I don't see anything on Bungie.net so where is everyone getting this sense of worry from?
With hard mode launching later I wonder if that means they wil change some of the mechanics specifically for hard?
They may monitor the normal mode playthroughs and adjust hard accordingly.
I don't see anything on Bungie.net so where is everyone getting this sense of worry from?
I don't see anything on Bungie.net so where is everyone getting this sense of worry from?
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Maybe they should have just made all the old exotics worthless and moved on with new better stuff in the DLC.
what the fuck is going on. reseting XP progress on exotics? what the fuck I'm so confused
"You’ll need three things. First, you need to own the original version of that exotic item, and turn it in to exchange for the upgraded version. It doesn’t matter if this old version of the item is brand new or fully upgraded. To complete the upgrade, you’ll also need to turn in an exotic shard. This recently introduced new material is available for purchase for seven strange coins from Xur, or by breaking down another existing exotic item in your inventory. Finally, each exotic upgrade costs a hefty dose of cash – around 7000 glimmer as of my playthrough of the expansion in mid-November. After turning all three of these things into Xur, he’ll hand you a brand new version of your item with a higher defense or attack value cap.
It’s important to note that this process resets the upgrades on your exotic item, but you’ll now have a new higher damage or defense cap to work towards – so you’ll need to decide if you’d rather keep your fully upgraded old version of a weapon or armor piece, or start over. With that said, the process of upgrading exotic items is now faster, and does not require ascendant materials. Instead, the last slot requires one additional exotic shard, as revealed in Monday’s patch."
Not everyone will have the DLC though.Maybe they should have just made all the old exotics worthless and moved on with new better stuff in the DLC.
I'm sure this has been asked, but why couldn't they have just added another damage node?
Yup, I've used my VoC and Corrective Measure almost exclusively since I got them. Some will probably still be good for PVP since weapon damage is normalized. So I guess they wont become completely usless.
The grind is real, brehs. Holy shit.
I wonder if vanguard commendations are retroactive. I doubt Bungie would be that generous.
No grind. 200k XP. there's a contradiction in that plan.
...thanks for the non-descript side response. You should consider writing the weekly updates.
The smartest and most logical option is to put another node on the existing exotic. Even if it took 200k XP, it'd be fine. No RNG involved, no wasting any time, no grind, no waiting on an NPC that only shows up once a week.
I don't consider retaining the time or effort already put into a gun, or the newly plopped down strange coins to purchase the upgrade, as free or nearly free.
That would be even worse. It's a loot game. Stuff should be good for longer than 3 months.
what exactly does upgrading current exotics do? just increase the damage? what is the incentive for doing this
what exactly does upgrading current exotics do? just increase the damage? what is the incentive for doing this
what exactly does upgrading current exotics do? just increase the damage? what is the incentive for doing this
what exactly does upgrading current exotics do? just increase the damage? what is the incentive for doing this
Egh...You really think that sounds like a good plan for the exotics?
-You can only upgrade some of them based on whichever ones Xur/Bungie decide to allow once a week
-All progress is reset, have fun with the glimmer and XP grind again.
-All the current raid/legendary gear will be useless going forward, except for maybe Crucible
They really need to raise the glimmer cap but even then this is a seriously lame way for them to go forward. The only thing I've ever really complained about before was the raid glitches, but this is a serious misstep for them.
Makes sense, I don't really understand how it will work from the article yet.Sure, with 300 attack weapons you should be able to complete the normal raid** (apparently hard mode of Crota's End isnt launching till 2015 according to that article). I feel like the normal raid is going to have level 32 mobs though which is why the Vex will be a good option right out of the gate.
I just hope that the exotic upgrading RNG isn't disappointing man, I feel like you should be able to grind out exotic upgrades for whatever you want - if you have the time to do so and not have to wait a WEEK for Xur to decide what you get to do. Especially since upgrading resets weapon progress. Here's hoping its not as bad as it's sounding.
