of killing their golden goose by changing it too much.
AssCrud badly needs a major reinvention. We've had seven fucking mainline games and they are all virtually the same.
People were talking in the stream about there being no modern day sections, is this true? I find that a little weird. It's just going to be cutscenes apparently. I still feel like the modern day aspects of the AC games had potential, but they just never executed them properly. To be honest, the modern day story was what drew me into the series initially because I thought the setup was interesting.
This goes beyond softer, it's fully on blurry.Whatever, man. Overall, Unity is a better looking game. Softer IQ or not. But people get hung up on different things, I guess. Sorry it's not doing it for you.
I'm denying that Unity, as it ships on-disc, has competent enough image quality to be able to properly appreciate the work put into everything else.The lighting engine alone absolutely destroys Black Flag. There is absolutely no denying that.
... or are you denying that Unity has the far better tech?
Let us forget the particles, lighting and animation. Resolution is where it is at.
Next up we are saying that Quake 3 on 3840 x 2160 at 120 FPS looks better than Crysis 3 because you can play it with a substantial better resolution which results in less blur.
Come on now.
Yep."Tout" means everything, so can probably toggle between various map details using R1/L1.
I feel sorry for u and people like you... I didn't notice anything like that
This goes beyond softer, it's fully on blurry.
I'm denying that Unity, as it ships on-disc, has competent enough image quality to be able to properly appreciate the work put into everything else.
I suppose you could argue this is a symptom of good world density of something but good god that is a disgusting map.
Still scratching my head at how ACIV is 'virtually the same' as AC1, beyond sharing some central core mechanics. But that's how sequels work. If you don't like those core mechanics, stop buying the game.
I can see it just fine in the compressed to hell and back gameplay footage. Even then, I can tell that it is going to look gorgeous on my screen.
Seriously, the way some of you describe it, it's as if the game looks like this:
It shouldn't be a surprise. Some people here said Watch Dogs looks like an N64 game in spots.
That's what it looks like with everything toggled. And each game since AC3 has had 3-4 years of dev time. This game is rebuilt and not reusing assets from previous games like the ezio trilogy or kenway trilogy, it's basically like how AC3 was the "base" for AC4 and Rogue. This is now a new base for sequels until they decide to rebuild everything again.holy hell, what? D:
Or they could stop annualising the bloody thing and so not reaching fatigue and design bloat as a result. It hasn't materially changed enough since AC2, and annualising just makes the lack of meaningful design progression worse.