COMICS! |OT| November 2014. The Wakandan turkey leglock is a time-honored tradition!

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Just bought a prepaid card for a month of Marvel Digital Comics Unlimited. Going through their support email's a bit irritating, but I hope it goes through.

Aside from that, anything good to binge you guys want to recommend?

Hickman's Fantastic Four
Remender's Uncanny X-Force
Milligan's X-Force / X-Statix
Aaron's Thor - God of Thunder
Langridge's Thor - The Mighty Avenger
Ellis's Nextwave: Agents of HATE
Waid's Daredevil
Abnett and Lanning's Guardians of the Galaxy
Slott's Amazing Spider-Man (from Big Time through Superior Spider-Man)
Don't hate.

And check out what they have up of Ms. Marvel (in case you aren't already pulling it).

Those are just off the top of my head... I'm sure others will give you great suggestions that I've not included. Enjoy!


When I get some extra money, I'll pick up Guardians Vol 2, but I'm still holding out hope the Annihilation Conquest omni will be followed by a DnA Nova, Guardians and War of Kings Omni and a Thanos Imperative omni that covers it instead.

Just bought a prepaid card for a month of Marvel Digital Comics Unlimited. Going through their support email's a bit irritating, but I hope it goes through.

Aside from that, anything good to binge you guys want to recommend?

Thanos: Samaritan, Drax the Destroyer four part mini and Annihilation through Thanos Imperative.


Just bought a prepaid card for a month of Marvel Digital Comics Unlimited. Going through their support email's a bit irritating, but I hope it goes through.

Aside from that, anything good to binge you guys want to recommend?

There is nothing better to start with than Ellis/Immonen's Nextwave 12 issue series.

First time I've made 2 orders in a month ._.

and next month is gonna be expensive...

Hey, that looks like my order lol I threw in Lazarus HC, Mind MGMT and Guardians vol 2 by DnA.

My order is awesome.
SAGA DLX ED HC VOL 01 (2 copies. One is a gift)

Have fun shipping that, guys!


So Michel Fiffe's etsy store currently has a second run of his two ZEGAS prints for sale for $10 each (plus shipping). I bought one of each from the first batch and I assure you they look great and are printed on quality card-stock. This is cheaper than the first run (and I think there is only one more print left of the top image posted below) so act while you can!



OK, so I bought myself an early Christmas present... some original art from Michel Fiffe's etsy store. It's a pin-up he did for The Life And Times of Savior 28, an IDW series by J.M. DeMatteis & Mike Cavallaro. I love his work and I'm proud to actually own an original piece of his!

You can see his process on the piece here, which no one else probably cares about except for me... here's what it looked after it was colored.

Now I just need to get myself a full page piece from Mike Mignola and my life will be complete... I have some original art of his, but it is only about 5" by 6" (the only thing I could reasonably afford all those years ago).


shut uuuuuuuuuuuuuuup
I'm enjoying the Hickman FF run so much... Almost done with the first omnibus and the second one should ship soon, so that's perfect timing. The
silent issue after Johnny's death was really great, especially with the Spidey epilogue after.
I love how he throws all this ideas in the air early on, and is now juggling with them. Some early stuff hasn't gotten any payoff yet, but I'm sure that will happen down the line.

This turned out to be a great introduction to FF, maybe I'll get the Lee/Kirby omnibuses down the line.


How was the DC One Million event? Are all the tie-ins a good read as well?

I personally haven't read it, but from what I understand very few of the tie-ins weren't worth it... and it's regarded as a great event. Can someone else chime in?

edit - I'd suggest picking up the omnibus if you're considering it. I've heard nothing but great things about it, and if it doesn't have every tie-in (it may), it has all the one's you'd want to read.


I only have the essential issues (One Million 1-4 and the JLA tie-in) since I found them cheap in some backissue bins but it's probably my favourite event.
I personally haven't read it, but from what I understand very few of the tie-ins weren't worth it... and it's regarded as a great event. Can someone else chime in?

edit - I'd suggest picking up the omnibus if you're considering it. I've heard nothing but great things about it, and if it doesn't have every tie-in (it may), it has all the one's you'd want to read.

That is what I was considering, as one of the books in a B&N B2G1 order.


Lazarus and Mind MGMT are both books I've wanted to check out, but the lack of conversation about them hasn't compelled me to buy them.

Mind MGMT is a great story but Kindt's art is so so. He has generic woman and generic man templates and a lot of characters end up looking samey.


Mind MGMT is a great story but Kindt's art is so so. He has generic woman and generic man templates and a lot of characters end up looking samey.

I love Dodson so the art probably wouldn't bother me. I also love Quitely who draws every character as Lex Luthor cosplaying, so I bet I can push forward.
While I main Girly Hijinks, I generally like anything lady based. Plus the free issue they gave away recently was fantastic. It was the first issue.

I also put a preorder in for book 2.

Book 2 is gonna be a while it seems. I only have the books in digital form, but I might double dip on the physical copy.
I'm pretty sure there's people here who'd be willing to take them off your hands.
I second that suggestion! But definitely feel free to make a list and post it on here. Chances are, some of us may be interested in what you have available :)

Thanks guys. That's a really good idea, here's the post I made:

WTS: Graphic Novels

Hey guys, I don't know how many of you are into comics, but I've got some graphic novels that have been sitting around the house that I'd like to move.

Some of the books that are up for sale are:
Daredevil: Born Again
Daredevil: Guardian Devil
Kingdom Come
Astonishing X-Men: Ultimate Collection, Vol. 1 (HC, no dustjacket)
Identity Crisis
Infinite Crisis
Saga of the Swamp Thing, Vol. 1
Batman: Death of the Family (w/ Joker "mask" dustjacket) SOLD
Power Girl: Power Trip SOLD
Gotham Central, Vol. 1 (HC, w/ duskjacket)
The Umbrella Academy, Vol. 1

They're all in good/decent/fair condition, the worst of them have some bent covers. I'm not expecting a lot for them, but I could use the space + extra cash so I figured why not? PM me for details.
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