It's just that we're talking about doing something that shouldn't be taken for granted (old gear has the capability of being upgraded to be equivalent to the best available new gear that comes with paid content).Sure it'll be better at the start... but It takes waaaaaay too much time to level up an exotic weapon and for them to be inferior or having to do that process all over again right out the gate absolutely sucks.
They should have given us an upgrade path that takes a little bit of time, not the entire process over. When they say it'll be faster to level these exotics, it better be significantly faster, not the 200,000 exp+ we have now.
I put 5 bounties toward Truth this morning and for what? So I can either do that all over or have an inferior Truth to some other people? That's BS.
It says the raid primaries, I assume the others can drop on normal.So based of that GI article not sure how I feel about a few things they mentioned.
Raid weapons will now only drop on Hard Mode? So I'm assuming that Normal will drop armor pieces/Radiant Shards and Energies/ and maybe chances for Exotics?
You know how annoying it is that Xur never sells anything good already?
Imagine you fucking OWN the weapon already but you're just waiting for Xur to "allow" you to upgrade it.
What is going on in this thread?
I think Bungie would shoot themselves in the foot if they make this too much of a grind at some point you guys have to stand up and say enough is enough.
buncha gibberish
The thirst for the DLC is real. I don't fancy having to start over on Ice Breaker but at least this re-grind only impacts exotics. My precious Raid weapons will stay strong. Well, VoC anyway, all the other weapon types have superior versions in Crota's End but VoC is the one exception. Truly the best weapon in the game for meThis is also a silver lining to not already having a Ballerhorn, now when I get one, I won't have to upgrade it twice. I'm still wondering if the Dragon rocket will be better though.
You win.
Glad some people can stay calm.I'm not going to get too up in arms over the whole thing until it's been confirmed by something other than a single GameInformer article.
Lol, sorry it was a bit harsh. But you set yourself up to a weekly update joke.Wow.
There are literally posts everywhere talking about the changes and an entire article. All we did was make a quick post on how we felt. Damn.
Anyway here ya go: http://www.gameinformer.com/b/featu...low-new-details-on-the-destiny-expansion.aspx
Dragon's Breath has what looks like a solar grenade upon impact, hard to top Wolfpack rounds id say, but who knows.
But resetting all upgrades? Throwing away those dozens of bounties, millions of XP, hundreds of materials, and making the I don't know how many hours I've spent on this a complete and utter waste of time? Fuck off.
My kid and I have zero exotics between us, but we're close to the point of earning them. This is one of the few times that being this far behind the pack is going to pay off. Woo! I guess?
It does seem like a more fair approach would be for the exchange to be a straight upgrade. Strange coins and glimmer for the exotic in the same state you handed it over - just with the new upgrades grafted on. Resetting seems needlessly cruel.
Speaking of which, anyone free at ~4 PST today for a LV 26 run on the weekly heroic? I'm hoping one more will be free to join Geneijin and Nat. If no one can make it I bet they can pull it off between them...
She's near level 26 now and getting excited about the prospect of raiding.![]()
We as in the thread. Had people mad at me when I said I got four of them and that I dismantled them. Fig wouldn't talk to me for a while. Then again, she was teasing me over my lack of The Last Word at the time.
Is it fair to say that we're basing a lot of this off of a GameInformer article written in early Nov and the game could've changed since then?
Okay - if it's a matter of having to farm a ton of helium to upgrade a dozen nodes again then I get the outrage. New nodes to max out would be reasonable, but that just increases the grind dramatically when you are starting a brand new Exotic. This way, maxing a new weapon to 32 is theoretically shorter than it has been to this point to max a weapon to 30. Your way, maxing a new weapon to 32 would take longer than maxing a weapon now.
Eh, I'll live with having to re-level the exotics but the thing I'm hoping changes is Xur's availability. He's only around for 2 days and the 2 days most people go out of town for. If you have weekend plans you're kinda screwed.
Is there any reason not to make him a permanent NPC now? And just have his wares on a weekly timer?