It isn't as bad as I thought at first (instead of a couple of exotics being available to upgrade, there are 12 of them), but it does go back to being incredibly grindy. Eh..
I see - so the misinformation was that it's RNG which items you can upgrade? It looks like you can upgrade all items whenever Xur is around.
Each week, Xûr will possess a selection of upgrades for existing Exotics in his inventory
Doesn't look like that to me. "Selection of Exotics" is what it says.
This is super fucked. I have no progress I can make until the DLC hits now. Why sink XP into weapons and armor until then?
Wait, that can't be right...can it? Because not all exotics are in his inventory (exotic bounty items?)
Game Informer reporting on this front is spot-on. There are some elements in the player response that amount to misinformation. That's a comment about the facts, rather than your visceral, emotional reactions to the information.
For example, you can upgrade more than one Exotic per week, assuming you have the coins and Xur is packing the gear you want to buff.
For another example, the new Legendaries are more powerful, and they will still crave your Ascendant materials for upgrades.
These new systems are completely elective. We're allowing all players in the world of Destiny to level up, and not fall behind. You'll have new options to acquire better gear. If you choose to bring along your favorite exotic items along for the new ride, there will be options for you to do so.
This is our first bid to expand the world in which you play, and provide solutions to prevent people or items from becoming obsolete. Like you, I'll be shopping for new Faction gear (long live Dead Orbit). The evolution of our Guardians will always be a moving target.
Here is more information on the finer points: http://www.bungie.net/7_The-Dark-Below-Preview/en/News/News?aid=12442
As always, we're listening.
RIP Hawkymoons and Monte Carlo.
Atleast Xur's selection is expanded, that is good. Was seriously worried it would be one armor/weapon upgrade per week.
So let's say I finally do get an exotic I'm waiting for, but I don't get it til the week after Xur sells the upgrade for it.
Am I just stuck for weeks/months/years with a gimped version of it then until he sells the upgrade for it again?
Also just saw Raid gear has its own materials?
pretty weird, it mentions that whole "selection of exotics" business but the image shows a ton of selectable "equipped" ones. still no idea how that will work from the information presented.
maybe with enough complaining they will change the XP reset to be less punishing for maxed exotics.
seems nightfall and 28 weekly heroic are getting bumped to 30
good pointAlos he's selling Dragon's Breath in that picture. I thought he wouldn't have the new exotics for sale since non DLC buyers won't be able to buy them?
And in the example shown you'll only need 84000 Glimmer and 12 Exotic Shards to reset all those exotics!
So let's say I finally do get an exotic I'm waiting for, but I don't get it til the week after Xur sells the upgrade for it.
Am I just stuck for weeks/months/years with a gimped version of it then until he sells the upgrade for it again?
That's correct.
pretty weird, it mentions that whole "selection of exotics" business but the image shows a ton of selectable "equipped" ones. still no idea how that will work from the information presented.
So let's say I finally do get an exotic I'm waiting for, but I don't get it til the week after Xur sells the upgrade for it.
Am I just stuck for weeks/months/years with a gimped version of it then until he sells the upgrade for it again?
This gonna be 'spensive.
They should use this a chance to raise the Glimmer cap. Also add exotic shards as rewards for Nightfall and even the Vault of Glass. Would help keep VoG relevant.
From Reddit: